Sentences with phrase «make synaptic connections»

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The tiny electrical currents tDCS uses — generally one to two milliamps — can not actually trigger the chemical impulse that crosses a synapse, but some researchers believe tDCS strengthens synaptic connections to make learning more efficient.
It occurs when one neuron fires closely after another, which strengthens their synaptic connection and makes it slightly more likely the first will trigger the second in the future.
When the researchers modeled the effects in mice, they found it strengthened the connections between neurons that make learning possible — what is known as synaptic plasticity — by increasing the action of a cell receptor critical to forming memories.
The human brain contains as many as 100 billion neurons, most of which make hundreds to thousands of synaptic connections with specific target cells.
There are 100 billion neurons in the average human brain, and each makes 5,000 synaptic connections with other neurons.
When you are happy you release the happy hormone SEROTONIN, serotonin makes connections, it helps the brain cells to conduct messages across the synaptic gap.
Studies show that nitric oxide signaling and the blood flow increases it stimulates play a central role in nerve cell maintenance, growth and repair.,, Most pertinent to anyone looking to enhance their aptitude for learning, nitric oxide - induced blood flow also makes forming new memories physically possible as it plays a key role in what neurologists call long - term potentiation, a process required for assembling and reinforcing new synaptic connections throughout the entire cerebral cortex, striatum, and hippocampus.
Most pertinent to anyone looking to enhance their aptitude for learning, nitric oxide - induced blood flow also makes forming new memories physically possible as it plays a key role in what neurologists call long - term potentiation, a process required for assembling and reinforcing new synaptic connections throughout the entire cerebral cortex, striatum
When students learn a new piece of information, they make new synaptic connections.
These participatory encounters create a moment where a synaptic shift in attitude is possible and new neural connections can be made.
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