Sentences with phrase «male frog»

A male frog will get a female's attention by first calling out and puffing up his vocal sacs.
In more recent work, he reports the same effect in an adult male frog of one species.
Other females may also choose to mate with the male frog and deposit egg clutches in the bamboo.
A female white - spotted frog responds to the mating call by entering into the bamboo section to lay her eggs on the inner walls of the section, leaving after the male frog has fertilised the eggs.
University of California, Berkeley, herpetologist Jim McGuire was slogging through the rain forests of Indonesia's Sulawesi Island one night this past summer when he grabbed what he thought was a male frog and found himself juggling not only a frog but also dozens of slippery, newborn tadpoles.
Confronted with an antagonistic speaker, a male frog will generally approach it, and occasionally hop on top.
In this beautifully illustrated story, two male frogs in a committed loving relationship discover a path to creating more love in their lives through adoption, while also coming to the aid of two young frogs in need of new parents.
A concert of croaking male frogs is a fierce singing contest, and he who has the sexiest voice gets to mate the most.
One of the mostly widely used weed killers, atrazine, may be disrupting male frogs» sexual development — even reversing it
The most heavily used herbicide in the United States, atrazine, makes hermaphrodites of male frogs at concentrations commonly found in the environment, according to a study published in the 16 April issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Hayes says that's still enough to turn some male frogs into females.
He did so by dressing male frogs «in tiny pairs of waxed taffeta trousers,» then mating them with females.
In male frogs, it makes their voice boxes grow and their vocal sacs develop.
«It was obvious that they were adult male frogs, as they were calling to attract a mate,» says Austin.
Hunting bats don't just listen out for male frogs» mating calls: they can also use echolocation to detect when the frogs inflate their throat sacs
Most male frogs fertilize eggs after the female lays them.
Mr Seshadri observed that adult male frogs enter hollow internodes of the flute bamboo Ochlandra travancorica where they vocalise to attract mates.
The researchers found that male frogs that have found suitable spots for spawning in sections of the reed bamboo will call out for female mates using the vocal sacs in their throats.
A study led by PhD candidate Mr K. S. Seshadri from the Department of Biological Sciences at the National University of Singapore's Faculty of Science has revealed that male white - spotted bush frogs (Raochestes chalazodes) dedicatedly guard their fertilised eggs from other cannibalistic male frogs and predators.
At least one species of bat is known to use echolocation to pick up on the ripples created in the pond by the male frogs inflating and deflating their vocal sacs while calling.
In 2002, Hayes and his colleagues showed that developing male frogs exhibited female characteristics after exposure to atrazine.
Exposure to less than one part per billion of the most commonly used herbicide in the U.S. can feminize male frogs, according to a new study.
Some experts have traced estrogen - like chemicals to increased rates of human breast cancer, and there is even more evidence that they endanger animals by feminizing the sex organs of male frogs and fish living downstream from sewage treatment plants.
Since 2002, Hayes has documented abnormalities in the reproductive systems of male frogs exposed to the chemical.
At common environmental concentrations, the popular weed killer atrazine strips male frogs of a key hormone and turns some of them into hermaphrodites, according to new research.
When a song is broadcast via loudspeaker, male frogs will reply.
The test also works on male frogs, which produce sperm in response to the injection.
It might even cause male frogs to adopt some female traits.
According to one study, the pesticide atrazine can turn male frogs female.
One study showed that when male frogs were exposed to BPA, they were turned into females!
Some current examples: male frogs now carry eggs, whales have flame retardants in their bodies, and some fish are almost too contaminated with mercury to safely eat.

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The weather forecast for the British Isles this week: cloudy, moderate winds, severe hail, lightning, blood, frogs and first - born male children... More
In some species of frogs, the males carry tadpoles in their mouths until they are able to survive independently.
Cold - adapted Wood Frogs can survive Alaskan winters, breed in icy water, and males wrestle in order to get to females!
From male pipefish pregnancies to single - father frogs, evolution has produced some truly doting dads — and made the job surprisingly rewarding
The song of the túngara frog creates ripples in the surrounding water, which attracts unwanted attention from predatory bats and rival males.
To understand what was going on, Lardner and Maklarin installed a plastic pipe in the forest, filled it halfway with water, and added a male tree hole frog.
Björn Lardner of the Field Museum in Chicago and Maklarin bin Lakim of Sabah Parks, a state park agency in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, spent more than 100 nights in the Bornean rainforest, locating calling males of the tree hole frog (Metaphrynella sundana).
Like crickets, cicadas and frogs, male corvina produce a thumping love song that likely acts as a come - hither signal for females.
If you thought estate agents knew how to sell a house, take a look at male Emei music frogs.
But in species where males have a greater role in rearing young than females — such as seahorses and certain frogs and birds — it's the females that are more likely to compete violently with each other.
If a female túngara frog doesn't fancy the call of a singing male, she moves on to another suitor or may give him a body slam.
Strogatz and Kevin O'Keeffe, Ph.D.» 17, used the curious mating ritual of male Japanese tree frogs as inspiration for their exploration of «swarmalators» — their term for systems in which both synchronization and swarming occur together.
It is the only land vertebrate where the male becomes pregnant, carrying and brooding tadpoles inside its vocal sac until they metamorphose and are spat out as baby frogs.
So scientists have been puzzled that males of many species, including fish and frogs, send mating signals that a female has trouble perceiving.
Their most poignant find was this dead female harlequin frog splayed in the shallow waters with a male trying to mate with her.
In male adult frogs exposed to 25 ppb of atrazine, testosterone levels dropped 10-fold, to levels found in females.
«At the top, there is a «master gene» that decides whether a frog becomes a male or a female,» says Stöck.
There were also males with shrunken larynxes, a crippling handicap for a frog intent on mating.
In the attempt to choose a mate, it's no surprise that females will select the more «attractive» of two males, but now a new study reveals that female túngara frogs are susceptible to the «decoy» effect, where the introduction of a third, inferior mate results in the female choosing the less attractive of the first two options.
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