Sentences with phrase «make sure they're on the same page as»

Not exact matches

If the intent is to lock in growth capital, make sure you're on the same page as investors.
But as you're getting ready to make a switch, here are a few tips for making sure you and your friends are on the same page with your expectations of how your friendship might change moving forward:
Make sure to grab his great stuffed chicken breast recipe which is on the same page as his video!
«He's making sure we're all on the same page, and I can tell you he wasn't communicating that way even as recently as last year.»
Organizations like the Amateur Softball Association (ASA) and United States Specialty Sports Association (USSSA, colloquially abbreviated to «U-Trip») nominally took the lead in terms of getting everyone on the same page as far as the basic rules, codifying a backyard game to make sure it was basically played the same way everywhere.
It is always great to make sure your doula is on the same page as you, and knows what you are learning and what you are hoping to achieve during your labor and birth.
It's as if she wants to make sure that everyone is on the same page, literally, from the get - go.
She can speak and meet with them before the relinquishment and make sure that they're all on the same page as far as raising their child goes.
You can dip your toe in the water before you even arrange a date, chatting to prospective matches to break the ice and make sure that they are on the same page as you.
The New York - based startup said the subscription was designed to «make sure everyone is on the same page and not just using Hinge for entertainment» — pitching the product as the « for the next generation».
Make sure you have this clear so that you search for women on the same page as you.
Below are some tips to make sure that dating someone from a different culture is plain sailing and that you and your partner are on the same page as you embark on your romantic voyage together.
To avoid being viewed in a negative way («as a gold - digger or a prostitute») lara recommends managing expectations, making sure everyone is on the same page.
To make sure everyone's on the same page when it comes to project goals, Miller serves as a conduit between school and community.
Yes, in a mayoral control model, a supe needs to make sure he or she is on the same page as the mayor.
We want to make sure that everyone has as much fun as possible throughout the process, and that our styles are on the same page!
That discussion is my «sample - edit» feedback (and «contract» of work) because the point is making sure we're on the same page as far as goals and potential for the story.
It's important to make sure the month ending dates are the same on your statement as shown on our web page or you'll be comparing apples to oranges, and the result will be irrelevant.
However, as he proceeds with my job, he sent updates via screenshots just to make sure we are on the same page.
Before making any decisions, sit down and talk about your short - and long - term financial objectives, and make sure you're both on the same page (or as close to it as possible).
Make sure all family members are on the same page as well so your kitten doesn't get mixed messages.
And we helped make sure that newer staff were on the same page as the veterans.
Just to make sure we're on the same page, pyrolysis is not the burning of plastic... but, as GAIA pointed out repeatedly during the chat, the synthetic oil produced is burned.
Make sure you are on the same page as your client.
We've used different project management software to do it, e-mail, and even not just our writers but our actual staff team we have an office but many of them work from home or work remotely at least part of the time by choice and it's something we allow and encourage, but it isn't always the perfect solution for making sure that teams of people are on the same page and coordinated, and that's of course completely setting aside the fact that there are plenty of business owners who care about Face time and making sure people are working hard and we've actually, we trust the people we work with so that's not even on our radar, though it definitely would be on some small law firms radars as an additional struggle with remote workers.
And so I think being responsive, as you're talking about it, probably means more than... It means getting back to people and keeping people aware of things, but also making sure that you're on the same page about how you're going to communicate, right?
«Someone explained it as being the quarter - back of the team, communicating to make sure everyone is on the same page and the process is flowing.»
«We needed to be on the same page as our law firms and make sure we were talking about the same things.
Your aim is to make the transition invisible and seamless to the user, and to make sure that Google knows that your new pages should get the same quality signals as the pages on your own site.
To make sure we are all on the same page your purchase of services from career - intelligence Resume Writing & Career Services serves as acknowledgement that you have read, understood, and accepted our pricing, process, and terms and conditions.
The goal is to make sure that you're on the same page as far as details like term of employment and skills, and to make sure that you're pointing out achievements and attributes that will mean the most to the hiring manager.
You may be great at what you do — and that is why you were chosen — but don't you think that you should go through a list of duties just to make sure that you are on the same page as your new employer?
You may be great at what you do — and that is why you were chosen — but don't you think that you should go through a list of duties just to make sure that you are on the same page as your new... Read More»
Jovi of Word Up Haay shares her advice on how to make sure that you are on the same page as far as what should be shared on the web.
In addition to the typical concerns about budgeting, keeping track of appointments (medical, school, extracurricular), and finances, divorced parents must also stay on the same page when it comes to keeping track of who is supposed to have the child at a given time, making parenting time trades, making sure that emails aren't overlooked or ignored, avoiding having to use children as a go - between, and more.
Make sure your lawyer and the divorce mediator are on the same page as to what is going on in the mediation process.
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