Sentences with phrase «male ego by»

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So, in his world being male is a handicap that needs accommodation under the ADA (in the US, at any rate) to ensure fragile egos aren't bruised by anyone of the wrong biological configuration.
Just more stiring of the Pot to go to war with Iran, getting the male egos in the Southern States fired up to Kill in the name of Religion and those who manipulate them by doing this news reporting.
It has been reported that Eurycoma longifolia Jack commonly known as Tongkat Ali has gained notoriety as a symbol of man's ego and strength by the Malaysian men because it increases male virility and sexual prowess during sexual activities.
It has been reported that Eurycoma longifolia Jack commonly known as Tongkat Ali has gained notoreity as a symbol of man's ego and strength by the Malaysian men because it increases male virility and sexual prowess during sexual activities.
The male ego also does not want to be rejected by sending hundreds of outbound emails to women each week.
May be the rich woman does it unintentionally but economic help and support offered by a female hurts the ego of the male after a point.
Wendy makes many times more than Chuck, and she does so by masterfully manipulating the egos of Axe's (mostly male) traders.
The likes of Jennifer Lawrence, Felicity Jones and Alicia Vikander all stem from here — young, beautiful, white women seemingly plucked from obscurity and groomed for future stardom, trailed by a flurry of fashion press, the pick of the hottest scripts, and effusive ego - massaging courtesy of a high - profile male producer.
Money, fame, power, alpha male ego — they create a minefield for Bloom, mapped smartly by Chastain and writer - director Sorkin, who surely know the territory.
, a far more chaotic study of a young woman put through the psychological wringer by the male creative ego.
Rover initially begs off, but constant pestering by her imaginary (and male) alter ego (played by Butler) sends her to the island to try and help.
The rest of the time, women either exist to prop up their male counterparts» egos by sending them naked photos (except if they're old, gross lol), or to destroy them by cuckolding them.
On one hand Jones looks to Buddhist practices and meditation as a source of energy in the creation of his work yet everywhere we look we see Wolverine masks and Black Flag logos (originally designed by Raymond Pettibon in the late 70's) which conjure a kind of brash male ego enterprise (the rocker, the comic book character) The use of these two archetypal symbols feel earnest.
Smith invited male artists to collaborate by performing as alter egos — with Kim Jones (as Vietnam veteran Mudman), Paul McCarthy (as an androgynous bad boy), Allan Kaprow (as a sage patriarchal figure), and Victor Henderson (as a tantric sex partner), alongside Smith's ex-lover Dick Kilgroe.
By your very own words you have identified yourself as an assembly - line real estate salesman (I think you are male) whose ego is tied to how many deals he can pull off vs. every one else.
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