Sentences with phrase «makes insecure»

Our technology makes us insecure.
If you use a password manager, it could have a flaw that makes it insecure.
Running around wild is not a good sign for dogs, because it makes them insecure and anxious when they enter new or undesirable situations.
Women's liberation and the freewheeling sixties had only been on the perimeter of her married life, so even walking into a restaurant alone makes insecure Emily self - conscious.
An accident makes an insecure woman believe she's a supermodel.
To say that makes them insecure, however, isn't that bad of an argument.
Demeaning someone for their beliefs or faith by saying it is a myth makes you an insecure person that is unsure of your own belief so you try to rally support for your opinion.
Because a married woman who does ALL the dirty work is hurt by her HUSBAND ogling OTHER women that supposedly makes her insecure??? You MUST be joking!
It's even about that friend who she would drift away from over the years, the successful sister who would make her insecure, and the God she'd curse when she lost her job and then her mortgage.
«They (the mysterious people whose eyes I want to gouge out) are making money, by making us insecure about every inch of our bodies.
Does that make me insecure and self conscious and totally lame?
Instead they allow whatever thoughts that make them insecure, question their relationship, and put that burden on the child to be the forever protector of «their» feelings.
When you fight in front of your child, it will only add to any problems she's having and will make her insecure, angry, anxious, and upset.
I would hate to make him insecure about his size, but in my mind he's a horse.
this will just make them insecure and scared.
It has made this insecure mom feel a little more secure.
I've been through similar things before and the guys that never told me and just disappeared are still in my head, wondering why they did what they did and making me insecure, thinking it was me.
But when you're younger, they're normally the things that make you insecure.
He can dress down almost anyone, finding a flaw within them and exploiting it, making them insecure, even though he may have those very same faults.
This may make her insecure and stimulate her to scratch more or develop other undesirable behavior problems.
A default behavior gives the dog an alternative and makes him more positive and confident in a situation that previously made him insecure.
This will make her insecure and potentially cause additional problems.
«We must make this an insecure and inhospitable place for capitalists and their projects.
This had to start with Mark's own courage to discover what made him insecure with her, a fear deep inside that he she was unhappy with him, that he failed her.
We've applied this same image to marriage and concluded our partner is supposed to soothe us and not do things that make us insecure.
Instead they allow whatever thoughts that make them insecure, question their relationship, and put that burden on the child to be the forever protector of «their» feelings.
Having seen that relationship fail can make you insecure about facing new relationships ahead.
Make an insecure person feel more comfortably.

Not exact matches

Neither of these is a good idea, as once again it makes the hacker's job much easier in every respect, and once they figure out your single, insecure password, they potentially have access to all of your accounts.
Employees who want to finish up a project at home may send confidential information to insecure home computers, or an IT administrator, privy to all of the company's infrastructure, could make a small mistake that has devastating consequences.
Announcing your colleague's incompetence comes across as an insecure attempt to make you look better.
Asking for help can make you feel insecure.
They want to make it a fireable offense to use WhatsApp because the employees are sharing confidential information in an insecure environment.
But psychologists say that disclosing something too intimate — say, that your sister is having an extramarital affair — while you're still getting to know someone can make you seem insecure and decrease your likability.
He's also smeared other high - profile women for their alleged sex lives, from Morning Joe's Mika Brzezinski (calling her Joe Scarborough's «very insecure longtime girlfriend») to Angelina Jolie (whom he said has «been with so many guys she makes me look like a baby.»)
And appearing insecure makes others less inclined to engage with you.
But doing so «weakens your position and makes you look insecure
Despite this, filler words typically have a bad rep. Overusing the word like, for example, stereotypically gives off an airhead vibe, while saying uh and um can make you seem hesitant, insecure or unconfident.
In response, fashion and beauty brands began to embrace messages of empowerment rather than trying to make consumers feel insecure.
Lowering working standards — The B.C. Liberals have deliberately made it harder for workers to enforce their rights, leading to more low - paying and insecure employment.
«Companies like Equifax that have stockpiled massive, insecure databases of Americans» most sensitive personal data must make security the top priority at every single stage,» Wyden said.
and this explains the mentality of the religions, what would a insecure boy do, trap women, make up stories that don't exceed the science at the time, and basic control / guilt.
However to objectify woman, to make your mate feel insecure in their beauty, to not understand and be faithful to your vows and the go outside the context laid out for what a relationship should look like is the issue at hand.
have a look at the vatican website and you will see how insecure the vatican are about themselves now as the picture of Mr Benedict has been altered to make him look like the other pope and this proves that they are desparate now to make Mr Benedict seem different to waht he really is and we are watching the end of a very dishonest and corrupt society / religion
God, heaven and hell are stuff made up in the minds of very insecure people.
Without the presence of God in our soul that we were made to have, we are left deeply insecure, so that all of our desire is to first help ourselves, not our neighbour.
It makes me feel uncomfortable and insecure.
But your reaction to them makes me, a believer, think you are insecure about your belief.
I feel insecure about my decision to put off starting a family, so I make self - depreciating jokes about how I lack motherly instincts.
I feel insecure about Arminianism, so I make Mark Driscoll the voice of Calvinism (making it easier to shoot down).
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