Sentences with phrase «make nasal passages»

Inhaling the strong smell can make nasal passages feel like they're opening up, and provide some relief.
I have read it is due to hormones making the nasal passages swell and it only gets worse as the pregnancy progresses, so I wonder if a different approach is needed.
Your baby has a tiny nasal passage and in teething, the gums swell up making the nasal passage even smaller.

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Studies have shown that while these medicines can help dry nasal passages in adults, the only effect they have on babies is to make them sleepy.
The mucus then drips out on its own, clearing the nasal passage and making it easier for your baby to breathe.
A humidifier can provide some much - needed relief by helping to keep your little one's sinuses and nasal passages moist, making it easier for them to breath.
Other simple things parents can do, suggests Dr. Conway, are letting the baby sleep upright — in a car seat, swing, or lying on a parent's chest — during acute symptoms and consulting with a physician regarding use of saline drops three times a day to lubricate nasal passages and loosen thick nasal discharge, making it easier to remove with bulb suction.
Since she can't clear her nasal passages by herself yet, you can use a bulb syringe to clear them for her, which may make it easier for her to breathe and sleep — and even eat.
While newborns rely on those tiny nasal air passages for their breathing, and the snorting, grunting noises they make when there is some blockage may sound terrible, what is most important is how your baby is doing overall.
They help clear out excess mucus in the nasal passages and sinuses and make breathing a little easier.
It can be difficult to see your baby suffering with a stuffed up nose; viral infections can make it difficult for infants to eat, drink and even sleep, predominantly because infants breathe through their noses and can't naturally alternate to mouth breathing to compensate for stopped up nasal passages.
If a little bit mucus or dried milk blocks a breathing passage, your baby can make alarming noises while sleeping (you should buy a baby - size nasal aspirator to clear these blockages out).
Don't worry if baby sneezes some of it out — it still made its way into the nasal passage.
If dust - proofing your house and taking antihistamines do nt make you feel better, you may have a condition called chronic nonallergic rhinitis, a swelling of your nasal lining and passages that leaves you congested and drippy.
They thin the mucus in the nasal passages so that it's easier to expel, and «they do the same thing in the lungs — making it easier to expectorate,» she adds.
You can put a towel over your head and the pot to make it even steamier, but be very careful not to burn your nasal passages or bump the pot and spill the hot water.
For most of us, Dr. Suurna says, snoring is a product of several factors: Having a cold or allergies makes snoring more likely, because they irritate and narrow your nasal passages.
Shorter nasal passages mean more carcinogens make their way to the lungs of short - nosed dogs.
This makes your furkid's nasal passage more sensitive to air movement, air moisture and air temperature changes.
The Humane Society of the U.S. says air travel can be risky for pets and especially dangerous for brachycephalic breeds — such as pugs or bulldogs, whose short nasal passages make them vulnerable to oxygen deprivation and heat stroke.
French Bulldogs are Brachycephalic pets, meaning they have flat faces and shorter nasal passages, making breathing more difficult for them than your average full - snouted dog.
Together with abnormally small nasal passages — called stenotic nares — and abnormally small airway, this trio of defects make up the syndrome known as brachycephalic airway syndrome or brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome.
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