Sentences with phrase «to make the most of life»

I'm in a great lab with friendly people and making the most of living in the capital.
The group helps members make the most of life with limitations and add more compassion for themselves and others.
The driving school is about life; it is about making the most of the lives of others.
Because of our skilled article paper writers, you will begin making the most of your life as a student substantially more.
It is a good thing I do not make most of my life decisions at dawn.
This supportive psychotherapy group helps members make the most of life with limitations and add more compassion for themselves.
Our goal is to help people who are planning for retirement or financial independence, with financial insights, stories, and ideas for making the most of their lives.
She is working on her first book, nurturing her brand new yoga studio, and making the most of life daily.
I am a calm and resilient girl; I enjoy making the most of life everyday.
I'm trying to make the most of life in a short period of time.
Make the most of your life as a renter and put yourself in the best position to deal with unforeseen circumstances that could trip you up otherwise.
Most athiests prefer to make the most of our lives on this planet... at least until someone can prove there is an afterlife or supreme being.
Yet it is very likely you will die as everyone else will and nothing will happen, except that those of us who don't spend countless hours praying, going to church, believing in fairy tales and giving our money away will actually make most of our lives while we exist.
Politicians are so focused on the principles of leaving the EU and the mechanics of the process, few are thinking about making the most of life outside.
I love making the most of life and grab every opportunity (within reason) to do new and... read more
In addition to the new content opportunities being offered up, Twitter is also launching Live Brand Studios — a service designed to help brands make the most of their live video content.
Finn, a part - time councilman since 2006, previously made most of his living owning and managing a pizzeria and renting out properties.
«One of the most important books of our time... a perennial bestseller [that] shows you simple ways to understand and manage your thyroid gland so that you can make the most of your life physically, emotionally, and mentally.»
Once you've met someone promising, it's time to really make the most of life in Hamilton.
Remember life is too short so lets make the most of it
This is primarily a personal journey, and a reflection of trying to make the most of life despite certain circumstances, even if that means spending that time trying to die because that's what personally seems like the best course of action.
Robin Lake visits a resource - intensive specialized school that is helping students make the most of their lives.
Despite our species» tendency to look forward to life's biggest moments, truly making the most of life often means finding ways to enjoy the everyday experiences.
A former investment banker who ditched this demanding profession in a bid make the most of her life, Kristin Addis has come a long way from spending 12 + hour days in a stale cubicle back in Southern California.
Make the most of the live shows, music, karaoke and even a mini disco!
I've been making the most of living back at home for a couple of weeks and have roped the family into some Munchkin fun.
She brings to COLAP not only a strong legal administrative background, but also the compassion, empathy, and dedication necessary to help Colorado's legal professionals make the most of their lives and careers.
Naming a contingent beneficiary is the best way to protect your family members and make the most of your life insurance coverage.
I'm passionate about crafting and genealogy and I'm learning how to make the most of my life now I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.
Trained in the application of principles of normal and abnormal human development, Licensed Professional Counselors help consumers make the most of life, heighten joy in living, identify and deal with mental and emotional problems (or disorders), and resolve conflicts in relationships at home, in school, at work, and in the community.
Make the most of your living room and create the perfect space for relaxing with a TV stand from DFS.
Our team of interior designers can advise you on how to make the most of your living space with an ottoman from our collection.
Hi Melissa - It looks like you guys are still having fun and making the most of life while in limbo!
The environment secretary then suggested that Johnson's remain - voting critics should move on, saying the «debate should be forward looking on how to make most of life outside EU - not refighting referendum».
I love making the most of life, and will try (almost) anything at least once, so long as it isn't the type of thing that'd land me in prison or a morgue.
With a focus on making the most of life with a frequent business traveller, readers benefit from relationship advice, travel tips, and destination reviews from the perspective of a spouse tagging along.
Living in the present, and soaking up every minute, is how you make the most of your life.
A number of kind souls, each with unique situations, all struggling to make the most of their lives
illllisten:»... to whom do we owe this duty to make the most of life
to whom do we owe this duty to make the most of life?
You make the most of life and experience everything you can with it, to make a legacy left behind as a monument to your existence.
Finally, one - fifth of practicing Christians strongly agreed that your «meaning and purpose» are based on working hard enough «to earn as much as possible so you can make the most of life
On the other hand someone who does not believe in the afterlife has to make the most of this life and can't afford to be lazy.
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