Sentences with phrase «mandible which»

A team of international researchers announced finding a complete cranium and associated mandible which casts the contentious discussion of early Homo in a new light.

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It is theorized that this in turn came from the Proto - Indo - European root» * mendh -», meaning «to chew» (which is also where we get the word «mandible»).
The filtering of food items is assisted by hairy structures called lamellae which line the mandibles, and the large rough - surfaced tongue.
Hosken bred 12 generations of beetles to create groups in which all the males had either small, large or average - sized mandibles.
Meet the supersoldiers The species collected in New York, Pheidole morrisi, normally has two types of worker ants, according to Abouheif: minor workers, which are responsible for foraging, nursing, feeding eggs and larvae, and taking care of the queen; and soldier ants, which defend the nest and use their big mandibles to crack seeds harvested by the minor workers.
Their giant, muscle - bound noggins power their biting parts, the mandibles, which they use to attack other ants and cut up prey.
«We already know that there are biominerals present in the protein matrices and hard tissues of insects, which gives them high strength and hardness in their jaws, mandibles and teeth, for example.
The lower mandible actually curves slightly up, which likely gives it the strength it needs to hold the tool.
Tokummia documents for the first time in detail the anatomy of early «mandibulates,» a hyperdiverse sub-group of arthropods which possess a pair of specialized appendages known as mandibles, used to grasp, crush and cut their food.
«We already know that there are biominerals present in in the protein matrices and hard tissues of insects, which gives them high strength and hardness in their jaws, mandibles and teeth, for example.
B. Wood has given a diagnosis of mandibles that should be placed within rudolfensis which include:
Ghoulish interest is a prerequisite for watching Mira Sorvino (as a bold and athletic entomologist) act against performers who have mandibles, or for appreciating the care with which nymph, juvenile and adult insect villains have been devised.
Dr. I Lerh Brisbin at the University of Georgia has said, «The few studies which have been conducted of the structure of the skulls, mandibles and teeth of pit bulls show that, in proportion to their size, their jaw structure and thus its inferred functional morphology, is not different than that of any breed of dog.
The laterolateral view often yields the most valuable information regarding dental disease.1, 7 The incisor teeth, cheek teeth, and supporting structures are easily evaluated for malocclusions.1, 7 The appearance of the bone surrounding the teeth may also be assessed.1, 6 The dorsoventral view is particularly helpful for evaluating the palatal and buccal margins of the cheek teeth and the zygomatic bone.1, 7 Oblique projections of the skull are useful for separating individual cheek teeth of the mandible and maxilla, which are directly superimposed in laterolateral views.1 In 2009, Boehmer and Crossley introduced the use of anatomic reference lines when evaluating dental radiographs (BOX 2).1, 7
Two yellow lines (C) highlight the medial cortex of the mandible, which should appear straight, smooth, and symmetric.
The owner refused surgery to remove the tumor which would have required removing part of the mandible (jaw).
With respect to this, he states, The few studies which have been conducted of the structure of the skulls, mandibles and teeth of pit bulls show that, in proportion to their size, their jaw structure and thus its inferred functional morphology, is no different than that of any breed of dog.
Larvae lack these mouth parts and instead possess powerful mandibles and mandibular teeth which are well - adapted for biting and chewing.
Some veterinarians prefer the cheiloplasty procedure over the chin skin resection procedure — they feel the chin skin resection results in decreased flexibility of the skin of the chin which may prevent normal lengthening of the mandible.
As Dr. Lehr Brisbin of the University of Georgia told the American Pit Bull Foundation: «The few studies which have been conducted on the structure of the skulls, mandibles, and teeth of «Pit Bulls» show that, in proportion to their size, their jaw structure and thus its inferred functional morphology is no different than that of any breed of dog.»
The tumor can strike any bone, including the ribs, mandible and spine, but the most common sites include the ulna and radius of the wrist, and the long limb bones, which include the femur, humerus and tibia.
It was found by Dr Swediaur that ambergris very frequently contained the horny mandibles or beaks of the squid (Sepia moschata), on which the sperm whales are known to feed.
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