Sentences with phrase «makes human men»

Scarlett Johnasson leads the pic as an alien who makes human men her prey, seducing them with her sexuality and then killing them, but she soon grows a conscience about her actions.

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How I Did it,» about how he became the man behind companies making science fiction come true: the X Prize Foundation, Singularity University, Human Longevity Inc..
«Human nature desires quick results, there is a particular zest in making money quickly, and remoter gains are discounted by the average man at a very high rate» John Maynard Keynes
Second: The Creation tale is simply a way for early humans to explain mans creation and «fall» from God's predetermined path... The old testament is full of stuff more related to philosophy and health advice then «Gods word» However, this revelation has not made me less of a christian... In Contrast to those stuck in «the old ways» regarding faith (not believing in neanderthals and championing the claim that earth is only 6000 years old), I believe God created the universe on the very principle of physics and evolution (and other sciencey stuff)... Thus the first clash of atoms was the first step in the billionyear long recipe in creating the universe, the galaxies, the stars, the planets, life itself and us.
@ Concert: «I believe like a child that suffering will be healed and made up for, that all the humiliating absurdity of human contradictions will vanish like a pitiful mirage, like the despi.cable fabrication of the impotent and infinitely small Euclidean mind of man, that in the world's finale, at the moment of eternal harmony, something so precious will come to pass that it will suffice for all hearts, for the comforting of all resentments, for the atonement of all the crimes of humanity, for all the blood that they've shed; that it will make it not only possible to forgive but to justify all that has happened.»
Why kill everyone if he knew that after killing them, man would do the same thing again which would then make him send himself as his son to die for this new humans?
As those MEN were human, they were certainly fallible, and probably many of them made significant changes in their own bid for power.
«That Sudan continues to prosecute these men, and without even allowing them free access to their legal team, makes a mockery of the judicial process and is a clear violation of fair trial principles, as articulated in Article 7 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights (ACHPR) and Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which Sudan is a party.
That's the danger with the anthropomorphism of God... one people making self idolizing images of themselves of a human God vis - à - vis Jesus, making graven images of themselves, blonde hair blue eyed Jesus»... then elevating themselves above all other men, a self reinforcing feedback to oneselfs, as if they are Gods, which is blasphemy.
But do we recognize that this Light is that of the Word made flesh, of God made man, that is, of a divinity that does not crush the human, but assumes it in all its liberty and weakness?
Before man made religion thats how humans survived.
To chadg76 who said, «I can't believe that any rational human capable of abstract thought and objectivity believes any of this man made garbage.»
im so sori this had to happend to eddy yet he is only human and only a man and it has nothing to do do with god and gods word im sori he has to be the example to the world that this is not the way but this is the life he has chosen if it is true he should have known wat happends in the dark will come in the light his bad yet god is a forgiven god just cuz you sit in church do nt make you saved just like sitting in the garage do nt make you a car.... - smile
He would be man who makes oven to burn to human beings for God's favor.
We rely on the strength of other human beings our ourselves to pull through, not a man - made deity.
Its easier to related to Muhammad than to Jesus or Buddha because he never claimed that he was of divine origin, he was as shocked at his revelation as anybody else, he frequently said many times «I'm a man amongst men,» he frequently said «all the good that happens comes from Allah and everything that is not good is my fault,» he's very human and that is what makes him relatable.
believerfred «Thor and the like are man made from known matter and energy with most having human or other animal physiology»
Let's see, a guy named god impregnated a woman with himself so that he could die for himself in a blood ritual so that he could redeem the human race and make them live forever because of a moral stain on the entire human race because a dirt man and rib woman took dietary advice from a talking snake.
So to summarize the salient features of the preceding views of nature and human nature: One would place man above and outside nature; the second would make man subservient to nature, and ideally (for some) remove man from nature; and the third would place man entirely within nature, insisting also that nature is all there is.
And the sons of God (the fallen) came down took human wives made hybrids (see men of old, men of renown) and created abominations with animals and people
To regard the ordinary embodied experience of men and women as theologically significant in a positive way is to receive all these images of physical delight, of beauty and ecstasy, of human growth and nurture, of the contact between human persons that the touching of bodies can make possible.
Rather, specifically human existence is, in Whitehead's term, a «personal society,» i.e., a temporal sequence of occasions which share, by virtue of inheritance from the earlier to the later, a defining characteristic that makes the man or woman in question just this individual and not some other.
Secondly, made in the divine image, men and women must actively reflect the Trinity in order to become fully human and this means they must give themselves away in a constant communion of love.
Yes, it is true that God made man for woman, but we humans who has been born for the short time we are here must not judge each other for our indifferences and beliefs; we must help each other dodge the evils of this world and come together as the children of God.
Cardinal Ruini spoke of «false interpretations» of cosmic and biological evolution which «contribute more than a little to a purely naturalistic understanding of man» and which also lead to «the denial of the existence of a personal God distinct from the world» and the denial of «the transcendence of the human subject, made in the image and likeness of God».
We are made male and female, man and woman, and attempts to blur distinctions under the seemingly innocuous term «gender» are really attempts to assert that sex should be seen as an autonomous human activity, something which has noother meaning than what the individual wishes to bestow upon it.
Acts 17:24 - 28 «24 The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; 25 nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things; 26 and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, 27 that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; 28 for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, «For we also are His children.»»
