Sentences with phrase «making sure they are doing things»

The point is to make sure you're doing the things you want to do and that lead to the kind of life and business you want.
Check them out to make sure you are doing things the right way.
«We had to justify our existence through value - added services and make sure we were doing things for the customer that were going to save them money,» Wright explains.
If you are a parent or coach of an athlete, make sure you're doing these things: Parents: Have ample water available for your little athlete.
I know because i have been through numerous local, state and federal audits that looked under every rock, nook and cranny to make sure I was doing things «by the book» and following ALL of the regs.
When you're coaching clients and athletes, it's awkward to carry around a huge coaching manual, or to be watching videos on the Internet to make sure they're doing things right.
It pays to make sure you are doing things right in the gym.
Just make sure you are doing things for the right reasons.
«It does take a long time for things to happen — in the early days, something which might take an experienced person 10 minutes will take 40 minutes and that's because everything's unfamiliar and the boys want to make sure they're doing things right.
Most other self - publishing companies will give you instructional text to read on their website, and leave you to fend for yourself with confusing processes, tools you've never used and no opportunity to make sure you're doing things correctly!
The first step in improving your long - term score is to make sure you are doing things right today.
I have posted 1 or 2 items on your site, but look at it often to make sure I am doing things correctly.
But why should organizations with nothing to hide be worried about someone making sure they are doing things the right way?
I learned to check with the court clerk to make sure we were doing things right.
You need to have some systems in place to make sure you're doing things in a timely manner, and following up with your clients.
You can also talk with them regularily to make sure they're doing the things they need to do to be able to buy the house.

Not exact matches

Before you spend a lot of time an energy creating the next big thing, use a patent search to make sure it hasn't already been done.
Even today, he says, «I probably still wake up every day wanting to make sure I don't end up battling some of those same things I did when I was a kid,» and adds, «I'm still my toughest critic.»
With a plan in place and an eagle eye on how things are changing, you can make sure that your business doesn't fall behind.
While some things you can do on your own, it's best to consult with a lawyer when starting out, so you can make sure you've covered everything that you need.
Sure, it might be nice to have access to the absolute latest in technology, like John Wick does when he arrives in Rome, but you won't need to drop $ 1,000 on a new unlocked iPhone 8 if you keep your iPhone 6 in good condition, keep it clean (inside and out,) make sure you're not hogging file space for unnecessary things, eSure, it might be nice to have access to the absolute latest in technology, like John Wick does when he arrives in Rome, but you won't need to drop $ 1,000 on a new unlocked iPhone 8 if you keep your iPhone 6 in good condition, keep it clean (inside and out,) make sure you're not hogging file space for unnecessary things, esure you're not hogging file space for unnecessary things, etc..
While the emerging field of neuromarketing seeks to address this issue by peering directly into the brain, there are things we can do easily and cheaply to make sure we're not reacting just to consumers» conscious minds, but to their unconscious as well.
When I was a technology entrepreneur doing startups, I kept having the experience that doing things the traditional way — a lot of advanced planning, raising a lot of money upfront, really making sure you call your shot — that didn't really work for me.
And the best thing you can do for the people who love and depend on you is to do your best to make sure you can always be here for them.
Measure their progress toward the right goals, to make sure they are motivated to do the right things.
I make sure it is the first thing I do in the morning, before looking at email or checking messages of any kind.
«So, are there things FDA can do to make sure that the dispensing of opioids more consistently reflects the clinical circumstances?»
The idea is to get the company to do the right thing and make sure its influencers are disclosing correctly.
Here are three things you can do to make sure they know how valuable they are to your business:
«One thing we do know is that over the course of the years we have had some macroprudential changes to how this system works and we are comfortable those changes have done a lot to make sure the most fragile or the most vulnerable of those in that borrowing space are in effect being protected or have been prevented from excessive borrowing,» he said.
For people constantly in the public eye, the royals are unsurprisingly great at shaking the right hands, smiling at the right moments, and generally keeping it all together to make sure they get things done.
Organizations should also make sure that they talk about the business case for diversity, rather than simply stating it's the «right» thing to do.
Biderman was a relentless publicity hound, publishing a book about marriage, posing for unfortunate pictures, and saying many things he probably wishes he hadn't, such as: «We have done a really great job of making sure our data is kept secret.»
The professor at Arizona State University's business school and author of The Seven Signs of Ethical Collapse, asks her clients, «What are the things you would never do at this company to get a client, to keep a client, to make sure you met your numbers for the quarter?»
If you end up among the many who decide to begin a job search in 2018 in pursuit of your next big thing, here are two important but simple things you should make sure you do that will not only significantly increase your chances of finding a great new job but will also help you land one that you can feel good about long after the «new company halo effect» has worn off.
All the more reason to make sure that, if and when the market does turn, any moves you make will be driven by a long - term plan rather than the emotions generated by the last thing you heard on CNBC.
The absolute first thing to do is to contact your CPA or tax provider and set up a plan of action to make sure your finances are in good shape for this coming tax season — leverage their expertise to help you.
«They did things like pull insurance records to make sure each building in the model was the right color and had the correct number of floors.»
The best thing to do is balance your content moving forward, making sure to be creative while adding some «How To» articles and blog posts liberally.
So, if you've found yourself this far, there are a few things that an emotionally intelligent leader can do to make sure that everyone and everything stays calm and cool.
«The best thing you can do is to make sure that you're getting into something that suits you and what you want to do,» Lonier says.
There are things you can do to make sure you're getting the most out of having someone do your taxes.
Part of my night routine is to look at a preview of what the site's going to look like the next day — so the very first thing I do is pull up the site on my phone to make sure they match.
It's never too soon when you're starting a new business to take a break, catch your breath, look around, and make sure you're heading in the right direction, doing the right things in the right way, and chasing the right rabbit.
So this would be a good time to look at your Facebook privacy settings to make sure things you share don't inadvertently show up in search.
Making sure I'm ready to keep doing what I'm doing over the long term has helped me make sure I'm balancing things.
«Prince Harry was the first one off his horse, doing the right thing, turning me over to make sure I regained consciousness,» Kazin told The Washington Post.
«The first thing we did from Day 1 was to make sure that we benchmarked ourselves against the global market,» says Glenn Chamandy, the CEO of Gildan.
An important thing for Taco Bell is to make these products stick, and make sure consumers don't consider it a one - time gimmick like the limited - time offerings fast food chains constantly churn out.
Work - life as a part of living is making sure that I spend time on things I want to do, and I'm passionate about.
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