Sentences with phrase «make traditional concepts»

In the twentieth century, death - of - God theologies presumed that modern science and philosophy make traditional concepts of God untenable.

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The reasons are, first, that traditional religious thought has often assumed that sin is about all we need to be delivered from, and second, modern liberal thought whether religious or psychological has often made sin too marginal a concept.
Teens made few references to traditional religious concepts such as justice, grace or resurrection.
Yet so entrenched is the concept of religion as belief in authoritative, ready - made doctrines that when that notion is challenged the whole edifice of religion may be rejected, as in traditional naturalistic humanism or the more bizarre «radical theologies» currently in vogue.
John T. Pawlikowski, following other Catholic scholars such as Rosemary Radford Ruether and Gregory Baum, challenges the traditional «fulfillment» concept as basically inaccurate and calls for new approaches in Christology which he believes will «profoundly alter Christianity's self - definition and make possible a more realistic relationship to Judaism and to all other non-Christian religions.»
While Paul's thought is by no means always clear, and perhaps from letter to letter not always exactly the same, it is nevertheless certain that his concept of resurrection can be clearly distinguished from that of the traditional «bodily resurrection».27 Paul does not speak in terms of the «same body» but rather in terms of a new body, whether it be a «spiritual body», 28 «the likeness of the heavenly man», 29 «a house not made by human hands, eternal and in heaven», 30 or, a «new body put on» over the old.31 In using various figures of speech to distinguish between the present body of flesh and blood and the future resurrection body, he seems to be thinking of both bodies as the externals which clothe the spirit and without which we should «find ourselves naked».32 But he freely confesses that the «earthly frame that houses us today ’33 may, like the seed, and man of dust, be destroyed, but the «heavenly habitation», which the believer longs to put on, is already waiting in the heavenly realm, for it is eternal by nature.
Writing in The Times, Henrietta Royle, chief executive of the coaching and strategy consultancy firm Fanshaw Haldin, made the point that while most Conservatives have no difficulty with equality for gay people, «a significant chunk of the party's core supporters clearly doesn't think that has to include redefining the traditional concepts of marriage to suit a small portion of the population without so much as a by your leave».
He is right when he says that materialism can not explain the rise of the good, that monistic and idealistic schemes can not explain the rise of evil, and that traditional concepts of God's power make God the despotic cause of all evil.
Throughout the early 1900s, traditional Christian thinkers such as Lionel Thornton, 1 J. Scott Lidgett, and Charles H. Malik responded appreciatively to Whitehead's newly published writings by making careful use of Whitehead's concepts in their theological writings.
Malbec feels the new concept will help the company to stay competitive by making its offerings more accessible beyond visits to its traditional restaurants.
Made with 17g of whole grains per serving and wholesome ingredients such as apricot, cranberries, almonds, tender whole grains and seeds, the Muesli Cookie concept puts a twist on the traditional Swiss German breakfast dish.
Mastering Fermentation: Recipes for Making and Cooking with Fermented Foods The Art of Fermentation: An In - Depth Exploration of Essential Concepts and Processes from around the World The Nourished Kitchen: Farm - to - Table Recipes for the Traditional Foods Lifestyle Featuring Bone Broths, Fermented Vegetables, Grass - Fed Meats, Wholesome Fats, Raw Dairy, and Kombuchas
With consumer's eating habits trending toward low - carb and reduced - fat foods, sandwich bread and pizza crust are losing their popularity; and that is causing traditional fast food franchises to not perform as well as made - to - order restaurant concepts.
And the promotion of «traditional» marriage will continue to make people unhappy, first because there is no such thing as «traditional» marriage — marriage has been changing since humans created the concept — and second because the model doesn't work for about half of us, probably more as many people stay married in name only just to get health benefits, etc..
Mothering the mother is not a new concept, it is an ancient and traditional way of caring for the mother and new baby, ensuring a smooth transition to motherhood, and allowing the space for feeding to be established and secure attachments to be made.
Arm's Reach Concepts Clear - Vue is a more traditional form of the bassinet and is made to sit next to the bed.
Mail voting aside, this is an extremely important concept of traditional votes, as it makes it nearly impossibly to buy or blackmail votes.
Yes, one can learn how to brace the trunk very well in a squat, bench press, or deadlift but walking with the weights one can deadlift or squat takes the bracing concept to a whole new level and makes them more efficient when they go back to traditional squatting, bench pressing or deadlifting.
This article is grounded on the making of most effective traditional template user friendly website and most likely discovered features of user friendly website design, the basic mandatory concepts to overview when you are going build your user friendly website for introducing your local business in a global arena.
Social networking is taking over traditional matchmaking concepts, because a free social site with plenty of entertaining features is easier to join, allows you to have fun online and actually make acquaintances with people you like.
The article makes the argument that apps like Tinder are «ruining» the concept of so - called traditional dating.
