Sentences with phrase «makes of this paradox»

We asked Ray King, CEO of Top Level Design, what he makes of this paradox.
Practically, however, you all recognize the difference: you understand, for example, the disdain of the methodist convert for the mere sky - blue healthy - minded moralist; and you likewise enter into the aversion of the latter to what seems to him the diseased subjectivism of the Methodist, dying to live, as he calls it, and making of paradox and the inversion of natural appearances the essence of God's truth.

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Calling it the «privacy paradox,» University of Michigan School of Information professor Cliff Lamp says in studying social computing he has found that people make a lot of noise when it comes to privacy, but push concerns aside in favor of convenience.
Some people would blame a similar phenomenon known as «the paradox of choice,» which contends that too many options can make people feel less satisfied.
The paradox of this rule is that it makes a lot of startup financing activity somewhat more private than it had been.
A steadily increasing number of people will want to get in on the «new Bitcoin,» a bizarre paradox given that gold is as old as time, and will soon realize that gold possesses virtues Bitcoin does not, given that it is real, not digital and abstract; that owners can personally possess and store it in physical form; that it will survive any kind of electric grid or Internet disruption that might occur; that it can not ever be hacked; that it is the epitome of private, quiet wealth; that it is actually quite beautiful to behold; and that it was not and can not be made by man, only by God, who does not appear to have any interest in making any more of it.
Crowe's documentary shows the paradox of wanting big fame while wanting to keep it real to the emotional / music basis of what makes the music in any way compelling, let alone compelling in terms of the fans who like this kind of music.
The old Christmas carols, by delighting in humble details, capture the paradox of the season: God's power made incarnate in the womb of a lowly girl.
Does it make sense to leap from the recognition of paradox and mystery to the conclusion that truth must not exist and that there can be no transcendent good and just God?
This problem is one of which Whitehead is fully aware; indeed, he makes it explicit in more than a few passages of his works, sometimes referring to it simply as «the problem of solidarity» and other times as «the paradox of the connectedness of things» (PR 88; AI 293).
This paradox makes sense in light of the patterns of middle - and upper - class American life.
The different look at the verse makes me smile, while the two different sets of expressions on the characters faces and on their drawings leads to the discomfort of paradox.
Any attempt to break loose from the path set out by Schleiermacher and to find a way in which to make the transcendent God our subject, rather than some aspect of ourselves, could be called an apophantic theology, standing as it does in that tradition of paradox or dialectic that marked the Cappadocian theologians and has always been a part of the theological tradition.
Whitehead was convinced by Zeno - like paradoxes that process must be made up of indivisible units, «drops» or «bits» of becoming that do not themselves consist of earlier and later becomings.24 These quanta of becoming are called «actual entities.»
For Kierkegaard there is no «solution» to this paradox, other than the greater paradox of the God - man, who, without ever making the leap into sin, became sin for us, i.e., accepted his human solidarity with us, so that in him we might be reconciled with God through the Atonement.
The grid of paradoxes continues to unfold in Eastern Europe as the playwright of the absurd seeks to guide a nation in making sense out of the suffering of the past and an unknown future.
In partial defense of this view, Parmenides» student, Zeno, showed that both science and common sense ran into paradoxes when they assumed (as they did at that time) that space and time are made up of elementary units, but still are continua.
Then, of course, humans making a choice or having any freedom at the same time would be a paradox.
Besides the paradox of foreign missionaries establishing the indigenous process by which foreign domination was questioned, there is a theological paradox to this story: missionaries entered the missionary field to convert others, yet in the translation process it was they who first made the move to «convert» to a new language, with all its presuppositions and ramifications.
The kind of inquiry that leads to the paradox of creativity springs from the question: What source makes creativity possible?
Christians: «God mentions in his Word, the Bible, that we don't have to understand how this physical universe was made because that's irrelevant and you will only fall into the paradoxes of the mind.
There is a dramatic word in Colossians that Christ «disarmed the rulers and authorities and made a public example of them, triumphing over them in it [the cross]» (Col. 2:15).15 The astounding paradox, or we might even call it, reverently, God's practical joke, is that it is precisely in offering himself as Victim that Christ becomes Victor.
Here we have the exact equivalent of the paradox in the assertion that «the Word was made flesh».
The earliest Christian sources already display an awareness that the philosophers and the wise of «this present age» will not easily entertain the paradox that power is made perfect in weakness.
