Sentences with phrase «making fun of religion»

but why is it that almost every person that is making fun of religion can not spell?
As a Christian, I would be offended if the athiest was making fun of my religion.
This guy mocking Islam, and really just making fun of religion in general, was wrong, and so out of line as to be almost unbelievable.
We have made fun of his religion, and the people who follow him, that is true.
I am NOT an anti-semite and I am an atheist, and I hate the blatant hypocrisy of making fun of all religions except the jewish one.
Funniest part is all religious people will agree that religion is crazy and seperates people, they will agree that there are lots and lots of crazy people who are religious, will laugh and make fun of all religions but suddenly defend their own religion as the best religion and the true way to be religious.
>> Bill Maher: «Condemning attack is not enuf: unless U strongly endorse the right of anyone to make fun of any religion / prophet, U r not a moderate Muslim.»

Not exact matches

Respect other religions, and as a message to extremist atheists that seem to have nothing better to do then to make fun of my relgion, Let me tell you this, no trash you may say, to mocking will every break me away from god.
I am neither a christian or muslim but what right do christians have in making fun of muslims and their books when so much trash exists in their houses only difference being that other religions are open about their practices and even accept their mistakes..
Making specific exemptions for specific religions is fun at first, but at the end of the day, just cough over the dues for a (somewhat) healthy and (somewhat) civil society like the rest of us.
Oh, this is fun, I like seeing «christian» conspiracies and mud slinging on CNN, but it makes me wonder, why arent there any other personal slanderings of any other religions group by CNN?
We always seem to fall right in line with what ever they publish and do exactly what they want us to do; make fun of some one else's religion and loose all tolerance for differing beliefs from our own.
I used to think that CNN was just playing into the hands of religious followers by having a belief blog... now, with articles like this one, it seems more likely they are subtly making fun of them by showing the absurd side & how religion evolves to meet the needs of the current religion industry to keep butts in seats.
What's not to make fun of about religion?
Where the atheist have to do their religion, however do they have to make fun of other religion.
For a while, righteous indignation made the losing of his religion rather fun, as it always does; but as summer wore on into fall and the water began its slow progress to winter's cold, he became merely sour - angry at the universe, but even more angry at himself for having let it turn him into a grouch.
I don't even make fun of the more rational people that believe in one religion or another.
What if I mock your family, religion or culture tradition, make fun of it, and call names on your father, mother, brothers or sisters.
You're being a bully by making fun of someone's religion... maybe that will get through your heads.
Everyone has its religion why do people make fun of muslims and Christians instead god gave live to everyone to live it perfectly not for war and nowadays people don't think of global warming which is increasing only wars and blasts everywhere they should know that we also want to live
Nothing in the Christian religion says go out and make fun of those that do not believe as you do.
Way to make fun of people's religions and Gods, Prothero.
I just like how all the athiest say «I DO NT NEED RELIGION TO BE A GOOD PERSON» while they belittle others and make fun of others beliefs
You can't make fun of Oidiots closet religion only every other religion out there.
We've got all the komrade libs making fun of Romney's religion.
Maybe we should make fun of Mother Theresa for spending all those years helping the poor - man, what other kind of stupid things is religion going to inspire people to do?
The same way I don't go around spouting my religious beliefs, he doesn't go around telling people online and off that religion is stupid and making fun of people's beliefs.
«My purpose is not to make fun of a particular sacrament or religion,» says Garvey.
Along with ethnic jokes, how does the script make fun of size, age, sexual orientation and religion?
Harassment involves intimidation, threats, physical or sexual assault, sexual harassment such as quid pro quo, exclusion, mockery, making fun of, and other hurtful and unfair treatment of an employee based on race, religion, ethnicity, gender, or other characteristics.
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