Sentences with phrase «make vague connections»

Not exact matches

«For too long, administration after administration has presented the budget to the Council in a manner that makes it difficult for us to do our Charter - mandated duty of budget oversight and review,» Johnson said, decrying the «frequent usage of vague and over-inclusive units of appropriation» that make city spending hard to track, and the lack of measurable connections between budgeting and results.
Their symptoms are vague (constipation, headache, weight gain) and their exposure is frequent (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), so the connection is never made.
The rest of them from site where you can exchange contact information without paying extra (listed above) are scammers that write to you and then once they feel there is a connection or write long enough (most of them don't pay any attention to what you actually write, it is a vague ambiguous response to make you feel they like you more and more with every letter.
Internet connections aside, while I've alluded to and made vague mention of it over the course of this review, I would be remiss in ending this writeup without addressing what is probably the most appealing aspect of Freedom Unite — the combat itself.
A fascinating thread that connects all three supplemental features is the demonstration of how the original vague connection to Shakespeare's Twelfth Night was made stronger following test screenings.
My guess is that it happened this time because I was «writing» and made some vague mental connections there.
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