Sentences with phrase «making something better»

But some managed to do a great job at taking after that game's principles and making something better.
This is purely design for design's sake, rather than actually making something better and easier to use.
To nurture healthier, more life - loving children capable of making something better of that unknown world — this is the need and the challenge.
Pushing the boundaries Most startups solve problems in existing markets — making something better than what existed before.
The first involves the «inverted U curve,» which models the inflection point at which the addition of units — of effort, of people, of money — stops making something better; and the further point at which adding units actually makes something worse.
Pushing the Boundaries Most startups solve problems in existing markets — making something better than what existed before.
They brought Patrick Doyle [Domino's CEO] and the development chefs in to show there were people, real people, working to make something better.
Now, to a degree, you have to want to make your work the best it can be before you launch, but there is a difference between making something good and putting it to use in an efficient manner.
The purpose of change is not just to make something different; it's to make something better.
Where can somebody come in and make something better and make some money off of it?
«At its core, entrepreneurship is about hard work and determination to make something better,» he says.
Gabby is AMAZING in her strength and will to come through this experience and make something good of this awful tragedy.
And that is supposed to somehow make something better.
«This is going to sound silly, but — do you think God sometimes uses these disastery sort of things to make something good happen?»
Be very mindful how you pin a name on your brother sister; remember the church is there the burden and those who have sinned yet we become so eager to judge; the word has already judged him, God at this very moment is dealing with him in ways that no man can as we judge him, we have judged ourself, we can easily forgive when his sin is like ours, but when it is not; they killed CHRIST CAUSE HE SAID HE COULD RISE THE TEMPLE IN THREE DAYS; to the people of that day and time it was a lie; as we forgive him we are forgive ourselves for believing in man and not the word; the word is still true, and God can still use him; but we must believe and fellow the word God no matter what; God has a way of making something good out of what is bad; that where the hope comes in; the faith in blessed redemption; heal our nation lord; heal our minds love forgive all;
Traditions start somewhere, make something better than Christmas, and maybe we'll un-convert some sheeple.
Further, as I have noted on this blog before, historical is not enough to make something good and true.
Giving on behalf of something does not necessarily make that something good.
I believe chipotle always makes something better.
Thanks for stopping by today, I hope you have a TERRIFIC day and find yourself inspired to get into the kitchen to make something good.
She needs to remove «healthy» from her description or alter her recipe so her readers are actually making something good for their families.
Wonderful pictures and timely, as usual, but if you really want to make something good, nothing beats a good old Louisiana Back - bay Bayou Bunny Bordelaise.
I needed to make something to reassure me, that I can make something good.
Sometimes, to make something good, you don't need to add too much stuff.
Me at the range making something good to eat.
What makes something better is connection.
But Brené makes an excellent point in that rarely can a response make something better.
We have an opportunity to make something good out of this tragedy, to use it as a turning point in how we debate politics.
«We wanted to bring this to everyone's attention and say «maybe we should make something better.
When Johnson's sister and late mother realized the extent of her injuries, they vowed to make something good of it.
We didn't set out to make something better than traditional manufacturing; it just worked out that way.»
But your post inspired me a lot and now i have a plan too to make it something better.
What I do in both the comedy world and the social media world is work to make something better.
I have this saying about hosting people at my house that you just «have to do basic well» to make something good and memorable.
I figured I'd make something good out of this situation though, and bring you all through my layering strategies for when you don't have a coat that is up to snuff.
«What I really wanted to do was to make something good come out of tragedy,» he said.
You may have spent much of your life trying to make something better, some of your hobbies and passions in life may have fallen to the wayside.
He clearly aspired to make something better, something deeper and more meaningful.
Make something good!!!
He tells them how this is the opportunity to make something better than the situation they're in now.
Other than that, it seems that this game will rock even Microsoft's Socks, not that they could make something better from a Nintendo game * cough * * Banjo * * cough *.
Education is a common good; it is the stepping - stone through which students can make something better of their futures.
The bottom line is that innovation and affordability aside, a new technology or modality has to make something better than it was.
«Our waiver submission is about our collective responsibility, teacher - to - teacher, principal - to - principal, district - to - district, and school - to - school to make something better; not who's going to get punished for not hitting a target set by someone outside our local environment,» said Fresno Unified's Hanson.
There's no point if nobody's going to use the results to make something good happen.
You don't just make something new for the sake of it, you make something better
No need to try to make something good out of an old dog — the Vantage started out more than good and remains so.
So what makes something a good book or a bad book?
It's not a direction I would go in — I'm steering clear of the arbitrage, personally — but it's great that you took control of a bad situation and made something good happen.
You've been paying that amount every month; make it something good for yourself.
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