Sentences with phrase «make me feel uncomfortable like»

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It was an undergarment issue: Panties bunched or showed lines, thongs were too uncomfortable, and girdles, or shapers, were made of a thick material that felt like you were wearing athletic clothes beneath your nice ones.
The conversation makes me uncomfortable but I don't feel I can say anything — it feels like the price of admission for working in a male - dominated office.
Now, I'd like to address a concern I've heard from some fellow marketers: that overly aggressive remarketing will make your prospective customer feel uncomfortable.
«Of course they can make whatever comments they like but when they assume, rather in a Taliban - like way, that they have all the answers then I do feel uncomfortable.
If the God in the Bible makes us feel... well, squeamish / angry / afraid / uncomfortable, then we decide that He can't possibly be like that and we change him to suit our likes.
If this is true, then it is obvious that a familial grouping can not be marked by cruelty, whether this is of a plainly physical sort or the more subtle (but more harmful) kind that likes to make others feel uncomfortable or unwanted or unnecessary.
So between the Stop Saying God Bless You article and the Stop Using These Christian Cliches article, I gather that my «Christianese» makes people uncomfortable and I guess people should never feel uncomfortable so I should stop talking like a Christian, or at least keep my Jesus freak talk confined to the walls of the church where it belongs.
I like blogger PZ Myers because he's never afraid to tell you what he thinks, no matter how uncomfortable it might make you feel (e.g. To Catholics: A communion wafer is just a cracker, not Jesus.
She's hilarious and kind (like, so authentically nice that it makes me feel uncomfortable), smart, beautiful, and ridiculously patient.
Co-founder Hannah says, «We have learned that many people found nursing clothes made them feel uncomfortable or that they weren't able to dress «like themselves» whilst breastfeeding.
She had her own little cheering squad too, I think that makes the big difference, as well as, like you were saying with your mother in law asking you, «Why are you breastfeeding 16 times in a 24 hours period», if you don't have someone else in the room who is going to get your back, you can feel very very isolated and uncomfortable.
Part of teaching kids to be aware of their surroundings, and wary of creepy types, is letting them know it's ok to feel uncomfortable around people, and it's ok to not make friends if they don't feel like it.
It may feel like a judgment to someone who isn't going to wean, and may make her very uncomfortable.
38 hours is a long time to be in a supporting role for a woman in labor, not to mention how uncomfortable the hosipital chairs are - but Rosie never complained and made me feel like there was nowhere else she would rather be.
Breasts are not a play toy and sexualizing breastfeeding is what makes people like you feel uncomfortable.
The former minister, who like Hopkins is suspended from the party, apologised last year for any behaviour that may have made women feel «uncomfortable».
Going about your day without constantly thinking about what your chest looks like to others or how uncomfortable your bra is making you feel means you have more time to worry about the things that matter.
Now, it's important to pause here and make a distinction: Being uncomfortable is not the same thing as feeling like shit.
Whenever I get stuck -LCB- spoiler alert: it's more often lately than I like to admit -RCB-, I do the things that make me feel good: deep scary therapy, meditation before I even go on social media, yoga, and even posting this front - on photo of myself that makes me feel v uncomfortable.
If you do these with full intensity it will make your thighs feel like they've just been hit with a flamethrower and since it's so uncomfortable most people don't spend enough time experiencing that burn.
If you feel like you're close to becoming a desk jockey or you want to feel like you did in college, revive your energy, build lean muscle mass while burning fat as fast as possible all while making yourself as uncomfortable as possible than download this free PDF right now.
Hi Wendy, for the last 3 years i have had imflammation of the ribs which feels extremely uncomfortable like some one squeezing me extremely tight under neath my bust.I haven't been able to wear a bra and i can't stand anything in contact with this area, no matter how loose fitting it still feels the same.Around my rib cage and around my back it feels tender to touch.If i take anti inflammatory pills they do nt work, so i just have to get on with it.I've seen several RA dr's and they say i don't have RA.My problem seemed to start after ceasing to take Prozac, of which the lowest dose made me feel zombie like, so i quit taking them.rather abruptly, which i now know was wrong.The whole of my torso internally felt inflamed, and was quite bad for at least 3 months.
