Sentences with phrase «managed as sole proprietorships»

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I would have a lot more sympathy for the owner of Hobby Lobby if it was run as a sole proprietorship and not picking and choosing how he wants help from the government in managing risk, liability, regulations and taxes.
As busy professionals, the pair identified a need in their own work for tools to help them manage the multiplicity of tasks related to sole proprietorship.
(7) Applications to become sole proprietorship — An application to amend a managing broker, associate broker or representative licence to become a sole proprietorship brokerage licence must be made in accordance with section 4 - 4 [applications for new licences] of these bylaws as if it were an application for a new sole proprietorship brokerage licence.
The course is designed to provide the licensing education requirements for those who wish to become licensed as an associate broker or managing broker, want to license a brokerage or sole proprietorship, and for those licensees looking to increase their knowledge on a variety of business planning, financial accounting and human resource management topics.
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