Sentences with phrase «make vague explanations»

Critics say it is a feeble framework and allows firms to make vague explanations of how global warming affects them, while others contend that new requirements would confuse investors and be redundant.

Not exact matches

Best Cinematic Breakthrough (vague explanation: a performer, filmmaker, or technician who made a notable debut in film, took his / her career to a higher level, or revealed unforeseen layers to his / her talent during the year 2016) 1.
The endless raising of unanswered questions, the vague explanations of what makes an issue «maximally controversial» (who exactly gets to decide how much intra-expert disagreement gives an issue that standing?)
Obviously, since I didn't specifically word my email to request an explanation as to why my plan excludes coverage for this treatment, it makes sense that Seven Corners simply reiterate what their incredibly vague documentation states.
While that's a vague explanation, most have surmised that Sony disables the fingerprint sensor because the U.S. and Canada are such small markets — Sony doesn't even sell through carriers in the U.S. — that it doesn't make business sense to pay royalties on the underlying fingerprint sensing technology.
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