The Christian has not made clear for himself the paradox of world denial and abundance of life.
Therefore testimony better than either an example or a symbol Places reflection before the paradox which the pretension of consciousness makes a scandal of, I mean that a moment of history is invested with an absolute character.
Christians have always found it hard, especially, perhaps, in popular devotion, to believe that Jesus really reflects and mediates the reality of God at the point where St. John made the paradox so plain that Jesus was «glorified»: in the humility of his self - giving love; in the nakedness and helplessness of the Cross.
He is an irresponsible dreamer who will not walk «the straight line of paradox» that makes suffering and sacrifice life - giving rather than soul - deadening.
There is a paradox in which we are made new creations but still have remnants of the dead (wo) man.
AND And teaches us to say yes And allows us to be both - and And keeps us from either - or And teaches us to be patient and long suffering And is willing to wait for insight and integration And keeps us from dualistic thinking And does not divide the field of the moment And helps us to live in the always imperfect now And keeps us inclusive and compassionate toward everything And demands that our contemplation become action And insists that our action is also contemplative And heals our racism, our sexism, heterosexism, and our classism And keeps us from the false choice of liberal or conservative And allows us to critique both sides of things And allows us to enjoy both sides of things And is far beyond any one nation or political party And helps us face and accept our own dark side And allows us to ask for forgiveness and to apologize And is the mystery of paradox in all things And is the way of mercy And makes daily, practical love possible And does not trust love if it is not also justice And does not trust justice if it is not also love And is far beyond my religion versus your religion And allows us to be both distinct and yet united And is the very Mystery of Trinity
Gleick is concerned with the paradox that within this relatively new chaos, so upsetting to the order that physicists, astronomers, and biologists had learned to expect, the computer makes it possible to discover a new kind of order.
And the rugged paradoxes of patristic dogma — «very God and very man» — make explicit what the whole New Testament says indirectly.
Instead we have the paradox of a transcendent God present and active in history John 1:14)», Bultmann ought to have said: «The proclamation of the Word made flesh means the presence of the transcendent God in history.
The paradox of the history of Christianity: Having ceased being eschatological, it made the world eschatological.»
If you didn't claim your begarly knowledge, making demeaning remarks about things you know nothing about, adn of which I am certain, and needed to poinat out the paradox of name you chose, my post which tic «ked you off wouldn't be posted.
That the whole constitution of many persons may be such that this paradox repels them is indeed true, but one ought not for this reason to make faith something different in order to be able to possess it, but ought rather to admit that one does not possess it, whereas those who possess faith should take care to set up certain criteria so that one might distinguish the paradox from a temptation (Anfechtung).
... I wonder if it doesn't make more sense to speak in terms of an American paradox — that is, a notably unhealthy people obsessed by the idea of eating healthily.
The balance of health and clean label also creates «the clean label paradox» which is a manifestation of the desire to make products healthier through removing sugar, for example, but replacing with chemical sounding non-nutritive sweeteners and additional bulking ingredients.
There is even something to be said for the so - called «paradox of choice»: that when presented with too many options, we may be overwhelmed with information and have trouble making any decisions at all.
The paradox of team golf creates a challenge for talented players as they make their way through high school and college as the best kids on the course are trained to strive to better their games for their own advancement.
But while wanting happiness for our children makes sense, decades of research presents a paradox: Focusing on happiness is not a great way to actually be happy.
The political paradox Europe faces right now is this: some or all of these things are needed for the existing countries in the eurozone to make their currency work, but it may take Greek exit to make it happen.
It is this vigorous paradox of immaculate rot that makes the Obasanjo public persona puzzle at 80.
«So there was a paradox: even if you actually agreed, secretly, with the Tory line on immigration, you might well simultaneously think there was something a bit naff about making it the centrepiece of the campaign.»
Q24 In 1997, three theoretical physicists made a bet on the solution of the so - called black hole information paradox.
The paradox of how there can be only one way of arranging the atoms in a disordered material remains, but measurements made by the Anglo - German collaboration indicate that their samples are very close to the ideal glass.
A little bit of frankincense may help you gain clarity on riddles, paradoxes, and contradictions that wise, intuitive introverts (INFJs, too) enjoy pondering to help make the world a better place.
I found that this method of analysis makes sense out of the many seeming paradoxes and contradictions in the literature.
If you are what you eat, this kind of sums up what makes me a paradox.
It's the paradox of choice — the more choice we have, the harder it is to make choice.
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