Sentences with phrase «male dogs her own»

Recently, clinical evidence has suggested that male dogs of certain large breeds may benefit from waiting to neuter until the dog has reached 10 - 11 months of age.
I think part of it is learning from others, a lot of male dogs would come into our yard to mark!
Find 60 unique and meaningful Irish names for male dogs from legend, history and the lyrical Gaelic language.
I'm a pet sitter and many of my clients have two male dogs and all of them get along great with each other.
Although aggressive tendencies in male dogs will be reduced through neutering, the fear that you will be getting back a dog with a significantly different personality after surgery is just not true.
Scrotal problems are fairly unusual with intact male dogs but can happen for a variety of reasons.
The chart below (taken from the study) indicates the number of male dogs for each category that were positive for any of the 5 diseases or disorders compared with the total number of dogs in each category:
An old fashioned name, this name is still used a lot today especially for male dogs who once lived as strays or seem to have wandered in to the lives of their owners mysteriously.
Despite what some young male dogs think, BREEDERS know the cycle is usually 21 days.
Female dogs are twice as likely as male dogs to become diabetic, but male cats are one - and - a-half times as likely as female cats to develop the disease.
Some of the wolves that became the original dogs in Central Asia around 15,000 years ago came from this long and distinguished line of male dogs.
Generally the male dogs only shed heavily in spring and summer.
He is good with other small dogs with proper introductions on leash, but he wants to be the top dog (alpha) at home, especially with other male dogs.
Remember that male dogs will be heavier than females.
This study concluded that the odds of MCT and LSA were higher for neutered dogs verses intact dogs, but male dogs neutered before 6 months of age did not have an increased risk of developing HSA.
Adult male dogs may occasionally scent mark indoors, but they will never intentionally release urine while playing or any other activity.
The study indicates that early neutering (before 12 months of age) was associated with an increase in the occurrence of hip dysplasia, cranial cruciate ligament tear and lymphosarcoma in male dogs.
The prepuce in male dogs may be clamped to one side of ventral midline with a sterile Backhaus towel clamp.
Neutered male dogs and cats are also less likely to escape their yards and roam the neighborhood looking for in - heat females.
This name is most commonly used for male dogs of the giant breed classes such as mastiffs and Great Dane's.
Again, while this name may seem overly used it is still one of the more popular pet names particularly for male dogs who have escaped some type of unfortunate situation such as life in an animal shelter or a car accident or amputation.
Easy to use, it comes in several sizes that adjust to most breeds, as well as special slings for male dogs.
Cryptochidism: - This is to do with undescended testicles in unneutered male dogs.
Male dogs and cats are neutered.
Older male dogs have an extremely high chance of developing prostate disease — such that most male dogs will at one time experience some problem, but unlike in humans this is very unlikely to be cancerous.
Female dogs are affected about twice as frequently as male dogs.
And indeed, there certainly are some male dogs for whom castration becomes a medical imperative (perineal hernias, benign prostatic enlargement, etc.).
This name is commonly used for larger male dogs, particularly those of German shepherd related breeds.
but he doesn't do well around small dogs and he's bossy with other male dogs.
Some metabolic defects present from birth can also cause crystals to be present (cystine crystals in male dogs or uric acid crystals in dalmatians).
Male dogs can also be more aggressive with dogs of the same sex.
Male dogs can develop testicular cancer, a condition called testicular torsion in which the testicle twists on itself, and benign prostatic hyperplasia — or an enlarged prostate — if they are left intact.»
She is great with people and is fine with nonpushy male dogs.
These days, except for dog breeders, most people accept that all male dogs should be neutered and female dogs spayed.
Also, male dogs may get access to her in that period.
Male dogs who have been neutered may be less likely to roam away from home.
Mojo — Mojo is usually used as a masculine dog name for male dogs that have a lot of «up and at «em.»
These diapers are primarily indicated for male dogs that love to mark their territories especially inside the home.
Male dogs -LSB-...]
In male dogs, the prostate may be secondarily affected.
Female dogs who aren't spayed also often become pregnant — as long as they've been around unneutered male dogs and mated, that is.
Unneutered male dogs can become aggressive.
The cut of the underside of the garment is especially important for male dogs.
Not only do reproductively mature intact male dogs often start frantically escaping their homes to mate with females, they frequently mark their territories with urine and behave aggressively, too.
Both female and male dogs and cats secrete this fluid when they defecate which coats the feces.
Male dogs will also mark in a new house or environment.
Male dogs with one copy of the mutation are affected.
As in previous years, «Bella» is the number one name for female dogs and «Max» is the most popular moniker for male dogs.
The urine contains hormones and pheromones, which lets neighboring male dogs know that she is ready to mate.
The estrus cycle lasts for five to ten days, during which time the female ovulates, the discharge becomes less but during this period, the female dog will show an interest in male dogs.
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