Sentences with phrase «makes urine smell»

Whoa, I have sibo and interstitial cystitis (which also makes urine smell «off») but no diabetes.
Many have noted that eating asparagus makes their urine smell, and this is one way to see the connection between this veggie and your urinary system.
One is called maple syrup urine disease, which makes urine smell delicious but is actually a dangerous and deadly metabolic condition.
Does kale make urine smell?
I really feel like I did everything I could (La Leche, lactation consultants, enough Fenugreek to make my urine smell like Aunt Jemima, fancy 300 $ double electric breast pump, hours of pumping, Lansinoh, nipple shields and more nipple shields) but still, it drove me crazy.
Ammonia's gonna — you know — not only make your urine smell uhm — but it can interfere with the Urea cycle.

Not exact matches

He could smell her from his position, directly downwind of the Santa Ana's, the putrid air - born tendril of urine and body odor makes a formidable weapon.
Any residue from poop, urine, or detergent can make your diapers smell.
I used fenugreek and it did make my urine and sweat smell like maple syrup, it also increased my breast milk supply.
Make sure you have at least one bottle of urine erasing spray bottle around to get rid of any unwanted smells and stains.
Once common side effect however, is that it can make your sweat and urine smell like maple syrup!
Researchers have uncovered the chemistry that makes the urine of bearcats smell like freshly cooked popcorn.
The detailed analysis of the spectra suggests that Sromovsky's team has observed ice particles, made of a mixture of water and ammonia (which gives urine its smell).
I'm amused by the dog urine smell story, though I imagine it makes for a poor picture - taking experience.
The correct use of cleaning products can really make a big difference; indeed, products like ammonia can exacerbate the problem because to a dog's nose ammonia smells like urine.
The assumption dogs make smelling a urine - marked area is that the higher the urine, the taller the dog, and the taller the dog, the more dominant.
This is because the scent females leave in their urine can be smelled for miles and male dogs will eventually make their way to that scent.
Their fighting with owned cats and the offensive smell of their urine spraying to mark their territory makes them unpopular with people who shoo them away.
As it degrades and cleaves off sulphur molecules, it actually makes the smell of cat urine get stronger over several hours — like a primitive timer!
Puppy License To Misbehave Testosterone is the hormone which makes male urine smell male.
Rather than being an agonistic display of territorial defense, urinary scent marking by domestic dogs appears to be a means to make a strange environment smell like home, by masking the unfamiliar odors with individual urine.
Not only does the smell of urine encourage remarking, practicing the behavior reinforces it and makes it even harder to fix.
Later he would describe the misery he saw — dogs crowded into cages, trampling each other to try to reach him as he neared, animals who have gone cage crazy, spinning endlessly, others who were gravely ill or severly maimed, some appearing to be near death, all with filthy matted coats covered with urine and feces that filled their cages, and the overpowering stench that made him gag — the sights, sounds, and smells of torture and suffering.
First of all, it is made of the same things urine is made of, which means that when your pet smells it, he will be attracted back to that spot.
These man - made versions of natural cat smells may cause your cat to think that the territory has already been marked and will not mark them again with its own urine.
If you miss this opportunity then you can force them to make the connection in other ways — for instance when punishing a dog for urinating on the carpet some people will opt to make them smell their urine while they smack them.
By making it urine separating there is less smell, fewer bin changes and you get better compost, as well as the possibility of putting the phosphorus in the pee to use.
On top of that they cover everything in their urine and other bodily matter and make your home smell terrible.
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