Sentences with phrase «making changes in system»

This process requires you to root your Tab 3 10.1 as you will be making changes in system files.
When you are seeking to make a change in your system, the first thing you think about is going to the gym and starting to exercise again.
Instead, consider this article to be one that gives new insights and perspectives to the discussion, and helps all schools look at making the changes in their systems to support students to adapt and survive in this changing world, because the knowledge they are leaving with at the end of their time in school is no longer enough, or at times even relevant.

Not exact matches

The issue stems, in part, from year - old changes to Canada's express entry system which makes it impossible for someone in the PGWPP program to gain express entry without a Labour Market Impact Assessment, as chronicled by Nicholas Keung:
While organizing is putting systems in place to find what you need when you need it, «decluttering is what you do when you're trying to make a significant change in your life or your business.
«One thing we do know is that over the course of the years we have had some macroprudential changes to how this system works and we are comfortable those changes have done a lot to make sure the most fragile or the most vulnerable of those in that borrowing space are in effect being protected or have been prevented from excessive borrowing,» he said.
«While this might make Putin look like a tough guy flexing new nuclear muscles ahead of upcoming undemocratic elections in Russia that will coronate him again, the new systems don't change the essential deterrence equation between the US and Russia,» Barry Pavel, a senior vice president and director of the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security at the Atlantic Council wrote.
One more thing, right from the get go, we've structured things such that they'd be applicable globally, where we could quickly make small changes to the app in various countries to fit their own legal systems.
But unless the IOC makes wholesale changes to the existing system, expect the same «empty seats» headlines for the 2014 Olympics in Russia and again in 2016 in Brazil.
The reasons are four-fold: structural changes in the American economy have triggered a long term downward trend in entrepreneurial activity; changes in the banking system have made small business credit more difficult to get; a post-recession shift in attitudes has made Americans less interested in striking out on their own; and a shift in government policies has made entrepreneurship more challenging to undertake.
Hari has been able to convince big chains to make system - wide changes in the past by isolating one or two ingredients, such as the «yoga mat chemical» or corn syrup, that she feels are especially dangerous for customers and would be feasible for the company to cut.
After the Form 1 +, another iteration of the company's first stereolithography printer, Formlabs rebuilt the Form 1, making it 40 % larger for bigger prints; equipping it with a resin cartridge system, analogous to how ink cartridges in a paper printer are changed, as well as a touchscreen interface for ease of use; and enabling wireless 3D printing.
More importantly, though, Facebook's many admissions come in the context of the company making major changes to its systems, so they are more compliant with the European Union's incoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
If we want to break past lackluster economic growth rates and make meaningful change in lives and livelihoods, we need to move beyond incremental innovation (think slightly - better iPhones) toward revolutionary innovation (think new energy systems, next - generation electronics, and cures for Cancer and Alzheimer's).
In 2009, Gerard plans to make more changes to his bonus system.
«You can actually be mad at the system, and then use that disagreement to make a positive change in how the pay for the company is structured.
After fighting began, the quartermaster general recommended several changes to make the uniform more practical, and suggested a layering system in 1943 that would keep troops warm during the cold European winters, standardized as the M - 1943 field ensemble with cap, four - pocket field jacket, detachable jacket hood, field trousers and service shirt.
«It actually scored above 100 in our system before we had to make some changes to account for this car.»
It wasn't easy to put this system in place: our team invested in research beforehand to make sure it was workable, and once we all agreed, we had to encourage a change of culture across our offices.
Cleverly, Apple has made this work on a system level, so if you don't put the keyboard back to normal in a certain app, it'll stay in the one - handed mode until you change it back.
The company contends it's making the change in response to feedback from authors who feel the current system doesn't recognize the extra effort involved in producing a lengthy tome.
So the options become: a) accept the current system with the liquidity possibilities mentioned in your article, b) change the systemmake small IPO's feasible again in the U.S., or c) go international.
If the U.S. does not make significant structural changes including entitlement reform, budgetary reform and a simpler tax system, he foresees another financial crisis of possibly greater magnitude in the years ahead.
In addition, the law made changes to the alternative minimum tax (AMT) and was designed to reduce the number of taxpayers forced to pay using that system.
Tokyo, May 4 (Jiji Press)-- Public prosecutors and private companies in Japan are making preparations for the introduction on June 1 of a plea - bargaining system in the country that may drastically change the way investigations, trials and lawyer activities are conducted.
Over the last year and a half a number of prominent voices in the Bitcoin community have been warning that the system needed to make fundamental changes to its core software code to avoid being overwhelmed by the continued growth of Bitcoin transactions.
This feature article draws on recent work by the Committee on the Global Financial System (CGFS) to investigate trends in market - making and what they mean for the financial system (CGFS (2014)-RRB-.2 We use a simple conceptual framework to assess how supply and demand for liquidity have changed in fixed income markets, particularly in markets for sovereign and corporate System (CGFS) to investigate trends in market - making and what they mean for the financial system (CGFS (2014)-RRB-.2 We use a simple conceptual framework to assess how supply and demand for liquidity have changed in fixed income markets, particularly in markets for sovereign and corporate system (CGFS (2014)-RRB-.2 We use a simple conceptual framework to assess how supply and demand for liquidity have changed in fixed income markets, particularly in markets for sovereign and corporate bonds.
China and Singapore, by the way, are nondemocratic capitalistic societies, and so it's actually easier for those types of governments to make wholesale change than it is in our case, so they can make the types of systems that we've been talking about, or they could decide to mirror Singapore or whatever, and everybody just kind of has to take it.
