Sentences with phrase «makes ridiculous assertions»

Ironically, the only books I am aware of that makes ridiculous assertions about the origin of life popping into existence are the Torah and it's derivatives, the Bible and Qu» ran.
It should have been taking decisive action but engaged instead in systematic understatement of the danger: it has made ridiculous assertions that the U.S. should not do anything that China does not agree to do and has stubbornly insisted that no action should be taken to improve climate change «if it hurts the economy.»
The book lost me when it made ridiculous assertions like the current administration was more interested in talking to our enemies then punishing them.
joeldshore makes a ridiculous assertion when he claims the rate of rise in atmospheric CO2 has doubled from 1 to 2 ppm «over the last 40 years».
Pearce and others in the media and blogs make ridiculous assertions about (1), but the same pundits never discuss (2).
Anyhow, I know that you are not in the UE database, so all the more reason to be perplexed why you are getting so upset; and why on earth are you using this paper as an opportunity to make ridiculous assertions about fictitious nefarious lists on your blog?

Not exact matches

Are you really that mad that I just refuted your ridiculous assertion that you made about Jesus never talking about marriage.
In any case how can we be sure that the people who make such outrageous assertions are, indeed Arsenal supporters when many of them often use ridiculous names?
Worse yet, what prompted my comment above, is that he's making the distinction based on whether the writer / author makes a living from his / her work — which is the most ridiculous and naive assertion.
His opposition stemmed partly from the valid argument that they impose real hardship on Iranians, but also from the very dubious claim that they make war more likely, and from the legally ridiculous assertion that western use of financial tools to block oil sales «is a financial blockade, and blockades are acts of war.»
LolWot successfully explains why the Moshers, Currys and Fullers of this world are ridiculous: the assertions they make are blatantly internally inconsistent and self - contradictory.
Not that we should spend too much time making a serious attempt at rebutting the CEI's ridiculous assertions.
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