Sentences with phrase «make over every aspect of their lives»

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In an annual survey of expats around the globe, some 9,000 workers in over 100 countries were asked to score 43 aspects of their lives abroad, from commuting and ease of setting up utilities to the cost of education and the ease of making friends — for both expats and their children.
Fair enough, I mean, you make a valid point that one of the biggest things about the democractic party is trying to legislate so many different things when there are certain aspects of my life that the government should have 0 say over.
Franciscan Whereas Keep Watch takes refuge in an overabundance of images and metaphors to make up for unsubstantial content mired in unescapable vagueness, Sr Patricia takes refuge in the idea of charism over consecration as the main aspect of religious life: «While every Christian is called to make visible the characteristic features of Jesus, Religious, through a vowed life of poverty, chastity and obedience, do this in a specific way through the charism of their Institutes» (p. 28).
As her report put it: «The research suggests that, while there may be little return to trying to make students more gritty as a way of being (i.e., in ways that would carry over to all aspects of their lives at all times and across contexts), students can be influenced to demonstrate perseverant behaviors — such as persisting at academic tasks, seeing big projects through to completion, and buckling down when schoolwork gets hard — in response to certain classroom contexts and under particular psychological conditions.»
The wider point I was making was that electoral democracy is only the first step on the pathway to civilisation, and a society in which it was universally applied would be hellish — the dictatorship of the majority over every aspect of life.
By managing your time well, you are controlling your life and this will flow over into all other areas of the day to day running of your household and your finances and will make the management of those factors considerably easier to achieve because you will have planned the time to take care of that aspect of your life, including any debt that may have been acquired.
Settlement of this issue affords the parties the ability to control and make decisions about this very important and personal aspect of their lives, rather than turning control over to a judge.
Personal finance means making a financial decisions which an individual or a family member is required to make to obtain, budget, save, and spend monetary resources over time, taking into account various aspects of financial risks and future life events.
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