Sentences with phrase «making you feel comfortable»

How do we make you feel comfortable in this hotel, so that you feel like a member of the family?
Taking the time to research or inquire about another's culture can go a long way to make them feel comfortable.
But there's also another benefit: They're more willing to take a serious look at the product once you've made them feel comfortable saying no.
Proper neck support and spinal alignment are crucial in making you feel comfortable and ensuring you won't wake up sore in the morning.
Making it a point to give detailed instructions on tasks at hand, coupled with pointed questions about how the new hire is feeling and what they think would help them out in their job are keys to making them feel comfortable and useful.
Facebook is financing hotspots in villages in countries like South Africa, which requires agreement from entrepreneurs who are willing to act as evangelists, writes Wired's Jessi Hempel: These business owners need to let people know that the hotspots are there and make them feel comfortable sticking around to use them.
People like to deal with those that make them feel comfortable.
To avoid the urge to tug on your skirt or tuck your shirt in further every time you sit down or stand up, Welch says you'll want to wear something that makes you feel comfortable, confident and like your best self when interviewing.
Great life coaches also balance making you feel comfortable with keeping you challenged, and this is largely a matter of personality and style.
The reality is that the Shit Sandwich doesn't make the other person feel comfortable — it only makes you feel comfortable.
By using quality encryption methods, you may get the best data protection and the safest payment options, which would make you feel comfortable knowing that your profits are safe.
Thank you for your professionalism, from the get go without having met you face to face you made me feel comfortable to open up to you, there was a connection, I felt safe and knew that I was not going to be judged.
We make up religions to make ourselves feel comfortable with what our itching ears want to hear.
They pick and choose the parts that make them feel comfortable, assuming they ever read the whole book — which 90 % of Christians never do.
You don't like Christians having to change their belief system to fit into the current worldview around them; to you it seems like they are trying to please those same people (make them feel comfortable) and at the same time dis - honoring God (changing His word).
She wears high heels / I wear sneakers / We're each expressing our gender identities in ways that make us feel comfortable / Date me
The smoking, the laughter, the occasional «damn» during the talks had made him feel comfortable and somewhat relaxed.
She is genuinely not a naturally caring or loving individual or one that makes you feel comfortable or good about yourself.
When you sit down, sit down as an American if it makes you feel comfortable, but when you rise to speak, get up like a man anywhere...
Stormy said: «The homophobic language I used was, embarrassingly, a part of my vocabulary when I was younger and ignorance made me feel comfortable to use them whilst not understanding the hate and the ramifications they carry.
The fact that she didn't mention what kind of church she pastors leads me to believe that she does not have faith in the God of the Bible and has probably resolved to seek «enlightenment» in some new deception that makes her feel comfortable in her sin and doesn't hold her or her flock accountable to the one true God.
What is it about the chaos, the pain and the neglect that make you feel comfortable — and what will it take to finally let go and begin to heal?
Record which foods make you feel comfortable, uncomfortable and more.
I'd printed out the two recipes, and then gathered round me in the kitchen all the things that I knew I needed, all the things that I thought I might need, and a few things just to make me feel comfortable (a cuddly toy, a baby's pacifier, a piece of blanket... No!
Once checked in, you're guided down a set of stairs to reveal a gorgeous private room which instantly makes you feel comfortable and at home.
Just having an extra partner with Boss would make me feel comfortable so that Bellerin and Nacho (or one of them) can go forward while CM pivot can slot back to their positions...
The best thing that could have happened to the Phillies this year was for a pitching staff to sprout out of the soil, making them feel comfortable with an aggressive offseason.
if there struggling for form and confidence we to attack and make it count we do nt want to dilly dally about and make them feel comfortable and like they can get a grip of the game.
Been a super scary and painful 24 hours but I really want to take a moment to thank the medical staff here in Ottawa for making me feel comfortable throughout the whole process.
BOB Sport Utility Duallie stroller has a padded handlebar, with the safety strap on the handlebar makes you feel comfortable when walking around, especially on the descent road.
With Gentle Birth Care, my team was small and I met everyone on staff during my check ins, which made me feel comfortable.
Her easy going attitude made me feel comfortable talking to her.
As for safety, the five - point harness will make you feel comfortable that your babies aren't going anywhere.
Their love of children is very overt and makes you feel comfortable traveling with your child.
Toys, games and art supplies all help create a playful environment that will make them feel comfortable.
You can go as fast or as slow as you want (2 mins at a time, 5 mins at a time, cold turkey, etc.)-- just do what makes you feel comfortable.
There's nothing more assuring than dressing your baby in clothes that are gentle on their skin and make them feel comfortable throughout the day.
It is important to find someone who can support whatever kind of birth you want, who will answer all your questions, who makes you feel comfortable and in control.
Finding a nursing cover that makes you feel comfortable nursing in public is so important I can't stress that enough.
here comes the special sauce — what would you, the mommy, need to have there to make you feel comfortable?
But you only require the right one — the best of the best — one that makes you feel comfortable all night long.
I love making people feel special, cheering them up, making them feel comfortable, and taking care of them.
Plus, dentists who work with children usually have stickers and fun items to give to kids in addition to knowing how to make them feel comfortable.
I need someone who loves children, is patient and will make him feel comfortable and loved.
She made us feel comfortable every step of the way, even when things got tough.
This potty chair is just the size she needs to make her feel comfortable and secure.
«Exchanging one chemical for another doesn't make me feel comfortable
She always makes me feel comfortable, even when I have questions that I feel are silly or embarssing.
It was familiar to people and it made them feel comfortable.
Stay true to you, and buy what makes you feel comfortable.
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