The easiest way to make someone feel uncomfortable is to inspect them from every angle like a museum exhibit.
They are perfect for those pieces that are supposed to be a dress but really are more like tunics and make you feel incredibly uncomfortable to wear all by their lonesome.
Of course there's subtle ways to incorporate bold trends into your style, like shoes, accessories, or subtle touches, but I always find that going full hog and totally jumping on board with a trend always works best — if you feel a little uncomfortable, go with the dressed down styling to make it feel a little more covert.
Low rise makes me feel really uncomfortable, visually and physically (always feel like they're going to fall down, monstrous play - dough tummy overhang, never dare bend over.
Some night creams I've used feel like a mask, and make me feel quite uncomfortable when I'm trying to get to sleep!
I most likely will never wear one that way, because, like where you live, people would stare and that would make me feel uncomfortable: — RRB - The dress is really nice too and love the color!
Oftentimes, bodycon dresses make me so uncomfortable cos I feel like I'm going out to the club, and I end up constantly tugging on my bottom hemline in fear that my hooha will be out for the world to see.
I know synthetic fast - fashion items are more affordable, but for the most part, they just aren't breathable, and with a few exceptions, like Anthony's chic resort dresses and sundresses, they will make you feel more uncomfortable at the height of summer's heat.
Feeling uncomfortable is the LAST thing you want to feel during a portrait session, so make sure you wear something that not only fits properly, but makes you feel like a million bucks.
I really like crop tops because it looks sexy without making you feel uncomfortable.
The last thing you want when wearing swimming trunks is to feel like they are too tight or make you uncomfortable and the Zanerobe's don't do either.
I loved that this mask did not dry out my skin like other clay masks I have used in the past and it did not make my skin feel on fire (I've used some masks that have made my skin feel very hot and so uncomfortable).
I can't wear any shoes that make you feel like you're leaning forward, it's just too uncomfortable for me.
It's easy to advise singles that they need to put more effort into their searches, but what exactly does this look like for someone who hates networking events or bars, or feels uncomfortable making conversation?
You might also be making your date jealous or uncomfortable, because it may sound like you have lingering feelings for past partners.
If someone does or says something which makes you feel remotely uncomfortable, don't feel like you can't walk away.
If you are currently dating someone and you feel like they have been way too into you, and their enthusiasm for you makes you feel a little uncomfortable, there may be something you are unaware of.
Like all women, big beautiful women (BBW) also love to feel feminine and attractive, but plus size dating could entail encountering a few sensitive situations and subjects that might make them feel uncomfortable.
Like the best dating sites, we review every profile manually to make sure that they're not going to make anyone else feel uncomfortable.
But with the holidays right around the corner, a simple gift could throw everything out of whack — one too large may make him feel uncomfortable; one too small like you don't care.
If you are not making any connections with the person you like, or if you feel uncomfortable if the free black dating website process, say it nicely and find another potential date.
In most movies where it would feel offensive or make audiences feel uncomfortable, Get Out is honest and cuts like a dagger.
This film takes the viewer out of their comfort zone and makes them feel like an uncomfortable bystander in this strange world.
Instead of feeling like the same thing on a feature film scale, this film was able to take this character and show the audience his personal struggles, while still making a film filled to the brim with uncomfortable laughs.
The Center of the World moves slowly, never making the viewer feel as uncomfortable as he / she should with a movie like this.
Ms Spielman said children in hi - vis jackets on school trips looked like «tiny construction workers» — giving out a message to the public that she said makes her feel «uncomfortable and more than a little sad».
The low ride height, relatively limited wheel travel, and aggressive shock damping likewise make not for a wholly uncomfortable ride, but don't expect to feel like you're cruising in anything resembling a grand tourer.
There isn't ever really a moment like that, but Hajime makes some comments about how popular Keito is with the girls, which makes him uncomfortable, because he only has eyes for Hajime and doesn't want anyone else having eyes for the person he loves, so he gets worried that Hajime doesn't seem to feel the same.
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