Sentences with phrase «mandate on children with disabilities»

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The nonprofit National Center for Fair and Open Testing, known as FairTest, which fights the misuse of government - mandated standardized tests, says on its website that the average student takes 112 tests between kindergarten and 12th grade and that the assessments «are frequently used in ways that do not reflect the abilities of students of color, English language learners, children with disabilities, and low - income youth.»
NCLB mandated that states judge schools and districts, and impose punishments, based on test scores of the entire school and district and of subgroups of students: different ethnic groups, English language learners, children living in poverty and students with disabilities.
The focus of the mandate of the Special Joint Committee on Child Custody and Access, as set out in the order of reference adopted by the Senate and the House of Commons, may, in fact, be too narrow, and does not take into consideration the variety of family formations in Canada, which include families with parents with disabilities, same sex couples, aboriginal peoples and peoples from different cultures.
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