Sentences with phrase «making simple modifications»

Below, I share how I made a simple modification which is now available on the curated menu as the Avocado Cobb Salad following the protein - rich path.
You can make a simple modification when you try to gain weight that is replacing skim milk by whole fat milk.
Below, I share how I made a simple modification which is now available on the curated menu as the Avocado Cobb Salad following the protein - rich path.
Ask students to make a simple modification, like filling in a blank game board with new number positions.
The aforementioned artists, mother - daughter duo Shakuntala Pandya and Saumya Pandya Thakkar, made a simple modification to the ubiquitous striped zebra crossings that increases the safety level for anyone using the road.

Not exact matches

Lisa made some modifications that changed it to be neither fat - free nor vegan, but it still remained healthy and was simple and delicious.
I used my Zojirushi dual blade machine (BBCC - V20) to make a perfect loaf, with only one modification to Elana's recipe, and it's a simple one: Double the recipe.
This is such a simple recipe, which often makes substitutions more difficult, but somehow this gluten free cornbread recipe is magic ✨ and can take all sorts of modifications in stride.
Nestler: It's, to a first level of approximation, it's simple and straightforward, that there are a set number of modifications that could be made to the DNA itself or to the proteins that bind to DNA and control its structure, and activity and that those small number of modifications either turn a gene on or off.
Lashuel says that simple chemical modifications of normal HD protein can make it act like mutant protein - clumping together in «aggregates».
The same rules apply as with the standard plank, but this simple modification makes this one of the very best ab exercises.
Instead of throwing in the towel, simple modifications — like moving away from the anchor or offsetting the feet by putting one foot in front of the other — can make a huge difference.
Weightlifting derivatives are exercises that are produced when technique modifications are made to the two main lifts (the snatch, and the clean and jerk) but are simpler and less technically difficult to perform, although they are generally performed with lighter absolute loads (Suchomel et al. 2015b).
Simple dietary modifications can make a great impact on symptoms associated with «die - off»:
A well - balanced sequence, simple variations of poses and modifications with props are provided to make the practice of yoga accessible to all.
But there are a few suggestions I can make that will take a load off your digestive system with some simple modifications:
All in all, there are many simple diet and lifestyle modifications that can be made and they are truly the best solution when it comes to kidney stone prevention and treatment.
Overall this was a nice, fairly simple dish that I would make again with some slight modifications.
It seems like some sort of checkpoint or save system that makes failure feel a little less brutal would be a simple modification, but even without it, the game just forces you to be careful with your decisions.
The simple modifications she made to her usual teaching practices benefit all the students in her classes.
The simple modifications she made to her usual teaching practices benefit all students in her classes.
Many of us know and accept that our students are at different levels and have different needs, but we are understandably genuinely overwhelmed by the idea of differentiation, don't know where to begin, and may not realize that there are simple modifications that would make differentiation work.
The only major modification Rath made is a switch from right - to left - hand drive, a simple conversion built into the Mini's design to enable its production for markets worldwide.
Yet it is this characteristic that has allowed some enthusiasts to acquire significant power increases with turbocharged engines by making fairly simple and inexpensive modifications.
Tires and wheels are one of the most favored modifications that car and truck owners make to their vehicles, since a single, relatively simple change can entirely alter the appearance and character of a vehicle.
Tires and wheels are also one of the most favored modifications that car and truck owners make to their vehicles, since a single, relatively simple change can entirely alter the appearance and character of a vehicle.
«It's fairly simple to bolt equipment on and off the Veloster subframe,» said student Jayke Milton, «making it easy for people to make modifications in their own garages.
A little bit of preparation can go a long way towards modifying your loan, and making the process of modification simpler for both you and the lender.
In its March 1974 edition, the magazine Car and Driver had a look at some simple DIY modifications that could be made to one of the economy cars of the time, the Ford Pinto (ack).
Using the wealth of information available on - line, teach yourself the little bit of C / C + + needed to make the very simple modifications to the code to parse out rural vs. urban station data so that you can generate separate rural and urban temperature results.
It is really a completely different approach to design, a simple modification of every - day things to make them serve multiple functions.
The idea is simple: residents can make choices about how they would like to «grow» some aspect of environmental control or modification within the created light structures, that are «easily dismantled and energetically self - sufficient».
In most cases then, a simple modification won't make much odds to your insurance policy but it's always important to check with the company before you go ahead.
So if you're up for it, there's a fairly simple five - minute hardware modification that makes the speaker sound so much better.
Adding some extra battery life to your phone can be as simple as carrying a spare, using a battery case, or throwing on a slot - in mod, but this particular deep - level modification supplants the system's own battery rather than adding to it, making for a fairly seamless usage experience.
These simple modifications can dramatically enhance the presentation and make the content more attractive.
Child custody modifications can be best handled with a trained mediator, and many families find that mediation makes modifying the child custody agreement simpler, faster, and, ultimately, more agreeable than going through traditional litigation channels.
I didn't feel the need to fasten them together or make any modifications at all (KEEPING THINGS SIMPLE FOR THE WIN!).
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