Sentences with phrase «making dogma»

Planet formation far away from a small parent star is at odds with the conventional planet - making dogma.
The leaders claim to speak for «God» when all they do is rehash archaic MAN MADE dogma attributed to a «God» who more closely resembles man's feeble mind and violent nature rather than the other way around.
You have YOU, Becky... you as you were born... without man - made dogma, religion or superstition.
«In the rosary,» Fr Nichols tell us, «there is a special educational method that makes dogma pass through the hands of Mary» (p11).
Man, Chesterton writes, is «an animal that makes dogmas»» a creature who, intellectually, gets somewhere.
he has laid the cornerstone for future success under the next manager though, building a club from bottom to top with the same philosophy isn, t easy to do to get everyone on the same page with the playing style and formations, and to make it dogma is very hard indeed.

Not exact matches

Molecular biology's famous «Central Dogma» states that DNA, the living computer code that makes up our genes, is first transcribed into RNA, which is then translated into specific proteins, which ultimately do the 24/7 work of the body and form its many structures.
Most economists - at least not those blinded by either dogma or an over-reliance on quarterly data - who made a fundamental analysis of the state of western economies, could not help but feel that the sense of escape from calamity was a bit premature.
I don't just deny a belief in a God (s), but oppose those that do and vigorously oppose those that seek to impose their religious dogma on our political decision making.
Go ahead and make a momument detailing ALL of God's dogmas as established by the Holy Bible... go ahead and bring out all the silly Christian skeletons in the closet:
But, we also criticize people who adhere to the dogma — of Christianity, of Islam, of Hindu tradition — when the actions are far removed from what the «policies» of the respective texts dictate (e.g. love thy neighbor, but act badly to others, specifically non-Christians *), or when the «policies» are adhered to VERY closely and make no sense in today's day and age (e.g. homosexuality is a sin).
We know people with both male and female s.e.x organs are born into this world, so according to your dogma god made them that way.
I don't even know how many jelly beans are in a contest jar, so don't know about the people on earth part, but being brainwashed to believe, going with dogma over enlightenment is likely part of the reason most probably do come back — makes sense.
Gosh, You'll pray for us... I didn't get you anything either, but hope you will see that the dogma you believe in is entirely man made, and hope you will find reality one day.
The error you are making is since your faith has all this extra stuff attached then if someone rejects your faith then all that stuff must somehow get replaced by some other type of dogma.
I am just as confident that its unabashed Catholic orthodoxy will merit the usual criticism from those Catholic progressives who somehow manage to combine liberal Protestantism's distaste for dogma with a newly - minted ultramontanism that would even make Cardinal Manning turn in his grave.
The stories and dogma of Christianity have been made up over time and continue to be made up.
When Christians usurped Jesus from the Jews and made him over in the image they imagined for him it was easy to dismiss the truth in favor of the dogma, and therein lies the fundamental flaw in Christianity — Jesus was a devout Jew!
Well, it's because no religious value, rule, law, tenet, or bit of dogma EVER trumps this nation's laws and we all agree on that, otherwise you might as well make the sleazy pope President and let the Ayatollah Khomeni be Vice President and we will live under religious sharia law with death for anyone who speaks blasphemy or who «dishonors» any religious figure whether real or not.
The triviality of this sort of devotion, its want of dogma or discipline, its tendency to find its divinities not in glades and grottoes but in gift shops make it obvious that this is no reversion to pre-Christian polytheism.
Its dogma is clear and firm and sufficiently explicit, and the wisdom, experience and foresight of its leaders great enough, to meet the dangers of making changes in itself.
Newman made me recognize that what I held dear — the great dogmas of the faith, the creeds, God's work in and through history — presupposed the institutional Church.
If the theist position is making the claim «God is» and the atheist position is a reply of «I don't believe you» then I fail to see any incidence of dogma.
Dogma doesn't say that women shouldn't have higher positions in the hierarchy, or that decision - making in the church should not be shared with female religious.
A clue: it does NOT mean pushing man - made Catholic dogma on everyone by force of law.
Good riddance... not adhering to the laws of the church would make it irrelevant... Whether a priest, nun or layperson a Catholics first duty is to uphold it's dogma.
And Rob that doesn't make it right - unless you are ok with the pretty horrible treatment the Jewish people have received throughout history often due to Catholic dogma people were made to «believe».
* In many cases, AA just makes it worse with their dogma of «powerlessness».
Ephesians 1 Revelation 2 Freedom of religion also means that you as Christian may not force me as a Christian to bow to your dogma I believe John is correct in identifying Paul to be false Remember Satan is a persecutor created by God and God does not make mistakes right Jesus was not persecutor.
For a long time now the Christian understanding of man has been obscured by theories of his nature built on other dogmas than that of the sovereignty of God and constructed out of observations of his behavior made from other points of view than those of Christian faith.
