Sentences with phrase «manufactured schools crisis»

From the manufactured schools crisis to the market - based solution of charter schools, it appears that the «free market» model picks winners and losers; the winners being the politically connected and the losers being the rest of us.

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The public education establishment is trying to save schools by saying that nothing's wrong, it's a manufactured crisis that can be solved by public relations.
They claim the corporate reformers have manufactured an imaginary education crisis in our country by cherry - picking low - performance facts from poverty - stricken school districts and continually repeat accusations that are simply not true.
The Board's responses revolved around the idea that previous administrations have let the problem get so bad they must act fast and close these schools or else the district will fall over a fiscal cliff — sorry wrong manufactured crisis — but you get the idea.
These members of the Deformer «advance force» parrot a regressive agenda of union - busting, tenure - smashing, and teacher - demonizing, paired with an obsessive devotion to standardized testing, «data driven decision making», charter school expansion, and privatization as the «answers» to the «crisis in public education» — while remaining seemingly oblivious to the fact that it was their policies that manufactured the crisis they claim to be addressing, and which are paying off so handsomely for the investors who fund their charter schools and pay their generous salaries.
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