Sentences with phrase «mandatory reductions»

Of course no politician is ever going to mention a tax, or worse, mandatory reductions in work so as to reduce carbon emissions quickly.
I don't think we will get mandatory reductions — that seems extremely unlikely.
They will raise the costs of making mandatory reductions beyond what any model can predict.
There is going to have to be major, mandatory reductions in using energy.
We call on the European Commission to propose to member states a ban on glyphosate, to reform the pesticide approval procedure, and to set EU - wide mandatory reduction targets for pesticide use.We call for the ban of glyphosate - based herbicides, exposure... more
Kim's presentation also discussed California's Assembly Bill 32 for mandatory reductions.
And he warned that the McCain - Lieberman approach of mandatory reductions in gases would lead to «years of litigation.»
The province requires emitters of more than 100,000 tonnes of GHGs per year to meet mandatory reduction targets.
The coal and utility industries have spent millions of dollars to oppose mandatory reductions in global warming pollution until CCS is commercialized.
So far, the E.P.A. has been focusing its rule - making on requiring measurements of emissions, not mandatory reductions.
«Voluntary programs are never going to be a substitute for strong mandatory reductions that have to be imposed by the government.
In Texas, I think we've done it better with mandatory reductions.
As Media Matters noted, the investment bank Goldman Sachs and The Nature Conservancy, both of which Paulson chaired, urged mandatory reductions in greenhouse - gas emissions.
«It is time for the United States government to do its part to address this global problem, and a discussion of mandatory reductions is the form of leadership that is required.»
India's new environment minister, Jairam Ramesh, says India will not agree to mandatory reductions in carbon emissions.
The health campaigners stressed that a mandatory reduction target, which exists in South Africa, could be more effective.
But he said he no longer supported the position outlined in a campaign statement of Sept. 29, which had also promised to set «mandatory reduction targets» for carbon dioxide.
The Prime Minister's mistake in lumping Russia (which has mandatory reduction targets under the Protocol) with China (which, as a developing country, does not) illustrates how poorly he has grasped this vital issue.7 But the contempt with which the Government appears to view the concerns of developing countries was made more transparent by Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, who declared:
That effort has been hampered because the United States never signed on to the protocol, and today's largest carbon emitter, China, like other developing nations, faces no mandatory reductions.
There is no mandatory reductions in emissions of carbon dioxide and other climate - altering gases like those in the Kerry - Lieberman plan put forward last month.
If you have a Florida Driver's License and are 55 years of age or older, you are now eligible to complete a motor vehicle accident prevention course that will allow you to receive a mandatory reduction on your insurance rate for three years (Florida Statutes 627.0652).
And taking a class can pay off at any age if you have violations because some states trim, or even remove, points from your driving record and require auto insurance companies to give you a mandatory reduction in your premiums after class completion.
Kansas - Insurance Discount & Accident Prevention Course... $ 19.95 Complete this course to receive a mandatory reduction on insurance rates for three years (Kansas Statute 40 - 1112a).
Insurance Benefits — as per Kansas Statute 40 - 1112a you will get a mandatory reduction in insurance rates for three years once you complete an approved traffic course.
Florida drivers over 55 years of age can now qualify for a mandatory reduction in auto insurance rates for three years.
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