Sentences with phrase «make simple errors»

Oftentimes landlords pick the wrong tenant when they skip tenant screening altogether, or make simple errors during their tenant screening process.
It's easy for an otherwise - qualified candidate to make a simple error and accidentally eliminate him or herself from the hiring process before their government resume has even been reviewed.

Not exact matches

You don't want it rejected for unnecessary errors or simple mistakes, so make sure you get it as close to right as possible the first time.
As it turned out, they had made a simple Excel error, but if the issue hadn't been so politically potent, the mistake would probably have never been found.
A lot of blames passed to brokers are not because brokers are scam brokers; some of these are simple errors made by traders.
Over the years, learning through trial and error has helped me to understand what makes a recipe simple to put together — and that simple doesn't always mean quick!
We do nt need any new players if we play simple football... stop making basic errors when defending though does nt help when players not sure if we are back 3 or back 4
Sometimes I can get around using numbers by using simple but error - prone heuristics and sometimes I will simply repeat other people's numbers without understanding them and will make mistakes.
Arguably though people tend to make judgements on far simpler things, like whether they look the part (what Malcolm Gladwell calls the Warren Harding Error), or come across as likeable people.
«If you have a machine collecting and recording votes with an electronic ballot box there's no way to go back after the fact and see if the machine made a mistake, whether through malice or simple software error,» says Stanford University computer science professor David Dill and founder of Verified Voting Foundation, a nonpartisan election watchdog.
In many cases, if you're making even just one simple, overlooked error, it can really come back to haunt you in terms of the results you're going to be seeing.
Since there's a margin of error with all of these equations, it makes sense to use the simplest one possible.
You may be, perhaps, making simple eating errors.
I am simple and down to earth.I learn from my errors and try to become a better person.I am intouch with my inner self and I learn to listen to that inner voice before making decisions.I might not be a perfect human being but i serve a perfect God.
This simple misstep is but the first in a series of obvious errors which make this a shoddy scam.
Accordingly, here are Linn's two key points of caution: (1) Factors that complicate doing this, and make such simple conversions less reliable and less or invalid include «the content, format, and margins of error of the tests; the intended and actual uses of the tests; and the consequences attached to the results of the tests.»
Had another shop do another diagnostic on it (because the other shop that installed the fuel pump, in their words, made a simple human error of forgetting to re-attach the fuel line back on, leading to a gallon of gas being spilled out as I pumped it at the gas station).
A checklist helps keep a pilot focused, remember important details and most importantly help them make good decisions to prevent simple errors that might otherwise lead to disaster.
In the simpler way help students in understanding their assignment, helping in solving their assignment, providing online assistance to help students in giving their online test, last but not the lease making sure that the solution provided or done is free from errors and is as per the requirements of the university.
Should you make a complete error, you can always click the Undo button, which makes editing and experimenting simple and stress - free.
Understanding simple math will show you that making more trades will increase your error rate and decrease your overall profit factor.
Maybe it was a simple mistake: you made a typo or a math error or forgot to report some income.
Simple things like paying down balances on high - interest credit cards, and checking your credit report for errors and correcting them, can help to boost your credit score and make you eligible for better rates on loans and financing packages.
The simple acts of removing errors, paying down debts, and consistently making sure your bills get paid on time are really all it takes to attain a good credit score.
Maybe someone wanted to make things look good so they used price return, labelled it «total return» and figured if questioned they could chalk it up to a simple error.
This is a game with a simple controls as well as the short levels making replayability and trial and error mechanics fun.
Hopefully, Sony will see it's an easy possibility that a simple «configuration error» can make it a possibility after an update.
- when the team learned that Switch would support Unity, they began the process of bringing the game over - it was planned early on to get the game onto Switch within a month of it launching - by Fall 2016, Unity's optimization progressed, and error messages that previously appeared with I Am Setsuna stopped - by the end of fall last year, the team was finished with pre-submission to Nintendo - I Am Setuna was the first title to enter this process - a meeting with Unity was suddenly held, and it was decided that I Am Setsuna would end up becoming a launch title - Nintendo asked for the developers to finish the master version that year if possible - the team was able to port quickly due to Unity, as well as the lack of online / vs features & modest hardware requirements - having a good grasp on specs also made work come together quickly - setting various aspects such as the app's icon, languages, etc. was said to be very simple - there was also good compatibility for titles that have / planned to have multi-platform support on home and portable consoles
Holobunnies: Pause Cafe has simple concepts and puzzles to solve but making any mistake is punished gruesomely not allowing much room for error, and only having no difficulty setting is a little «upsetting».
It's rather embarrassing for the game's developers to make so many simple errors.
she made an enormous number of simple logical errors.
It makes life quite simple without the error of being simplistic.
This does not excuse their rather poor framing of the issues, and the multiple errors they made in describing previous work, but it does make the discussions somewhat more interesting than a simple error correcting exercise might have been.
Why does someone who is smart, and capable of careful analysis, make such simple and glaring errors, Peter?
It makes me wonder if it was an attempt to compromise Gleick into a premature release of the document, with reportedly some errors — I have not confirmed the budget miss - attributions, myself — and with no supporting documentation and Gleick's simple phishing expedition suddenly backfired on Heartland.
Is climate science making this kind of error, and not knowing they are making this kind of error of simply using too many approximations of real world variables (albedos, transmission losses, cloud reflections, and everything else) that are NOT simple one - point constants?
Why do you think that you made such an obvious errors about such a simple issue, Max?
Are you making the same assertions every time Mann gets another paper published which makes the same simple, and now egregious, errors?
In that they make the simple technical error that we have been discussing.
And adding in a simple error doesn't make it more meaningful.
What purpose does that serve, except to potentially invalidate a whole bunch of results because people made simple coding errors?.
Of cause also simple errors in what has been done, make the results worthless, but typical weaknesses in the methodology only add to the uncertainty without proving failure.
Not only is this business about 2035 an exceedingly dubious assertion, but part of the error seems traceable to a simple typo — an original source made predictions for the year 2350, not 2035.
Everyone makes mistakes, but the inability or refusal to understand and acknowledge obvious error over a period of years is much more than simple error.
Converting JSE to Science could be a simple error that anyone could make.
The interface is quite simple and easy to use and if you make errors in entry or payment recording, it is very easy to correct.
Barry Dalin, Hogan Lovells: «Walking through real - world examples of common writing errors and easy / simple / practical solutions makes this session one of the best writing tutorials I have experienced.»
Given that expert evidence has fea - tured for centuries in the English legal system it is surprising that some simple and glaring errors are still made or found in the courts.
Most of the times we feel that we have understood the concept and are confident in making the right choice while buying health insurance, there is where simple errors take place.
Vineet made a legitimate point and you chose to bash the simple grammatical error that he made?
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