Sentences with phrase «to make specific recommendations»

I can't make specific recommendations for your health on here, but I encourage you to go with your gut on this one.
We can't make specific recommendations about how people should handle their dogs.
While I can't make specific recommendations as I do not know the specifics of your situation, diet and other information.
It is too early to make specific recommendations based on the study as to which diet people should choose to lose weight, the researchers said.
Unfortunately we can not make specific recommendations without evaluating you.
The authors make specific recommendations for improving existing applications for conservation use including improving coverage and reliability and usability of data to a wider group of users and improvement and expanded users.
The former ICO has even made a specific recommendation how the law should be changed to avoid such situation in the future.
I'm not going to make a specific recommendation as to which bank to use.
Your personal veterinarian is more qualified to make a specific recommendation based on your cat's overall health and history.
While their report does not make any specific recommendations, the message is pretty clear: fixing air pollution should be the government's top priority.
The researchers can not make specific recommendations regarding acceptable amounts of meat intake or exposure to meat - cooking mutagens, based on the current study.
Instead of making specific recommendations, the task force only outlined options, which also included stronger enforcement of existing laws to reduce plastic bag waste, a new fee on the bags and a requirement that bag manufacturers fund a program to collect and recycle them.
Naturopaths look at each person uniquely, considering his or her lifestyle, diet, exercise program, mental and emotional state and personal history when making specific recommendations.
Li and Pimm's study makes specific recommendations for how to improve protection of these species and their habitats.
The study committee made specific recommendations for each of the major visual media in the U.S., recommendations that remain to be implemented.
According to Knopp, it's essential to the success of the partnership that the council make some specific recommendations upon receiving the report.
In her report, Cavanaugh made some specific recommendations for how marketers could improve their impact with advertising and product placement as well as direct marketing.
Let's explore the ins and outs of sugar and other sweeteners and make some specific recommendations so that you can lose weight and enjoy long - term health without giving up the sweet things in life.
Victor makes some specific recommendations that are counter standard keto / paleo and he acknowledges these differences.
• Explore this new paper on school climate, from Educators4Excellence, which focuses on school climate as part of the movement toward educational equity and makes specific recommendations around ways to leverage LCFF to improve school climate.
ECS makes specific recommendations to improve access to dual - enrollment courses delivered by tribal colleges.
Of course, loading should be done in a progressive manner to avoid excess tissue strain, which is why it is important to work with a certified canine rehab professional who will be able to make specific recommendations throughout each stage of healing.
That being said, as a diagnostically - minded vet (my early training was in veterinary internal medicine and endocrinology) I always like to have as much data as possible before making specific recommendations.
The Commissions make specific recommendations in respect of damages for distress and inconvenience, with remedies ranging from an apology, to # 1,000 plus in exceptional cases.
As the legal access laws and airline regulations vary considerably worldwide and governments and airlines determine their own policies, ADI does not make specific recommendations about whether emotional support dogs can or should be allowed to accompany their owners on flights.
For example, while he is clearly excited and supportive of the huge intereste in the Ancestral Health community regarding the microbiome, he is very skeptical that our current state of knowledge allows us to make any specific recommendations regarding probiotic and even prebiotic supplementation.
The advisory committee overseeing the boundary overhaul has recommended that the District address the lack of coordination between the two sectors, but — facing resistance from charter advocates — stopped short of making specific recommendations.
The report makes specific recommendations for law reform, including of state and territory bail laws, sentencing legislation, and improving access to community - based sentencing options for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander offenders.
When making specific recommendations, the author prefers foods that have undergone and passed feeding trials in accordance with the Association of American Feed Control Officials» (AAFCO) guidelines (2009).
Dr. Lupton asked whether there is sufficient evidence to make specific recommendations on glycemic versus non-glycemic carbohydrates.
The US attorney didn't make any specific recommendations about how to purge the state of dirty pols, but he did make clear that the growing list of cases against elected officials at the state and local levels brought by his office indicate that the problem is far from solved — despite claims to the contrary by any number of self - appointed «reformers.»
STLREIA ™ does not make specific recommendations for contractors but members are open and willing to share contact information at the monthly meetings and luncheons.
It's not unusual for him to inquire about a colleague's workout habits and make specific recommendations.
I don't know enough about your full financial situation to make a specific recommendation, but those are the facts.
Forms of compensation that do not qualify is any compensation that incentivizes the advisor to make the specific recommendation — like trips, awards programs, productions bonuses, and marketing dollars based on production or performance.
Earlier this year, we released our 2017 Provincial Election Platform, which identified five «priority focus areas» for the election and made specific recommendations to the parties.
In our submission to the «Modern Workplaces» consultation — which expires on 8 August — we outline a set of principles for how the Government could create a culture of shared parenting in the UK, and make specific recommendations for how this could best be reflected in a new parental leave system.
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