Sentences with phrase «to make such an offer»

After making such an offer, the law sets forth limits on how an employer may consider facts surrounding a conviction, including an individualized assessment and notice.
There is no explanation of how this will reduce prices enough to really make such an offering attractive.
So let's talk about what it takes to make such an offer when buying residential real estate for the first time.
In light of which it is unlikely that anybody would make such an offer all that openly.
I very much doubt Arsenal made such an offer, however Arsene Wenger may indeed be interested.
Eriksen will apparently give the Merseyside club a matter of weeks to make such an offer otherwise he will either sign a new Ajax contract or look to secure a move elsewhere, though seemingly the talented midfielder does hope to make a move to Liverpool ahead of any other prospective suitors.
The 22 year old is rated at # 15m, his 15 goals helping Eddie Howe's side to challenge for promotion to the Premier League, though one wonders if the Blues would make such an offer for a relatively inexperienced performer.
However even supposedly if Arsenal did make such an offer, I can't see Wenger increasing such a fee any further, when I think the initial bid of $ 65 million was ridiculous enough.
«And how can you trust people who make such offers
I'd think there are only so many banks making such offers, and at some point too much available credit will impact one's credit rating, but for now, I'll take the $ 450, and be sure to make the payment in full when this becomes due.
If offered while making such an offer, I would also be somewhat wary of a potential sting operation given that I suspect that a number of private sales do in fact take place at a lower than actual transaction value.
The content of this site is meant to inform investors, potential investors and their intermediaries, and does not constitute an offer or a solicitation by anyone in the United States or in any other jurisdiction in which such an offer or solicitation is not authorized or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation.
This PDS does not constitute an offer or invitation in any place in which, or to any person to whom, it would not be lawful to make such an offer or invitation.
If the person doesn't know much about Jesus, who He was, and what He did, so that he is confused about how Jesus can make such an offer, you might want to present some truths about the person and work of Jesus Christ.
If the actual data on Bell's body suggested he was near the end of his career, I don't think the FO would make such an offer.
It is understood that the prime minister is not yet ready to make such an offer - but he would be would be happy to meet either of the candidates, once nominated, if they came to Britain.
It's only speculation, but if the source's theory is true it would suggest that the Lib Dems misled the Tories, and that David Cameron and his colleagues failed to press them and failed to check whether Labour really had made such an offer.
Remember their names and the months in which they make such offers.
I couldn't go through with it and I stopped talking to the guy because I didn't respect him anymore after he made such an offer.
The information provided does not constitute a solicitation of an offer to buy or an offer to sell securities in any jurisdiction to any person to whom it is not lawful to make such an offer.
This product information does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy securities in any state, jurisdiction, or to any person to whom it is not lawful to make such an offer.
MELA or FAME Student Loan Revenue Bonds described in a Preliminary Official Statement may be offered, if at all, and may be sold, only by means of a final Official Statement provided by broker - dealers authorized and properly registered and licensed to make such offers and sales, and will be made only in accordance with applicable federal and state securities laws.
While Virgin Australia has previously offered Status Credits on award flights, this appears to be the first time Qantas has made such an offer.
As it is, only a handful of players including Ripple, with the billions of tokens at its disposal, is in a position to make such an offer.
I agree that the seller obviously has direct input in what they choose to offer as compensation for services to be rendered by their real estate sales rep, and to whom to make such an offer.
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