Sentences with phrase «making persistent efforts»

Even the shortest creative thinking essay requires days and weeks of making persistent efforts.

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Despite the big - effort, these corporate programs will likely do very little toward making a dent in the country's persistent unemployment problems.
The acute sufferings of that time brought to a head the misgivings about God's providence in history which had been aroused by long - continued misfortunes and disappointments; for these sufferings not only fell upon a people which had made sincere and persistent efforts to observe the law of God in its corporate life, but they fell most heavily upon the best members of the community.
e.g. «we never made effort to sign him» this fits in your persistent negative outlook.
«Despite tight budgets and persistent challenges, school nutrition professionals are making efforts to incorporate more clean label foods and expand menus to encourage children to make healthier choices.»
Clearly it is going to take a loud and persistent effort from New Yorkers to make the MTA change its approach.
Persistent, latent reservoirs of the virus make efforts to cure infection difficult.
Gilbert - Diamond points out that unlike other parenting strategies that require persistent effort and vigilance, parents can make a difference by simply keeping televisions out of their children's bedrooms.
Instead, they are persistent and constant in their efforts, which means making a lot of sacrifices and struggling to adopt new habits, and those things pay off in the long run.
I want to keep working at solving the problem that, notwithstanding the great efforts we've made in Massachusetts over a couple of decades in setting high goals, measuring progress, holding people accountable, and investing and building the capacity of the system to deliver, we've still been — however successful we've been comparatively — unsuccessful at: closing persistent achievement gaps.
The UNESCO report outlines the successes, efforts made and persistent challenges in relation to each goal.
They've learned that if you offer players just the right amount of challenge — setting goals that are ambitious but achievable and allowing them to «level up» once they've demonstrated their mastery of discrete tasks — they will respond eagerly, making focused and persistent efforts to improve their skills and rise to new levels.
I was persistent in pursuing his acceptance into the school because I always believe you should make a valiant effort in whatever it is you seek to accomplish.
Well, all the above strategies and the plans require your constant and persistent efforts to make you a success.
«The new series was made possible by persistent efforts of a few Climate Auditers to secure access to the data series and analysis carried out by Dr Jones.
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