Sentences with phrase «making good marriages»

Here, you will find resources for making good marriages better.
In Regency England, most women were confined to making good marriages and pretty needlepoint.
To diminish these three common, resistance - fostering fears, publicity on enrichment events should make clear that their purpose is to «make good marriages better» by discovering positive strengths and increasing here - and - now communication skills.
Just like it takes two people to make a good marriage, it takes two to make a troubled one.
Speaking of which — Penelope, I'm not sure if someone else has pointed this out, but the link you provided on the «There is no evidence that waiting longer than 25 makes a better marriage» actually says, if I'm reading correctly, that divorce rates fall when the bride is 25 or older, which isn't really the same thing as what you said.
Sometimes it takes going through a bad marriage to figure out what makes a good marriage.
The Hasidic rabbi would spare Jews the psychological burden of knowing their DNA so that they would focus on making a good marriage and a healthy family.
Our reviewer writes, «Yun expertly explores what it means to be an immigrant in America, the true value of tradition, the parent - child bond, what makes a good marriage and the need for forgiveness.»
Whereas his female readers would like to DATE Donovan Creed (although they recognize that he wouldn't make good marriage material).
It's 1870s London, and Leo is expected to make a good marriage, like her sister.
Good kids don't make a good marriage.
We are, by no means, perfect at this but we do keep working at these sound principles that make the Better Marriages program so valuable.
What we figured out was that coming from parents who had unhappy, unsuccessful marriages, we just didn't know what made a good marriage work.
This is a terrific opportunity to make your good marriage better!
Then, seek professional help from a trained relationship coach who can help you gain the necessary insight and skills as to what makes a good marriage work and thrive.
Sometimes it takes going through a bad marriage to figure out what makes a good marriage.
For others, every conversation may have ended up in a fight, while others just wanted to make a good marriage even better.
✦ Cooperative dialogue ✦ Conflict resolution with the «win - win waltz» ✦ Shared decision making ✦ Safe strategies for anger ✦ Recovery after upsets ✦ Ways to make a good marriage great
There are great ones about managing anger, getting past co-dependency and what makes a good marriage, just to name a few.
I decided that divorce was the best option for me, that it wouldn't be fair to either of us for me to continue going through the motions but never really feeling that he and I would make a good marriage together again.
It gives me great pleasure to help couples in crisis or those who just want to make a good marriage better.
Take time to make a good marriage great!
The most commonly addressed issues in Marriage / Couples Counseling are: Communication, Control and Anger, Conflict Resolution, Grief / Grieving, Money / Finances, Life Transitions, Sexual Problems, Affair Recovery, Sexual Addiction / Spouses of Sexual Addicts, Restoring Passion, and Making a Good Marriage Better.Many people are looking for help and yearning for hope.
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Still, you can do your best to model a good marriage relationship and simply make sure they understand that the choice of who to spend your life with is probably the most important choice most people make.
At Cisco, I made every decision based on what was good for the company, and that pretty much ruined my marriage and my health.
Of all the investments I ever made, buying Ben's book was the best (except for my purchase of two marriage licenses).
While my marriage didn't last, Carolyne and I are very close friends to this day and talk often about this defusing process and the way it continues to make our lives and our relationships better.
«That sensitivity will make the conversation and the marriage go better
It isn't that a lot of marriages don't fail and a lot aren't made in Hell and all that, but considering how difficult the world is, it's your best chance for most people.
@HS Well, you don't have enough functioning gray matter to figure out that the people who support gay marriage aren't all gay, You've made that false assumption twice in this little subthread already.
There is nothing about having diverse perspectives in a marriage that will make it inherently better — in fact, it may be less likely to succeed in the long run.
For example there is no reasonable argument to be made from a secular viewpoint to oppose gay marriage that can not be said to oppose hetero marriage as well.
I point to the callous way in which upper - middle - class deconstructions of traditional morality have made marriage into a luxury good.
Do YOU think that FORCING marriage on r@pe victims and others makes GOOD OBJECTIVE MORALITY?
Maggie Gallagher has been making eloquent, sophisticated arguments proving simple (some would say self - evident) truths for years now: Marriage is good for spouses, children, and society at large; or, in her words, married people are happier, healthier, and better off financially.
The best part about living in a secular country is that religious opinions of marriage are irrelevant to the legal definition as «Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.»
Just like we wouldn't separate from our spouses without first trying to make our marriages better with counseling, etc., maybe we can better evaluate our participation in our present church family before going elsewhere.
It's almost like we looked around and said, «Well, marriage is really difficult, and a lot of folks never experience intimacy, joy or happiness in their marriages, so let's just tell them marriage is supposed to make them holy instead.»
Same goes for theologies that suggest the poor are poor because of their sins, that if only the sick had more faith or gave more money they would be healed, that the tsunami or the earthquake or the flood that devastated a community was clearly the result of God's wrath on its gay inhabitants, that we can stop rape by teaching women to cover up better, that sex before marriage makes a person «broken» and «unwanted.»
The Pill, no - fault divorce, and now gay marriage have made traditional sexual ethics look outmoded at best and....
Mix marriages are the sign of love if you don't know love I suggest you find it it well make your life peaceful
The joy of the gospel of marriage springs from charity: 2 the same charity that compels bishops3 to faithfully proclaim the good news of marriage revealed in Christ; the same charity that is inseparable from the Truth, who frees the human person and reveals to him what it means to be human.4 Only in Jesus does every human being discover what it means to be truly human, to be made for God and to live in relationship with God, to have true happiness.
To make the latter claim is to run counter to the approach of much popular and well - intentioned Catholic thought, thought that has tended to so exalt the goodness of sex that it has often seemed to imply that marriage is for sex rather than sex being for family.
761) or, as the anonymous Office of Christian Parents puts it, two who are made one by marriage «may joyfully give due benevolence one to the other; as two musicall instruments rightly fitted, doe make a most pleasant and sweet harmonie in a well tuned consort».7
Any time we take a long - term view of our life, whether in personal health, finances, marriage, faith or career, we always make better decisions.
We can keep making our excuses, forming more rationalizations (parents are expected to die, after all — it's normal; my good marriage might be too hard for her to take; in an urban setting, what can you expect?
Will and Jada's marriage is on the rocks, better go home and make sure my marriage is solid!
«I want to hear a song about the breakdown in your marriage, I want to hear songs of justice, I want to hear rage at injustice and I want to hear a song so good that it makes people want to do something about the subject.»
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