Sentences with phrase «making depressing»

They also might be making you depressed.
Neither Ottawa nor Alberta's provincial government has a plan in place to address what happens when the imperatives of confronting climate change make depressed oil prices the norm.
Perhaps we think everything depends on us; that surely ought to make us depressed.
Perhaps we have become so secular that we indeed think that now everything depends on us; that surely ought to make us depressed.
This stuff does make me a little angry, but it really just makes me depressed, upset, and heartbroken that people can be so ruthless towards someone's beliefs.
I thought for a second and decided that I don't think I committed and constantly tell myself that god loves me and I'll go to heaven, I keep telling myself deep in my heart I don't care that I've committed it and it scares me so much... if thats true... and I really really care about being forgiven because I'm doing... all that... and it's starting to make me depressed..
Drugs to make the depressed happy, drugs to ease pain and inflamation, drugs to give you an erection, etc..
I found it made me depressed, jealous, and brought out a side of me I didn't like, a side that would make me feel crap about myself!
I'm with you on the fall weather too... Except they're saying a high of 80 + on Sunday, which makes me depressed to see those temps again!!
If you didn't find this funny... if it made you depressed, perhaps you should read my article from last year: Holiday Food Allergy Blues
Just makes me depressed to see talent wasted.
Coffee makes me depressed, and alcohol does bad things to my guts.
He is a sensitive, loving, caring kid, who is brilliant and if you mention 9/11 it makes him depressed.
i was put on clomid and prometrium about 4 months ago did it twice but still no pregnancy, i finally got fed up and stop taking it, it was making me depressed, angry, with major mood swings which the doctor did warn me and my husband about it.
Trust me living with your mother in law could could make you depressed I know mine would.
Watching my two smaller children all day can be boring and monotonous but it doesn't make me depressed.
«It gets you out of your head and away from feelings that are making you depressed or anxious,» she says.
Some people will you that because they were depressed they couldn't breastfeed and some will says they couldn't breastfeed and that made them depressed.
Can using antidepressants for too long actually make you depressed?
Can make us depressed.
Nevertheless, the details continue to make depressing reading for Miliband, whose personal polling is consistently disastrous.
Simon Danczuk has told how he sought medical help because child abuse campaigning made him depressed and led to him drinking too much.
Meanwhile, the responses to a public consultation on the referendum rules made depressing reading for the SNP.
You spend your time on your own, which makes you depressed
The YouGov survey for the Sun will make depressing reading for the prime minister as he prepares for the Conservative party conference in Birmingham.
Tinnitus can force people to withdraw from their social life, make them depressed, and give them insomnia.
They suggest that the frequent questioning of these drugs in media is unjustified and may make depressed patients refrain from effective treatment.
I'm not trying to make you depressed, only to warn you.
It's no surprise that a life - threatening disease such as cancer can make you depressed.
Does being overweight make you depressed — or does being depressed lead to weight gain?
Taking care of the caregiver can make the depressed person less depressed.
It made me depressed, it made me not want to get out of my house and it made me not want to talk to people and trust people.
The weight makes me depressed.
We shouldn't have to die of either heart disease or cancer — or consume a diet that makes us depressed.
Hence links to diet drinks with HFCS (high fructose corn sugar) and anything with fructose on the label can make you DEPRESSED, anxious and sad.
My purpose here is not to make you depressed or tell you to throw in the towel.
-- Healthy margarine makes you depressed, olive oil brightens you up
Looking in the mirror makes me depressed even more.
Makes me depressed knowing I paid full price... UGH what can you do?
It's enough to make you depressed!
Thankfully, there are many dating sites that are available, giving you a chance and opportunity to meet someone new and take your minds to things that can only make you depressed and sad.
Background in brownish and dark colors makes some depressed feeling a bit.
Lesbian Dating Sites Dc Italian Dating Website View Dating Sites Without Signing Up Dating Hsp Online Dating Makes Me Depressed Who Is Dating.
Dangers of a vegan diet: Why a plant - based diet can crush your energy, skin and make you depressed.
Loose Women panellist Stacey Solomon spoke out about colleague Andrea McLean's wedding to Nick Feeney and how it made her depressed — find out why here Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which
Ready this book just made me depressed.
Given that news makes you depressed, I thought I would share two videos with you that I thought were particularly inspiring.
Our bedroom had an expansive closet that made me depressed about my own tiny living situation (damn you, NYC), a private bathroom with a waterfall shower, and a lovely balcony overlooking the city of Cuenca.
You'll cruise along the most scenic coastal drive in the world, the Great Ocean Road — so probably won't be able to drive your car ever again because other views will make you depressed.
The series finale of» 24» this week made me depressed as I'm a big fan of Jack Bauer.
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