Sentences with phrase «makes students feel»

His technophile perspective makes students feel that he is an advocate for their technological reality.
«Some people are concerned about practicing these drills, but it's like fire drills, it doesn't make kids more scared that fires are going to break out, it makes students feel more secure that they have a plan in place,» she said.
Comment Below: Let us know how your school makes students feel comfortable and listens to their school community?
An emphasis on participation and giving your best makes students feel welcome and part of the team no matter what their experience and skill level is.
The school finds that opening up such home - school connections makes students feel recognized and engaged.
There are more police officers than counselors in our schools, which makes students feel like they are expected to end up in jail rather college.
The notion that people learn from their mistakes makes students feel safe to take responsibility.
This makes students feel like they are simply riding the standards - based conveyor belt to graduation, whatever that signifies.
Talking to someone who had a similar school experience and has gone on to achieve in their job makes students feel they can succeed too.
There's something about the classroom environment that certain teachers are creating that makes students feel more of a sense of belonging and motivation and the desire to take on challenges.
Is there anything within your power that you think you can do to make students feel safer before waiting to see what politicians might do?
None of these food service professionals have specialized food art training — this effort is done through the creativity and passion they feel for making their students feel welcome and happy in the cafeteria.
Hoosick Falls CSD Superintendent Kenneth Facin said, «Making these students feel welcome was an excellent effort and showed a genuine sense of community, something Hoosick Falls excels at.»
This is paired with magical assists, without pushing or forcing of any kind, to address alignment and make students feel nourished and cared for.
Though her classes are regularly packed, with sometimes less than two centimeters between mats, and her wisdom sought after, Rabbath makes every student feel seen.
Classes: English 9 and Freshman Composition School: Bob Jones High School, Madison, Alabama Students / Room Dimensions: 27 — 31 students; room is 780 square feet, about 30 feet by 26 feet Setting It Up: My goal for this project was to make students feel at home in my classroom.
Mistakes make students feel stupid.
If you are truly sorry (for hurting, making another student feel bad, being cruel, etc.), then the best way to show how you feel is by saying that you're sorry and really meaning it.
Whether it's a contest, a book exchange, or a team - based competition; whether or not it uses points, has prizes, or is just for pride; whether it's physical or digital — however you do it, create even a very basic program that will make students feel compelled to read during the summer.
The argument for targeting assessments and interventions on where students are in their learning (rather than on where somebody wishes they were) is not an argument for lowering standards, providing success experiences or making students feel good.
Simple and genuine gestures, such as regularly greeting students, talking to students, and addressing students by name, help to make students feel connected.»
How does the message make students feel?
In short, intelligence praise made students feel good in the moment, but it made them afraid of challenge and unable to cope with setbacks.
The process of forming a community in middle school begins gradually in ways that make each student feel safe.
You get to make each student feel special — not a small return on your investment of a few moments of time.
This is fundamentally an extension of the points outlined above, but using a work board as part of a learning exercise or classroom based activity can make students feel like active parts of a group, which in turn helps to foster a sense of belonging.
Teachers should also be better supported to collaborate and exchange information about students» difficulties, character and strengths with their colleagues, so that they can collectively find the best approach to make students feel part of the school community.
She found that very effective for making students feel comfortable to ask questions and to seek feedback and for her to be able to give feedback without it being publicly broadcast.
For me, the critical stumbling block toward readiness differentiation has always been How can I present different levels of instruction without making any student feel inferior?
«My main goal as a language teacher is to find authentic input to help them learn from real language - we have to make students feel like they're in the US even if it's still Morocco outside the school doors.»
Addressing dropout rates and providing strategies to make students feel more connected online, we look at how to improve the online classroom experience through the use of tools, creativity, social networking, and teacher - student contact.
Here, quality is important, as tokenistic programs can potentially make these students feel like their interests or skills are not valued by the community.
This seems to make my students feel incredibly supported by me and helps my relationships with them as well.
giving large amounts of «positive reinforcement» through praise, merit certificates, making students feel good about themselves and their culture, making them feel proud and confident
Most importantly, make your students feel at ease.
They make the students feel as if they are listening in on someone else's conversation.
These birthday brag tags are an inexpensive, fun way to make students feel special on their birthdays.
Surrounded by poverty and escalating violence, a San Francisco middle school committed to peace and embraced a program of meditation that has made students feel safer, teachers more productive, and brought unity and purpose to the school.
As a teacher of either online English or classroom ESL instruction, it is important to make your students feel comfortable speaking.
Yet I believe, based on what I have seen in schools, that we should move in the opposite direction, and take time out of academics in the early elementary years to focus on making students feel safe, secure, and confident in the classroom, in other words making them ripe for learning.
The separate studies credit small schools with reducing the negative effects of poverty on student achievement, reducing student violence, increasing parent involvement, and making students feel accountable for their behavior and grades.
Compliments serve to make each student feel known and appreciated within the group, and also help Krentz learn more about the students herself.
Is it worth your time to make the students feel at home?
It's also a no - brainer that classrooms should be inviting, environments that make students feel good to be there.
Understanding some basic statistics also goes a long way to making students feel more empowered to tackle difficult or complex issues.
The superintendent explains that students need principals who have high expectations and track records of having turned schools around, and that they need teachers who will emphasize learning, not merely trying to make students feel better.
These make students feel special and only require a few minutes of prep.
There are many strategies to make students feel welcome, but don't forget that this must be ongoing and year round to ensure that it truly becomes a reflection of the classroom climate.
The clothing closet is another program dedicated to making students feel supported at school.
In Lowell, one parent said that teachers» ability to adapt curricula to be more inclusive of students from diverse backgrounds was critical toward making students feel comfortable and welcomed at school.
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