Sentences with phrase «makes little difference»

The financial edge to downsizing, whether it's a hot, cold or neutral market, makes little difference overall.
The court of appeals reasoned that the two issues — selling salesman versus amount of commission — are so interrelated that it makes little difference under which section of the bylaws the arbitrators made their decision.
Their relationship bond is strong and their physical appearance makes a little difference.
In non-human primates, the 5 - HTTLPR genotype makes little difference in predicting phenotypes of infants reared under optimal conditions (e.g., parent - reared).
This shift makes little difference in reality, as Samsung is presenting a more or less complete package.
While we work with the insurance companies, and not for them, we understand that at the end of the day, this makes little difference to our users.
It makes little difference where you are from, or what type of law you practice, all are welcome.
Whether the case is a securities dispute, an employment discrimination case, or a patent infringement case makes little difference.
It makes little difference that one event caused 11 months delay or another caused 7 months delay.
In practice, lack of exclusivity makes little difference to those individuals who need to be available at short notice and fear any refusal of work will result in them not being offered any more.
This case makes little difference to how employers treat their employees in practice.
Legally, it makes little difference which spouse files for...
From the right it makes little difference.
In country or foreign makes little difference to the end user.
That makes little difference for now, of course, because the charging port itself isn't actually there.
Conclusion, CO2 (and its «back radiation») makes LITTLE difference, because at the same level of pressure on BOTH planets, the only thing that seems to matter is planetary distance from the sun.
But more than 100 national and local groups, led by some of Britain's most prominent environmentalists, including David Bellamy, Sir Crispin Tickell, and James Lovelock, have argued that wind power is inefficient, destroys the countryside and makes little difference to Britain's soaring carbon emissions.
But according to Dr. Robert Moran, a hydrogeologist and geochemist whose clients included the mining industry for more than 40 years, this makes little difference.
While such dataset creep makes little difference in the grand scheme of things it does disturb some people's confidence in both the datasets and the displayed graphics.
Including only the modern era of rapid anthropogenic interference with the atmosphere since the Great Acceleration after 1950 makes little difference to the prediction.
It makes little difference what the arbitrary function is — it is simply fitting a curve and they all have the same shape.
If it helps to make that determination put them on the same or different charts, makes little difference to me.
-- the validation using tree rings but not Tiljander go back to 700AD (EIV method) and 400AD (CPS method)-- if people object to using Tiljander or think they are upside down — the non-Tiljander reconstructions in the SI shows it makes little difference.
Rather than guess I'd have left it alone — especially since it makes little difference to the global temperature anyway!
My guess in the case of Yamal would be that the choice makes little difference judging by the good agreement in Steve's exponential - based reconstruction to the CRU archived chronology.
On DD vs half - Senate, you can reasonably count on the Greens holding the balance of power either way, so the extra seat or two from half - Senate makes little difference.
The collision and kinetic diameters of each of most atmospheric gases are very similar it makes little difference which measure is used so their oversight made little difference for those gases.
As I wrote in two comments, I should have used the 2010 value 390 rather than 395, but the result changes only to 33 %, which makes little difference for the conclusions.
When models account for the global warming slowdown, it makes little difference to their long term forecast.
Double or tripple the price of nuclear fuels and it makes little difference to the cost of electricity; but do the same with gas and you nearly double or tripple the cost of electricity (not quite but you get the message).
The atmosphere is like a bathtub, it has a limited volume, and because CO2 is well mixed in the atmosphere it makes little difference where the emissions come from; the bathtub continues to fill.
Therefore it makes little difference, whether it's thought that warming may also be beneficial or not.
I think I might be responsible for that abuse of jargon; just meant to convey that the macrostate (globally averaged temperature) has a whole bunch of equi - probable (or as close as makes little difference given how under - constrained by measurement the system is) microstates (spatial distributions of temperature).
The update adds an uptick at the end, but makes little difference to the trend or the conclusion.
I propose it makes little difference to us on the ground if a thunder head is at 65,000 ft v / s 60,000 ft. Not only will the altitude of the condensation not benefit or harm us.
And it makes little difference whether the site is urban or rural.
I use unadjusted GHCN, although adjusted makes little difference.
Whether the Earth is cooling or overheating makes little difference, I suppose.
Since GHGs are (mostly) transparent to visible and near - IR light this makes little difference and simplifies the model a lot.
As you say it makes little difference whether sea level is 3 m higher or lower, but if cities are built next to the present shore line, adaptation has a cost.
Whether this is an audio or a visual cue makes little difference.
And even if you do end up biting the dust it makes little difference, as the story progresses without a hitch, even after players have had their neck snapped like twigs by the game's resident phantom.
However, it makes little difference in actual play.
Unfortunately, rate - of - fire being way more important than damage means balancing is extremely difficult and makes little difference when certain super attacks are overpowered.
But it sounds as though you spend so little on gas nowadays that it makes little difference.
You need 10 nights at Hyatt properties to earn the first level of status in the World of Hyatt program (Discoverist status) so it makes little difference whether or not Hyatt retroactively credited my 2017 award nights to my account — 5 nights or 0 nights I still wouldn't qualify for any kind of status.
Getting promoted by main stream media seemed like it should drive a lot of traffic but usually makes little difference.
He or she might be a very young puppy, or a mature dog you have rescued from a shelter and it really makes little difference.
It makes little difference to a puppy whether he chews on a toy or on a pair of your favorite shoes.
It is possible that some breeds shed less dander, but the amount of dander apparently makes little difference to allergy sufferers.
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