The doctrines and dogmas and traditions that have built over time need to be questions and changed for a system that makes the average believer want to be there (and to be involved).
What we have instead, and what binds even more effectively, is a moral unity that makes the disciplines (and everything else on campus) reflect its dogma.
I can easily understand their believing the dogma made up out of thin air, but even then they should realize that what is made up is a statement about the way Jesus saved his own mother.
As I shall make clear later, I find profound and vital truth in the experience which lies behind the dogma of the Trinity but, at the same time, I think more nonsense has been written about that dogma than about any other item of the Christian creed.
The assumptions undergirding our democracy are a somewhat paradoxical amalgamation, characterized by a free - flowing sense of moral relativism, a laissez - faire individualism and a fairly profound liberal sense of social responsibility: It is difficult enough to make sense out of these dogmas without considering our Christian faith in the saving power of Christ's cross.
Lesser men than the great scientists too readily assumed that all new knowledge must be made to fit the «scientific» dogma, just as earlier it was expected to fit the ecclesiastical dogma.
Making the laity, especially the young, toe the dogma line is Bill's mission in life.
There aren't enough billboards in the world to make one cult member turn and think outside their maniacal cult mantras and dogma.
This was followed in 1869 by the calling of the ecumenical council now known as Vatican I. Among other things it made the infallibility of the papacy a mandatory dogma.
No doubt the church has been right in acknowledging the deity of Christ and the Incarnation as the fullest measure of the divine revelation of which human nature is capable; though it should be pointed out that the church as a rule undertook to stand fast and to hold the ground of the traditional, historical faith, enshrined in the New Testament, and — as the histories of dogma make clear - only took over metaphysical definitions which had already been hammered out on the anvils of logical and exegetical disputation.
Then we must make sure he believes blindly in religious dogma and genuinely wants to impose his beliefs on everybody else.
In this transition Christianity makes its start; by proceeding along this path it proves that sin lies in the will, thus attaining the concept of defiance; and then, in order to make the end thoroughly fast, it adjoins to this the dogma of original sin — for, alas, the secret of Speculation's success in comprehending is just this, of sewing without making the end fast and without knotting the thread, and therefore it can marvelously keep on sewing, i.e. keep on pulling the end through.
If humans didn't devote themselves to so much perverse indulgence of Man Made religous dogma and rather tuned in to their inner voice and discovered their spirtiual life resided there and not in religions whose primary goal is a tool to control and manipulate through fear and ignorance.
Nazism, Communism and religion are all the same in principle — a man - made created dogma (teaching) created by madmen that instigates other people to follow it under threats of harm.
By contrast, a teaching such as the Immaculate Conception, as with so much Marian dogma, makes claims that not only stand on a highly contestable reading of an extremely narrow scriptural base but also seem to stand in tension with, if not even in contradiction to, significant biblical texts.
On the other end of the spectrum, revisionists like Paul Tillich and Hans Küng claimed that dogmas and propositions are expressions of religious experiences or spiritual intuitions, alerting us to an encounter with God that goes beyond all formulas or man - made intellectual systems.
It has become a dogma generally accepted that all that is found in these later writings is simply an outgrowth of the Vedas, the making explicit of what was therein implicit.
It was apparently, then, a deep ethical motivation that at length found expression in the dogma now familiar but in its cultural environment of astonishing radicalism: «Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image nor any likeness of anything that is in the heavens above or in the earth beneath or in the waters that are under the earth: thou shalt not bow clown thyself to them nor serve them» (Exod.
As someone who believes in God whole heartedly and feels he is the way through alot of the darkness on this earth but also the way to celebrate our greatest joys.I am happy she has found the love of God.But I to find the choice of religion somewhat suspiscious.As others have pointed out the dicotomy makes one wonder if the fact that her boyfriend is a Catholic has alot to do with her choice.Alot of women and men for that matter find conform to what their partners religion is because it is just easier and more comfortable at home for them.Now I am not saying this is what happened in this case.but it is somehting ti ponder.For me loving God and your neighbor as much as yourself are the most important part of believeing in a Supreme Being and all the rest of the Dogma just gets in the way and even is the cause of alot of the strife and wars in this world.So I hope she is happy but UP God for me... but no thatnks on the religion!!
We make no case for polygenism as such, but if there is scientific evidence to support it, we must ask whether polygenism is compatible with defined doctrine, or are Catholics bound to hold mongenism as an infallibly defined dogma?
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