Sentences with phrase «makes skillful use»

Structure your submission with a consistent format that makes skillful use of bolded or bulleted content to clearly delineate different areas of the CV.
In Persepolis Satrapi makes skillful use of the cartoon strip's simplified format to maintain a critical distance or ambivalence toward her life experiences.
In telling Anatoly Pavlovich Sukhanov's story, she makes skillful use of several different voices, often a straightforward third - person narration, sometimes sliding on occasion in mid-paragraph to the first person.

Not exact matches

Skillful use of wedge issues such as abortion could make an electoral difference in that context.
Richardson is very skillful, however, in the use of selectionand evocative quotation, ensuring Newman is allowed to speak for himself in clarifying the process by which the human mind makes it possible to subscribe to an act of religious faith which is seen to be an act of the intellect.
In this most lavish production the carefully planned colour scheme and the skillful use of the camera make the film one of the most satisfactory colour films yet created.
Season 2 was more subtle and was a good examination of conflict tearing people apart, the characters were developing and were interesting, they have now turned into soundbite gimps, the creators have severely erred in trying to reconcile a fictional conflicts of a biker gang with a real world conflict of the IRA without any attempt to create even an iota a sense of realism or use skillful tact, (its difficult to see how a biker gang could make such in roads to the IRA when whole arms of government have tried and failed) The outcome of which is to turn a decent and interesting show into farce.
Skillful players will learn how to use the game's boosting, flying, and flipping mechanics to make incredible passed, shots, and goals.
The skillful entertainer must use relevant material to make a connection with the audience, and so must the edutainer.
Likewise (7) «Using VAMS to make high - stakes decisions about teachers also may have the unintended effect of driving skillful and committed teachers away from the schools that need them most and, in the extreme, causing them to leave the profession» in the end (p. 121).
Most language arts classrooms make good use of several key strategies to help students become motivated and skillful readers — appropriate reading materials, instruction in thoughtful reading, and extended time to read.
See how the IS300, for instance, makes greater use of hard plastics than the others, but skillful design saves it from looking low - rent.
Below listed debt management mistakes can be avoided by adopting a skillful debt management strategy to tackle the debt web and make use of the debt more efficiently.
Our skillful and friendly trainers will show you how to train your pup using positive techniques that make learning fast, fun, and motivating... for all of you!
Bold leadership decisions, wise use of resources, and skillful battle tactics are vital to ensure that you and your clans make it through alive.
Bold leadership decisions, wise use of resources, and skillful battle tactics are vital to ensure your viking clans make it through alive.
Here Rauschenberg's skillful use of black resulted in an austere, inky surface that plays with notions of expression and gesture, challenging the very idea of what makes a painting a painting.
Covering everything from monitoring your home's energy use, to skillful shopping, to getting around town with a light carbon footprint, the apps rounded up here are very cool examples of when tech can make us greener.
I'm not really that familiar with the efforts that have been made to validate the hindcast of global climate models, BUT if they are skillful with respect to the number of degrees of freedom they use and predict, then they are skillful.
The potential to make skillful forecasts on these timescales, and the ability to do so, is investigated by means of predictability studies and retrospective forecasts (termed hindcasts) using climate models and statistical approaches.
The several methods to achieve this include: setting up analysis blinds, making skillful predictions based on data yet to exist, having skillful use reproduced by adversaries, and preferably a all three.
An answer of a 9 or 10 (unless sufficiently substantiated by the facts of the case) can be used by a skillful attorney to make a plaintiff appear dishonest.
Notice how the professionally written version has more white space throughout and incorporates a skillful use of bold font and layout that makes this resume inviting and easy to read while highlighting achievements and key success.
You can mention impressive products you use, but make sure it's clear to the consumer how those products make you more skillful.
The skillful use of accessories make the room feel personal and inviting without being crowded.
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