«The good news is that the recent changes in the U.S. tax system have many of the key ingredients to fuel economic expansion: a business tax rate that will make the U.S. competitive around the world; provisions to free U.S. companies to bring back profits earned overseas; and, importantly, tax relief for the middle class.»
On the other hand, an identical number say that these changes will make the system fairer, and that they should go forward even in the face of protest by some.
The Financial Stability Board, an international body that monitors and makes recommendations about the global financial system, recently announced the appointment of experts in responsible investment, sustainable finance, risk management and climate change to head its new task force on climate - change - related disclosures.
The coincidence of the effects arising from the changes to the tax system and the Olympic Games in September will make interpreting developments in the economy, especially the monthly data, more difficult than usual over the near term.
While we all have to make some changes to systems and practices to support the new methodology, the investment in a more robust BBSW will be well worth it.
In dealing with a template - based system such as Shopify, making SEO - friendly changes to your site can be a headache.
In the remainder of my lecture I would like to cover both these topics, plus two other issues: what does the Reserve Bank need to do to fulfil its financial stability responsibilities; and whether the changes we have seen in the structure of financial systems over recent decades have made the system more or less stablIn the remainder of my lecture I would like to cover both these topics, plus two other issues: what does the Reserve Bank need to do to fulfil its financial stability responsibilities; and whether the changes we have seen in the structure of financial systems over recent decades have made the system more or less stablin the structure of financial systems over recent decades have made the system more or less stable.
In social policy, the Party is committed to breaking the cycle of poverty by developing a «living wage» policy that is sufficient to allow workers to support their families; make changes to the welfare system to encourage people on social assistance to move beyond poverty, such as allowing some benefits to remain until they are firmly established in the workplace; and reviewing the housing component of Alberta Works social assistance to bring it in line with the current reality of the Alberta housing markeIn social policy, the Party is committed to breaking the cycle of poverty by developing a «living wage» policy that is sufficient to allow workers to support their families; make changes to the welfare system to encourage people on social assistance to move beyond poverty, such as allowing some benefits to remain until they are firmly established in the workplace; and reviewing the housing component of Alberta Works social assistance to bring it in line with the current reality of the Alberta housing markein the workplace; and reviewing the housing component of Alberta Works social assistance to bring it in line with the current reality of the Alberta housing markein line with the current reality of the Alberta housing market.
Some of the changes were made as a result of careful system design, in the light of long experience.
Therefore any Neo2 trader will place trades based on a system that translates changes in the environment into actual trading signals from which traders can make money in binary options.
In 2007, President George W. Bush signed into law a bill that made sweeping changes to the student loan system.
A hacker needs to hack many systems in order to change any information to make the data to nearly tamper - proof.
My believe system did not change overnight, it took some time, but one day I realized religion did not made any sense and since then in my mind I am not concerned about the afterlife, I concentrate on what I have to do now and I feel free.
Why, asks John Leo in U.S. News & World Report, is his own constituency so willing to bring him down with protests, disrupted basketball games, and boycotts, when Pres. Lawrence worked so hard to make Rutgers a campus that «bristles with the enforcement tools of diversity: a speech code, real courses replaced by «multicultural curricular change,» diversity awareness «training» in lectures and freshman orientation sessions, a tolerance for ethnic and racial segregation in dorms («a self - affirming environment,» as Lawrence puts it), and professors who learn not to raise unapproved ideas about race, gender, and the campus power system built around multiculturalism»?
Are there changes that can be made in the system that are in keeping with a market economy?
In Religion in the Making, subtle but important changes have occurred in the understanding of these four elements in the philosophic systeIn Religion in the Making, subtle but important changes have occurred in the understanding of these four elements in the philosophic systein the Making, subtle but important changes have occurred in the understanding of these four elements in the philosophic systein the understanding of these four elements in the philosophic systein the philosophic system.
Most Likely to Make You Cheer... and Change: Sarah Bessey with «In which we will subvert the system for good»
I said changed all your products that is already contaminated because you can not make wise the Lord for reasoning the food you intake so that all of you will be dead in times of Delubyo or the Last Judgement Day of the Prophet of the Lord as an Stupid Cupid the original or Saint Marilou in the Philippines a Holy Family alive and kicking for you can not used this kinds of monkey wise system but this is all about greedy in money and foods but you forget about the chemicals that think you make wise in your businesses and now look at your physical features a radiationd foods you intake inside and outside including of course the athmosphere not an original faces already a big boom inside your body.
1 Whitehead specifies Euclidian geometry, but observes the other geometries might also be employed, provided some minor changes were made in the system.
It is clearly designed to build followers, who believe their eternal soul relies on doing what the church says (doesn't work on everyone, most people take what they need form the church and keep their own ability to make decisions in their lives, but that doesn't change what the system is designed to do).
Between all of those things, we've already made some progress in changing laws and electing people who we think will do a better job of making the system more fair.»
Thus, for example (due allowance being made for the change of scale and environment), it becomes legitimate to talk in the sphere of economics of the existence and development of a circulatory or a nutritional system applicable to Mankind as a whole.
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