Sentences with phrase «making sure it's done at»

You've inspired me do make sure we do this at least once a week... definitely positive discipline:) Melissa (Confessions of a Dr.Mom) recently posted: How to Recognize Common Newborn Skin Conditions
I try to make sure I do it at least a few times a week, but I don't stress if I'm traveling or have to be up super early.

Not exact matches

At least while General Mills Canada does its part to make sure you don't mind your beeswax about the declining bee population.
If you're a hiring manager, or when you're seated at the negotiating table, make sure that your own unconscious bias doesn't discount or give an undue advantage to a given candidate.
If you're fortunate enough to work at an organization like this, definitely be yourself, but also make sure that your quirks don't become distracting.
«The key, however, is to make sure you are doing it frequently, at least twice a week, and at a high intensity so that you are maximizing your strength gains.
But if I do, I'll make sure to upload a photo of at least one of us.
When doing your due diligence, set your emotions aside and make sure everything lines up and has the potential at staying aligned.
You can do more than one thing per day — just make sure to do one thing at a time.
He's better at it than I am and it makes sure we don't train valuable time and rush important stuff at the end.
I make sure it is the first thing I do in the morning, before looking at email or checking messages of any kind.
«Far more important than dialing down the margin of error is making sure that whatever you're aiming at is unbiased and that you do have a representative sample,» says Andrew Bray, an assistant professor of statistics at Reed College.
For people constantly in the public eye, the royals are unsurprisingly great at shaking the right hands, smiling at the right moments, and generally keeping it all together to make sure they get things done.
There's not much most of us can do to look good on video, but at least we can make sure we don't hurt ourselves by looking worse.
We have to look at this say and say, «How do we make sure the public has the widest possible range of ground transportation options and technologies that are safe and affordable and convenient for them, and the rules between those options are fair and equitable?»
«How do we make sure on a going forward basis that Americans at least know the source of the information they're receiving,» Warner said in the interview.
At the same time, however, the secret to Gould's success was his dogged insistence to make sure what he did was worth doing, and that he did it to the best of his abilities — even if some thought he was being completely unreasonable in the process.
In 2013, I always worked hard to make sure that everything was 100 % perfect, but I know that if I keep growing at a 90 % rate that is 90 % perfect, I will get a lot farther than I did last year.
If you do spend valuable time at a networking event, make sure plenty of prospects or powerful resources will be there.
Not only do they make sure that articles make sense and the subjects and verbs are right, at many places — such as the media company in question — they write the headlines and make sure the trains run on time.
Just making sure you're doing everything right so you can perform at a high level for all 82 games.»
«We're trying to stop [decisions] at the right level and make sure people have the autonomy to do their jobs correctly, without necessarily having to escalate everything,» explains Malboeuf, adding that staff have been asking for such freedom for a few years now.
He frequently steps up to podium mics to make sure college students get an earful of the types of lessons he didn't get as a managerial economics major at the University of California, Davis.
The professor at Arizona State University's business school and author of The Seven Signs of Ethical Collapse, asks her clients, «What are the things you would never do at this company to get a client, to keep a client, to make sure you met your numbers for the quarter?»
At a smaller company it may be easier for the CEO to just call a general meeting, but you would want to consult a lawyer to make sure you don't violate the privacy of the employees involved in the complaint.
«I also make sure I get at least seven hours of sleep every night and do yoga twice a week on my rooftop at sunrise.
At the same time, we're doing enforcement activity in our remote [exclusive economic zones] to make sure that there's not illegal fishing activity taking place, and we were not seeing that activity, but it was peeling off a lot of our resources toward what I would consider a relatively benign threat, and then we're providing other resources to do exercises with the military in the remote parts of the world but with really no strategic outcome that I could discern where the Coast Guard was providing a unique capability.
If you don't, you are flying blind, never really sure if you are making money or not, until you do your tax return at the end of the year.
Women can also help other women by coaching them and making sure their contributions are heard and valued at work (women can ask other women to help them do this).
If you can't do that, make sure you're at least using colors that balance the different elements of the infographic and make it easy to read.
Remember, if you're going to do any design changes at all, make sure you test your changes to see how they affect your bottom line!
M&A will never be 100 % successful and we learn from every deal we do, and so not to pick on any specific deal, but I've learned, based on relative success of deals we've done in the past, is making sure the key leaders at the company share a vision with the founder, making sure the strategy drives the M&A, as opposed to the M&A driving the strategy, and making sure we have good support mechanisms for these companies after they come in.
IBM is convinced that its Watson supercomputer is capable of doing a whole lot more than winning at Jeopardy — and the company wants to make sure it stays that way.
Part of my night routine is to look at a preview of what the site's going to look like the next day — so the very first thing I do is pull up the site on my phone to make sure they match.
So this would be a good time to look at your Facebook privacy settings to make sure things you share don't inadvertently show up in search.
That gives people the opportunity to race at the highest level of the sport, and we don't want to lose that, but when you add new top teams... making sure that you have an equally attractive environment for pro-am independent teams is a challenge we're up to — but it's easier said than done.
We hire as many people who do, and sometimes hire nobody at all, to make sure our employees are motivated to make our clients happy.
How to Avoid a Social Media Lawsuit: Steps for Businesses to Take At the very least, make sure that your employee social media policy is outlined clearly, that the content your business is publishing is not copyrighted or trademarked, that you use full disclosure to abide by FTC guidelines and that you don't improperly share user data.
How can freelancers act on their desires, while at the same time making sure they don't compromise their work?
If an employee needs more advanced training that will require him to leave for longer periods of time, do everything you can to make sure it happens, perhaps by looking at options for part - time work.
You don't want your first experience in a new country to be stressful, so put in the research to make sure your time at the airport goes smoothly.
As I recently wrote in «The IRS Wants to Know If Your Freelancer Should Be Getting a W2,» before working with a freelancer you want to make sure to look at a number of factors including: one) whether the person you hire is truly a freelancer, two) whether you have financial control over the person doing work, three) the extent of control you have over the freelancer's day and four) how the person's work gets performed.
While certain factors are out of our hands, such as an economic downturn, we do have the opportunity to make sure that we're at least investing in the right startup.
By taking time to work out, spend time with your family and making sure you do not burn out, you will start to notice that sometimes you solve your toughest problems on that morning run, or while lying in bed with your 2 - year - old as she falls asleep at night.
Although it claims it's not making a political statement, Budweiser sure did drop this commercial at the right time.
It can strike at the strangest times, but make sure you're ready to capture it when it does.
You can assume that if you get audited the IRS is going to look very closely at this area, so you want to make sure you do things right.»
His most amusing gambits include making sure you visibly flinch at the other side's proposals, and that at the close of a negotiation that you feel you've won, you should say something like, «Wow, you did a fantastic job negotiating that.
If Apple rejected your app, or if you're building one at the moment, here are 10 things you should do to make sure your app sails through the approval process.
Gagliardi's conclusion: if you need highly skilled talent, you'd better make sure those people have something to do when they aren't at work.
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