Sentences with phrase «manmade warming trend»

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However, while most «skeptics» agree we are in a warming trend, for most, the main challenges are (i) that it is not shown to be at unprecedented levels or rates (for the last millenium or so) and (ii) that it is not shown to be principally manmade.
With climate projections showing a trend to higher average and higher extreme temperatures across the West, it's likely that any drought will be more severe than it would have been without manmade warming, the study — along with others — warns.
At the end of the day, the discussion about a single calendar year obscures the more important long - term trend of warming air temperatures, warming and acidifying oceans along with melting ice sheets, all of which are hallmarks of manmade global warming.
Again, there almost certainly is a warming trend since 1850, and some of that trend is probably due to manmade CO2, but sensitivities in most forecasts that get attention in the media are way too high.
Yet, while claiming increased certainty about manmade global warming, both reports essentially ignore the absence of any surface warming trend since about 1998.
In order to make improved projections, scientists are fine - tuning their understanding of the many influences on sea ice trends, including both manmade global warming and natural climate variability.
Currently the natural forces are in a warming trend and increasing the warming trend through manmade emmissions may cause a more rapid warming.
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