Sentences with phrase «make money off writers»

So, perhaps now you can appreciate why I don't think it is possible that Assisted Publishing is there to make money off writers.
Claimed P&E was owned by a foreign monopoly «with a hidden agenda to make money off writers by destroying the credibility of the American publishing industry» and sought to direct writers to self - publishers.

Not exact matches

Matthew Lesko, the US writer who made himself a reputation within the 90s writing books on get «free money» from the United States authorities, claimed that cryptocurrencies are a rip - off and Bitcoin is a «gamble,» speaking to CNET in an interview on Feb. 20.
In my opinion, this best method you are protected from dishonest services that want to make their money off your correspondence and will be certain to correspond with the lady, not with a hired writer.
Considering that it was shot in just over a fortnight with a novice writer / director at the helm makes Whiplash all the more amazing an achievement, proving yet again that throwing all the money in the world at a project counts for little or nothing if the writing and performances aren't up to scratch and this film oozes quality from the off.
But despite your arrogant demands writers will still put their work out there just as publishers will still make money off named authors and the readers will be the ones that decide what they want to read.
There are very few professional writers making as much money off short story sales as they are off novel sales.
In essence, they're letting fan - fic writers (amateurs who write such stories for fun) make money off their work.
There's little doubt that Amazon has made a significant amount of money off the backs of writers.
This is just another way for Amazon to make money off of struggling writers.
While many legacy publishers may not like to think about how large the self - publishing movement is (Smashwords alone, has announced that writers have self - published more than 250,000 books on its platform), it appears that making money off self - publishing authors is just fine by the traditional houses.
Honestly, the more reactions I see the more I think that those fanfic writers who want to make money by writing are already trying — by writing original fic alongside it, or sometimes by filing the serial numbers off their fanworks, or by writing fanfic of public domain works.
Many other agents just turned themselves into scams to make a living off of taking writers» money.
At least now, established but forgotten (by their publishers) writers are making significant money off of their backlists, which were sitting languishing before because no print publisher would do anything with them.
Game writers start off exactly the same as Youtubers: people who love games that probably spend years writing about their hobby for free, struggling to make any money and simply doing it for the love.
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