Sentences with phrase «manufactured exports»

"Manufactured exports" refers to goods that are produced within a country and sold to other countries. These products are made through the process of manufacturing, which involves transforming raw materials and components into finished goods ready for export. Full definition
In this context, the only way to recover the beneficial correlation between commodity prices and demand for Canadian manufacturing exports is to diversify our export markets toward fast - growing emerging markets.
The new entrants adopted a strategy of expanding manufactured exports to create employment.
While the extent of the pick - up in manufactured export earnings in the March quarter suggests that a recovery is already underway, growth in the period ahead is likely to be more moderate than during the 1990s.
The value of manufactured exports fell by 2 per cent over the year to the June quarter, compared with average annual growth of around 15 per cent for much of the 1990s.
Manufactured export earnings again increased strongly in the June quarter, and were 19 per cent higher than in the corresponding period last year.
The second reason Carney is holding off on raising interest rates is fear they would increase foreign capital inflows, which would further drive up the Canadian dollar and correspondingly dampen manufacturing exports.
While manufactured exports from other industrialised nations have picked up since mid 2003 in response to the recovery in global demand, their overall performance since 2000 has also been quite weak, especially compared with the experience of the 1990s (Table 8).
Resource and service exports have also begun to do better, though manufactured exports weakened.
The manufacturing - based surveys have been pointing to significant declines in export sales, and balance of payments data confirm the weakness in manufacturing exports over much of the past year, although they picked up in the June quarter.
The export of several ferries boosted the June quarter growth but, even excluding these, manufactured exports probably increased by over 3 per cent in the quarter.
Unlike the other broad categories of exports, the value of manufactured exports continued to trend downwards in the December quarter, posting its fourth consecutive quarterly fall.
The Chinese economy has also been boosted by increased demand from the rest of the globe, with manufacturing export growth in the high single digits for the first half of 2017, after a contraction in 2016.
Scotch is now Scotland's largest manufactured export, even bigger than processed oil and gas.
Over the past three decades, China has emerged as an economic colossus, becoming the world's source of cheaply manufactured exports.
Manufactured exports fell as a share of U.S. GDP in 2015 and 2016, and in my view were on track to continue to fall had the dollar's late 2016 level been maintained.
When the new Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans - Pacific Partnership is implemented, Canadians will gain enhanced market access for everything from agricultural goods to advanced manufacturing exports, financial services and forestry products.
Nevertheless, growth in manufactured export volumes has been lacklustre since 2000.
With an upswing in world demand now firmly established and upward pressure on the Australian dollar easing recently, growth in manufactured export volumes is likely to resume over 2004.
The share has fallen more noticeably since the peak if the calculation is expressed as current values of manufacturing exports as a share of nominal GDP, but this is affected by the cycle in the terms of trade.
With the loonie at lows not seen in a decade, and the U.S. recovery finally building steam, conditions seem ideal for a revival of Canada's manufacturing exports.
Stephen Poloz and his colleagues have been waiting on signs of life in manufacturing exports, and now they think they see it.
The last few weeks have brought a barrage of disappointing results for domestic growth, manufacturing exports, employment figures and more
South of the border, the U.S. — whose economic health helps to drive Southwestern Ontario's economy, especially its manufacturing exports — added 233,000 jobs last month, dropping its jobless rate to 5.4 %.
Both the Bank and the Government's response to this shortage of aggregate demand have been to try and engineer a lower dollar to help exports, particularly exports of manufactured exports.
This lack of capacity is no longer optional, because low commodity prices and the steady decline in manufactured exports (due to competition from low - cost countries such as Mexico and China) have placed Canada at a competitive disadvantage.
Until recently, Chinese government investment and manufacturing exports were turbo - charging the country's economy.
Although trading partner growth has recently been strong, firms continue to cite intense competition in export markets and the high level of the exchange rate as impediments to growth in manufactured exports.
Growth in manufactured exports to the European Union, the United States, the Middle East, and recoveries in demand from non-Japan Asia, have underpinned this strength.
In value terms, manufactured exports rose by 5 per cent in the March quarter, though they remained around 6 per cent lower over the year.
Manufactured exports have also shown signs of recovery, following weakness through much of 2003.
The latter survey also suggests that manufactured exports have picked up following a fall in the December quarter.
Japanese manufacturing success has been driven by companies leveraging the surge in global trade throughout Asia and the emerging markets; manufactured exports to China are up 16 % for the year to date.
Bear in mind that the «hollowing out» [1] of the manufacturing export sector as a result of a strong Canadian Dollar was a major criticism of the outgoing BoC Governor Mark Carney.
They are reflected in the growing internationalisation of the Australian economy, with a sharper focus on Asia; in greater competitiveness, including in manufactured exports; in genuine efforts to raise productivity through co-operative workplace negotiations; and in a general clamour for speedier micro-economic reforms.
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