Over 10 minutes each, Adam and Dog and Head Over Heels are both longer than they need to be, since they lack dialogue; the stop - motion Head has a creative concept, while the quasi-Biblical Adam makes nice use of the traditional animation medium that many love and miss.
In The Schools Our Children Deserve: Moving Beyond Traditional Classrooms and «Tougher Standards,» he argues in favor of schools in which students are intellectually engaged and encouraged to grapple with rigorous problems: schools, in other words, in which correct answers matter, but so does reaching those answers through a complex process that may involve making errors and misunderstanding concepts along the way.
Ultimately, making these videos allows students to learn and retain the concepts better than if they were to learn these processes using a traditional lecture.
I learned that carefully planned, inquiry based teaching strategies that call upon students to make sense of concepts and data can be every bit as effective as more traditional approaches.
Traditional administrative meetings are transformed into an intense collaborative effort where a principal presents all available evidence regarding student learning in his or her school, discusses steps the school has taken to promote the various elements of the PLC concept, celebrates the progress that has been made, and calls attention to areas of concern.
While the concept car features plenty of details that likely won't make it to production — like rear - hinged doors, rear - facing cameras in place of side view mirrors, and a wraparound dashboard screen that reaches all the way onto the interior door panels — we dig the traditional economy car signatures, like the bench seats front and rear.
The red car shown here is still technically a concept, featuring a handcrafted aluminium body made using traditional English wheel and crafted body bucks, much like those used in the past at Newport Pagnell.
Decision making for authors who are interested in either route to publication is a daunting concept, especially since knowing that a traditional deal comes with the prestige factor of being signed, but that there are absolutely no guarantees as to how a book will fare in a crowded marketplace.
The concept has been around for hundreds of years but recent technological advances, along with increasing turmoil in the traditional publishing industry, have made self - publishing a popular and easy way to bring a book to life.
This question goes to the core purpose of the infinite banking concept and why this strategy makes sense as opposed to utilizing a traditional whole life insurance model.
The style of the stunning rooms combines traditional Balinese interior design with a modern minimalist concept, leaving the guest a sensation of spacious, artistically arranged, and classy living quarters.Other guest room amenities have been carefully selected to make your stay as indulgent and uncomplicated as possible.
Now that the hybrid concept has been proven to work, it would be strange if Nintendo were to make a new traditional system of any kind, as that would essentially be a step backward.
If the traditional boss battles were a bit of a disaster, Human Revolution almost makes up for them with it's absolutely brilliant concept of a «social boss battle».
The team was able to make a realistic concept video by editing in - game scenes from Overwatch and included traditional fighting game visuals such as health bars, character portraits, a timer, stages, and more.
With Eric Beltz's series of graphite - drawn needlework, Beltz calls the concept of Americana and nostalgia into crisis, by recrafting traditional female work (often considered lowbrow), into male - made High Art (with a capital «A») for the gallery wall.
In a world increasingly powered by advertising, technology and mass media, the concept of image - making underwent a radical transformation, and traditional artistic practices were knocked from their pedestals.
Inspired by Burks's collaboration with Senegalese basket weavers based in New York and Dakar, as well as projects with artisans in South Africa, Peru and India, Man Made starts with the traditional basket - weaving process as its core concept.
After all, these are, as Hall explains, «people who are concerned with making sense of the changes that are happening in our world, for whom the question of difference and of negotiating difference is absolutely key, and far more complex than the traditional binary concept of «us and them».»
They also make fascinating connections to the history of monumental public sculpture, to ancient Shinto concepts, to traditional ceramic techniques, and to industrial manufacturing processes.
Rail: Gao Minglu, the great Harvard educated Chinese art critic, said that Chinese artists must look at Chinese traditional philosophical concepts, aesthetic values and techniques while developing experimental approaches to making art.
After Scott felt he had reached an endpoint with this body of work, he moved on to a series of black and white line paintings driven by the concept of making works so intensely optical that in theory they would be impossible for the human eye to view, a complete inversion of the traditional function of painting.
Rather, our goal is to foster the creation of a meeting place where traditional creative roles are dissolved, where the culture industry is challenged, and where vital new concepts of art - making are imagined and shared.
Taking its title from Giovanni Anselmo's seminal work of the same name, Verso l'infinito (1969), the exhibition explores the dematerialization of the art object and the dismantling of concepts that had bolstered the definition and context of traditional art - making well into the 20th century.
By providing consumers with a new way to pay for goods and services, the blockchain concept could ultimately make the traditional banking system irrelevant, or at least rob it of its current power.
The Nextage concept provides agents with a platform to get back to making / diversifying business into more traditional models.
As unappealing as the concept was to many, until quite recently, the traditional old age home was the main option available to retirees who typically made the move after the age of 65 or when they were no longer able to care for themselves and availability was seldom a problem.
Whether you have an open concept space where the dining room opens to the kitchen or a more traditional formal dining room, you can make your space extra stylish with fashionable Roman Shades.
If you want to make a new home, the concept of a traditional stone house which combined a modern style, it could be your dream home design inspiration.
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