Sentences with phrase «makes algorithm changes»

We have also made algorithm changes in an effort to reduce inadvertent zooming when panning.
That's because in December, Facebook made algorithm changes that affected all pages, and it slid under the radar of most users.

Not exact matches

In most cases there are two easy ways to tell when Facebook (fb) makes a meaningful change to the algorithm: One is that media companies start to moan about how their traffic from the giant social network has been declining rapidly for no apparent reason.
And any changes made to the search giant's algorithm are bound to have serious implications for your business.
While the search engine will start crawling your website as soon as you make it live and will visit often as and when you add new content, the algorithm is designed in such a way that it will take some time to recognize the changes.
This is made harder because Google rarely gives absolutes as to what it is changing in their algorithm.
«Every change that the Facebook algorithm makes, I am eyeing that and I am ready to change my video strategy,» Cheng says.
Make sure you take the appropriate actions to clean up your website so the next time Google runs a major algorithm change — or if the update is in more real time — your site has a strong likelihood to recover.
This has always been true in business, but the point is even more relevant now in the fast - paced world of digital marketing, where new technologies and algorithm changes can make or break your success one quarter to the next.
Here's how business owners can maintain their online search rankings no matter what algorithm changes the search giants make.
In fact, Facebook has been pretty public about making changes to their algorithm controlling which videos will organically show more often in news feeds.
The Google rep also explained that the process for tweaking its algorithm involves making scalable, systemic changes rather than simply demoting individual websites.
Google makes subtle tweaks to its algorithm all the time, on the order of hundreds of time a year, but the announcement of Hummingbird is a much bigger architectural change.
With the recent unfortunate Analytics change (not provided to 100 %) and the rain of algorithm updates in the past 18 months, Google seems to make everybody's life harder.
Once, such hype might have targeted the uninitiated, but these days, an increasing number of stock trades are driven by computers making split - second decisions about when to buy or sell — often by using sophisticated algorithms to monitor price changes and the flow of news on mainstream outlets and social media.
This could be especially valuable for Page owners as Facebook is making changes to their News Feed algorithm to give people more opportunities to interact with the people they care about.
It is not always that Google's algorithm updates extend far beyond the digital marketing blogosphere and start making waves in mainstream media, but as we saw with their preference for SSL certificates, and now with their mobile - focused algorithm updates, some changes to the search engine's best practices deserve more attention than digital marketing bloggers and search marketers can provide.
It is not always that Google's algorithm updates extend far beyond the digital marketing blogosphere and start making waves in mainstream media, but as we saw with their preference for SSL certificates, and now with their mobile - focused algorithm updates, some changes to the search engine's best...
That's why in the past years Google has made several big changes to its algorithm, to enable it to better rank quality and relevant content, and punish SEO spammers.
But changes to Facebook's news feed algorithm have made organic reach harder, as Mark Zuckerberg's social media unicorn begins strongly favoring paid advertisers over the natural connections that once made the website so valuable as an advertising platform.
While the algorithm change has triggered a resurgence in organic search, Google is making changes that increase competition and could shift your entire brand's SEO strategy.
In 2014, Google made approximately 500 changes to the algorithm.
So it makes sense that 40 % of marketers cite changing search algorithms as their biggest obstacle to SEO success.
Recent Google updates changed search algorithm patterns to make sure that link schemes don't work anymore.
Unfortunately, since it is difficult to accurately forecast future interest rates and all the other factors that are changing simultaneously in financial markets, this algorithm by itself will not make you instantly rich.
Every time the latest algorithm updates are introduced, we take care to establish what changes have been made to ensure that our clients» websites don't fall foul of the new parameters and waste their investment in their digital marketing efforts.
As Google has become more serious about handing out penalties and making drastic algorithm changes like the Panda update and the Penguin update that punish sites that publish poor content and use outdated and black hat SEO tactics, a number of websites have been affected.
Introduction of Hummingbird algorithm was one of the biggest change made by search engine giant Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) in recent years.
The search giant made many changes in its algorithm and introduced few new features to allow marketers have better targeting and ROI mechanism in place.
The trading robot is embedded with a set of investment strategies which are necessary to conduct profitable trades and using a sophisticated algorithm to compare an indefinite amount of data, it is able to predict changes in the market which in turn inform the trades to be made.
We absolutely do not make changes to our search algorithm to disadvantage competitors.»
Facebook recently made major changes to its News Feed algorithm that are expected to shrink publishers» online audiences.
Cleverly developed algorithms seem to rule today's betting industry, however, the decentralized approach of newly forming blockchain technology based solutions will change the way we live - making financial transactions, buying products and... betting.
If you want to dig into the Facebook News Feed algorithm, read on to find out all the relevant changes Facebook has made.
We need to be aware of any changes that Google makes to its algorithm.
First Google, which announced today that it's making major changes to its search algorithms to update its main search index more frequently.
Facebook has done it again... the company's made a change to the Newsfeed Algorithm, and the results don't look good for Pages.
The algorithm would not only make it easier for patients to walk while reducing prosthetist - related costs, but would also allow a prosthesis to adjust to changing conditions.
Markov chains are algorithms which can generate a random object by starting from a fixed object and evolving in a stepwise fashion, making small random changes at each step.
However, you can get proactive with making changes in your gut bacteria without having access to the intricacies of this research study's proprietary diet customization algorithm.
The new algorithm has changed the way users see content which has benefited a select few accounts and made it a struggle for the rest.
Of course not everything is going to be a home run, but the algorithm change has really made me be more thoughtful about every photo that I post.
The algorithm change is not quite as bad as people are making it seem.
While Instagram used to be my absolute favorite platform, all of the algorithm changes this year made me literally want to avoid the app completely there for awhile.
Several times a year, Google makes major changes to its search algorithms and small adjustments are happening all the time.
Given the fact that search engines frequently change their algorithms and so also the websites that appear in the search results further complicates the matter and makes the result of your selections potentially more random.
A limited number of pause buttons: a state should have the ability to hit a pause button for some parts of its rating system on occasion where the changes to assessment systems makes it very difficult for a range of reasons to assign labels to schools based on algorithms such as the recommendations here.
This is another case arguing for the necessity of modern machine learning algorithms to be transparent and accountable at each computational, decision making step, especially when the results were impactful to life - changing human decision making.
Well, Amazon, perhaps not enamored with making pennies per sale, has made some changes to its ranking algorithms.
In news, find out what changed Playster has made to their audiobook service, changes coming to Amazon author portals, how one man transformed from cancer survivor to a bestseller, information on the new tax code, Facebook's revised News Feed algorithm, and what one literary magazine did to upset the indie author community.
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