Finally, in the «sadness» category, I am disheartened that there's an almost universal disparaging in this thread of those who happen to be published authors and / or speakers, as though this by default makes us The Man and incapable of basic human compassion.
If one considers, however briefly, what conditions will make possible the flowering in the human heart of this new universal love, so often vainly dreamed of but now at last leaving the realm of the utopian and declaring itself as both possible and necessary, one notices this: that if men on earth, all over the earth, are ever to love one another it is not enough for them to recognize in one another the elements of a single something; they must also, by developing a «planetary» consciousness, become aware of the fact that without loss of their individual identities they are becoming a single somebody.
Some think to make you more lovable in my eyes by praising almost exclusively the charm and the kindness of your human face as men saw it long ago on earth.
There would be no need to «make» God share in man's adventure or be affected by human actions according to Whitehead, for such is the nature of God: «Decay, Transition, Loss, Displacement belong to the essence of Creative Advance» (Al 368 - 69).
Just as Jesus took on human flesh, became a man, and died a criminal's death, so also God took on human actions and events that made Him look guilty.
The Qur» an makes it clear in many passages that Angels possess all the spiritual virtues and none of the shortcomings of human beings, while the Jinn are described as sometimes being whisperers and provocators — evils which are sometimes found in men.
Man - made environments vary according to the particular life - histories of the human groups that live by them.
The particular mechanisms employed depend on circumstances of history, geography, and culture, and decisions about them can be made responsibly only by taking account of man's acquisitive propensities, his need for rational order, his longing for freedom, and his sense of justice — in short, by relying on an integral rather than a truncated conception of human nature.
Berger wishes to speak of «a God who is not made by man, who is outside and not within ourselves,» but he limits his act of faith in such a God to projections outward from common human experience, i.e., to signals of transcendence70 The result is that Berger is left finally with his own experience alone, a consequence that weakens his understanding not only of Christian theology but ultimately of play as well.
One must make a reasoned decision about these truths, and in that sense the United Nations Charter and the Declaration reaffirm «faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, and in the equal rights of men and women.»
It was in this ardent zone of growth and universal recasting that all that makes man what he is today was discovered — or at least must have been rediscovered, for even those things which had long been known elsewhere achieved their definitive human value only when they were incorporated into the system of European ideas and activities.
By way of contrast, the worth of a man for Jesus is not determined by his human quality or the character of his spiritual life, but simply by the decision the man makes in the here - and - now of his present life.
The claim that just social structures would make charity superfluous «masks a materialist conception of man: the mistaken notion that man can live «by bread alone» — a notion that demeans man and ultimately disregards all that is specifically human
«The excessive segmentation of knowledge, the rejection of metaphysics by the human sciences, the difficulties encountered by dialogue between science and theology are damaging not only to the development of knowledge, but also to the development of peoples, because these things make it harder to see the integral good of man in its various dimensions.
This, of course, is not to say he is not rightly esteemed truly human, a man of flesh and blood with the peculiar Biblical force of that phrase; indeed it might be claimed that the very stress laid on the limited character of his experience makes us more vividly aware of the reality of his human nature.
In great areas of human action man's refusal to accept his finiteness makes him proud, self - righteous, and in rebellion against God; man's selfishness makes him refuse to use his freedom with love toward his fellow men.
Other worldliness is rooted in human weakness whereas Christ «makes man strong».18
Bonhoeffer maintained that interpreting the Bible in terms of the present age is to make man the measure of the Gospel rather than to learn from the Gospel the true norm for human existence.
In one memorable paragraph we have the comparison made between a universe without moral laws and led just by human desire, which leads to a dying universe, as indicated by C. S. Lewis in his book The Abolition of Man, and Nagel's view of the universe becoming aware of itself in man, and becoming conscious of truth, beauty and goodneMan, and Nagel's view of the universe becoming aware of itself in man, and becoming conscious of truth, beauty and goodneman, and becoming conscious of truth, beauty and goodness.
actually you do nt have to prove the many deities or Gods that they really exist, because they really had existed in their times, They are part of the evolutionary process for us humans to transcend to higher consciousness.To simplify the analogy, when we were young and we are in the lower grade school, we were taught simple subjects not advance literatures but simple stories even mythicals, The same with religion, thousands of years ago when there was no science yet, primitive people had a religion, of course man made faiths to conform with their state of mind or intellect.But later atfter thousands of years we evolve into a more educated people and so new concept of God again was presented to them, another man made concept, and this go on and on, until a few thiousand years ago.monotheism, Judaism, christianity, islam, buddhism, etc also evolved, But with the accelerated evolution, these faith again is threatend with obsolesencs because of of scientific developments and education.In panthroteistic faith, the future religion needs to conform to evolutionary process, This proves that God is always there guiding the change.And it his will that made this a reality in history since the begining of the universe 13 billion years ago, and this will continue to exist until He will completely fulfill His will to infinity, Thats PANTHROTHEISM, the futue, man made religion under His guidance through scientifiic evoluition after the Bi Bang
Now human nature demands democracy at least from a certain historical phase of man's development onwards, hence it can not be a matter of indifference to the Church, which consists of persons making legitimate demands for freedom and active cooperation, at least in the present state of her development.
Nothing makes a man more human than to strap him with the ol' ball - n - chain (so to speak).
But the God did not assume the form of a servant to make a mockery of men; hence it can not be his intention to pass through the world in such manner that no single human being becomes aware of his presence.
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