Sentences with phrase «male over female»

Danah Boyd: and in social networks, that means male over female.
It seems like, after a good start with 1.0, Disney Infinity has started to emphasize male over female characters (ex.
According to a new Harvard study — based on data gathered from focus groups, interviews, and several surveys, including one of roughly 20,000 11 - to -18-year-old boys and girls from 59 public and private secondary schools — nearly a quarter of girls preferred male over female political leaders.
Being male over female or vis versa gives no real in - game advantage what so ever, so just pick what ever floats your boat.
In countries like China and India, parents indicate their preference for male over female children by selective abortions (allowed by pre-natal screening), which abort a disproportionate number of female fetuses.
As long as the model of husband over wife, male over female, continues to be confirmed as the one level where dominance may not only be tolerated but must be honored, oppression of peoples will be continued on every other level of culture.
Too often gender stereotypes subtly elevate males over females.

Not exact matches

When it comes to toys, a consistent finding is that boys (and juvenile male monkeys) strongly prefer to play with mechanical toys over plush toys or dolls, while girls (and female juvenile monkeys) show equivalent interest in the two.
Yet that's the typical amount that female MBAs leave on the table over the 20 years after graduation when compared to their male counterparts, according to a new study from the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC).
Previously younger males would take precedence over older female siblings.
More Millennial females than males said that they are willing to share brand preferences over social media or online.
The controversy, which stemmed from questions over whether a female developer's relationship with a male game journalist influenced coverage of her game, has expanded in a full - blown firestorm.
The letter suggests [Phalen's] strategies for promoting the agency were ignored because senior FEMA leaders favored male executives over female executives.
A male gets a double share of the inheritance over that of a female.
One refrain in debates over marriage policy is that laws designating marriage as exclusively the union of male and female are today's equivalent of bans on interracial marriage.
Finally, God creates male and female human beings in God's image and gives them dominion over the earth.
God is no more female or goddess than God is male, and males have no priority over women in the New Covenant community because of gender (Gal 3:27 - 29).»
• Teleology or purpose: Males are created by God to hold authority over females.
Is male identity an advantage over female?
It may seem as if we do because (and this is very important) for centuries, males were viewed as superior and thus held authority over females.
While female armpit odors were generally favored over male, the very best effects were produced by sniffing the grannies.
For evolution to be true every male dog, cat, horse, elephant, giraffe, fish and bird had to have coincidentally evolved with a female alongside it (over billions of years) with fully evolved compatible reproductive parts and a desire to mate, otherwise the species couldn't keep going.
Such a denial elevates the «male» sphere of reason over the «female» spheres of emotion, sex, irrationality — anything that the serpent might have loosed in Eden because of Eve's sin.
In other words: it is not merely as humans that we reflect God together as male and female, but as those who rule over the world as male and female we bear the image of God.
People's anguish is not over the alienation between the soul and God but rather over the estrangement between black and white, rich and poor, male and female, East and West.
And just as we no longer countenance slavery, which both Old and New Testaments regarded as normal, so we also no longer countenance the use of female slaves, concubines and captives as sexual toys or breeding machines by their male owners, which Leviticus 19:20 f., II Samuel 5:13 and Numbers 31:17 - 20 permitted — and as many American slave owners did slightly over 100 years ago.
Churches have split over whether to have male or female pastors.
Marital lovemaking, not only mirrors this act of Jesus as our Lover, and we His Beloved, but also the creation of the world itself, when the Spirit of God (male) hovered over the dark waters (female) before the Spirit impregnated the Void with His life, and the Big Bang occurred (orgasm), evolving the Universe to what you see today, which is the creation yearning for the birth of the sons of God - truly the creation and earth and Universe is still in labour pains until the birth occurs!
Similarly, the status of the human embryo, and the value placed upon it, have come under increasing scrutiny over the past decades, and even since DP in 2008 it has become increasingly normal to assume that it is morally acceptable to destroy embryos or to experiment upon them.12 The increasing sense of a loss of respect for human life in its earliest stages is linked to the abandonment of male - female lifelong marriage as the normal structure in which human life begins and is cherished.13 DP emphasises that «human procreation is a personal act of a husband and wife, which is not capable of substitution» (DP 16).
The trip went smoothly enough, except that an alcoholic male parishioner who loved to touch women draped himself over the female pastor throughout the parade.
Anyone who does not want to be self - deceived about these most important matters would certainly want to consider, without prejudice, whether male and female desire were, and are, to begin with (i.e., before culture takes over), symmetrical and even identical.
Males and females who have, sometimes impatiently, turned this into a fight, into a culture war, instead of the grace of conversation over time as we each listen to God's Word as the way forward.
Even after multiple women expressed concern and hurt over the forceful imagery invoked in the post to describe male authority and female submission in sex, Jared Wilson and Doug Wilson responded dismissively, suggesting that the only reason a woman might react negatively to the idea of being «conquered and colonized» is if she had problems with «reading comprehension.»
I could go on and on here: The adjectives used to describe women in leadership roles versus the ones used to describe men in similar jobs, the previous arrest record of black people involved in a law enforcement shooting and yet never the officer's misconduct record, the average amount of lines given to male characters over female.
Yet, in the same article, the author contended that the New Testament statement «there is neither male nor female in Christ Jesus» was dominant over the Old Testament's handling of a woman's vow being dismissable?
a male's only choice and control over a pregnacy is whether or not to add his gentic material to that of the female's.
«Male and female created He them» is simply a synopsis of the Adam and Eve story which follows in greater detail than the account of what happened over the 7 days of creation.
This is the message of the historical divinities, male and female, who over the long years ceased to be anonymous representatives of Process and became individuals with unique and sometimes capricious personalities, individuals who exhibited behavior sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes licentious and gross.
And then to deepen the puzzle yet further, both childbirth and the woman's desire for her husband are linked to a third thing that will overshadow the relation of male and female from now on: «and he shall rule over you.»
I know a person who worked in OBGYN in a hospital who said that over the course of her career at least a dozen babies were born in that hospital with both male and female genitalia.
Over 50,000 chicken wings were consumed in Bailey Auditorium in the West Loop where five Chicagoland establishments were crowned first place winners and two individuals, one male and one female, were crowned «Lord and Lady of the Wings».
They are acutely aware of their popularity — Hamm is by far the most recognizable American soccer player, male or female, according to a recent federation survey — and they have shrewdly leveraged that fame over the years, winning concessions from U.S. Soccer on several issues: the right of each player to choose which brand of shoe to wear; per - game salaries that equal those of the men's team; and clearance to stage a lucrative post-World Cup indoor tour in»99 using their own promoter.
As you stated, earning potential is partly based on the parent's (male / female) decision to prioritize parenting over career not just the decision to breastfeed.
The RDA of vitamin B3 is 16 mg / day and 14 mg / day for female over 18 years and male over 19 years respectively.
With about 1,049 male babies born for every 1,000 female babies born in 2013, boys are keeping the edge in a ratio that's stayed about the same over the past 60 years.
The name «Lyric» is unisex, but is typically given to females over males.
It has historically been used for males as well as females, but over the past few decades, it has clearly become a more widespread girl's name.
«I don't think there's any difference between a male midwife taking care of a woman than a female nurse taking care of a man,» said Marion McCartney, a certified nurse midwife and director of professional services at the American College of Nurse - Midwives, in Silver Spring, Md. «Well over half of obstetricians are men, and nobody thinks that's unusual.»
Over the last few years there has been a rise in baby names now recognised as unisex but previously categorised as male or female.
Let alone in one gender over the other; females have been painfully overlooked / lack of attention because most of the noise and spotlight is on male dominated sports.
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