Sentences with phrase «make spelling»

Hi Brian, I will really try hard not to make any spelling errors....
School administrators want teaching assistants who don't make spelling mistakes and who notice details.
Our resume writers just don't make spelling or grammar errors, and we keep the style consistent throughout your entire resume.
If you make a spelling or grammar error in your document, you can most likely count yourself out of contention.
If you make spelling or grammar mistakes in your resume or cover letter, they will already see you as a poorly educated person.
If you make some spelling error in a word, the applicant tracking system won't even notice this word.
You WILL make spelling or grammatical mistakes — you have no editor, no sub-editor and no one to tell you about inappropriate headlines or defamatory comments.
It is also possible that you may make spelling and grammatical mistakes which again show that you are unprofessional and ignorant.
And, somewhat ironically, candidates looking for secretarial and clerical roles are among those most likely to make spelling and grammatical errors.
I actually had a hard time making the software make a spelling or grammatical error.
Occasionally a student will catch me make a spelling mistake or other irrelevant error.
They will help you make your spelling, grammar and punctuation correct.
Our native writers have excellent English so they don't make any spelling and grammatical errors while writing your assignment.
Students can make their spelling and grammar capabilities perfect and can learn how to write good articles using ideal vocabulary.
Great, Rebecca, and you did not make a spelling or punctuation error.
Fortunately it has predictive entry, which narrows letter choices, to make spelling street and city names easier.
Spelling Worksheet Maker and Reading Sheet Wizard: make spelling worksheets where students select the correct spelling of words or have the students write the correct spelling.
Make spelling a kinesthetic activity.
How to teach: To make spelling instruction fun, students can independently practice spelling using interactive learning activity SpeedySpeller.
Students can make their spelling and grammar capabilities perfect and can learn how to write good articles using ideal vocabulary.
The GoNoodle Plus core - aligned activities tie in key academic material that is differentiated based on grade level to make spelling, vocabulary, and math concepts more memorable to students.
To make spelling meaningful and fun, teachers must first choose appropriate words and then create opportunities for independent practice.
Are you seaching for creative ways to make spelling and language study fun and interesting for your students?
Spelling Ticklers More than 3 dozen activities that will make spelling practice more fun for students in kindergarten through grade eight.
Make sure that you do not make any spelling mistakes.
So yes, the woman deserves the accolades bestowed on her by the topmost person of the land and I feel very honoured to have known her and have somehow «recognized» her hustle to make The Spelling Bee what it has become.
(This is one of my biggest pet peeves; I love pulling from outside of the box, but do us all a favor and make the spelling comprehendible!)
Whether your kids are learning how to spell «car» or «cartridge,» make spelling fun and easier for them.
Hanging one on your wall can make spelling out messages and learning new words fun for school - age kids.
We're so excited to say that we're coming to Manchester Food Festival on Saturday 30th September with a pop up Deli Supper Club and the menu for it is my new favourite thing... To Start: Sweet Corn Chowder with coconut cream and coriander, served with freshly made spelt bread Main Course: A selection of salads -LSB-...]
I love the idea of making a spelt crust and putting pecans on the bottom!!!
I recently made your spelt flatbreads: they are yummy, I made them stove top in a griddle rather than baking as I was too hungry to wait for the oven to preheat.
On my to - do list has been to bake fluffy pull - apart bread, so I made these spelt parker house rolls.
I made Spelt bread (w / out yeast) for the first time.
I was struggling for a long time to find a recipe that will make spelt whole wheat flour raise perfectly.
I grow spelt, and process spelt flour and make spelt pancake and waffel mix and there is a big differns between spelt waffle and wheat waffle.
I actually made spelt crepes for the first time this weekend and loved them!
So, if you'd rather make spelt black raspberry sage scones, go for it.
While they do allow me to use one of my favorite tired jokes («What hat, I can't see a hat???), the camouflage hats look bad and make me spell camouflage, which I am incapable of doing correctly the first three times.
The rhythm gets in their heads while making spelling lists a fun learning activity.
To make spelt - quinoa pancakes, whisk together spelt, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
I made spelt pasta in a a class and wanted to use it fresh but no leeks on hand. * What if I make spelt bread at home from Bob's Red Mill 100 % whole grain flour?
Don't rule people out just because you weren't too keen on their profile photo or they made a spelling mistake.
Making a spelling or grammar error is an almost certain way to not get you a response.
The downright ugly dating headlines though are created by doing really stupid things like making spelling mistakes when you're trying to be clever or simply saying I can't be bothered making any effort for you (or both as in one example below!)
His Dr Plankenstein and Hagmella offer equally yucky yet useful resources such as a switch operated talking dice with skeleton head dots and a chance to test simple maths by adding ingredients to make spells of a given strength.
It's important to be sensitive as to why students are making spelling mistakes, language and literacy specialist Lyn Stone says in today's video.
Word Unscramble interactive game makes spelling practice fun!
I found a wonderful website that allows me to differentiate my instruction and makes spelling practice easy and fun.
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