Sentences with phrase «manuscript form»

"Manuscript form" refers to a document or text that is written by hand rather than being printed or typed. It can be a handwritten book, essay, or any written material that is not mass-produced using a machine. Full definition
I read this in manuscript form on a skiing holiday with my family, and once I got over my intense sibling envy, I lost myself in the beautiful worlds she created.
It is best to secure endorsements for your book while it is still in manuscript form.
There's really not much to the plot other than for the protagonists to be chased around by the monster horde, while Stine seeks to write an all - new novel in the manner he wrote his old one (in manuscript form on a Smith - Corona typewriter that may have magic powers) with all of the characters he ever created on the hope that he can capture lightning in a bottle (or, in this case, a book) again.
But before you've got that agreement in writing, it is natural to want to know how best to protect your intellectual property when there are so many different potential eyes seeing it in an unpublished manuscript form.
- Explanation of the editing process and how it benefits every author Write The Vision - How to get that idea out of your head and into manuscript form Self - Publishing 101 - How to get your book out there without having to rely on traditional publishers Keeping It Real While Keeping It Holy - How to address real issues without using worldly techniques The Best Medicine: Writing With Humor
Front Gallery: Books in Manuscript Form Bookworks Group Exhibition An exhibition of artists» books, and ideas for books, will be on display in the Mercer Union Front Gallery, October 17th to 30th.
Still, it'll make for a cracking crime tale and Gyllenhaal's Nine Stories production company is adapting Jonas Bonnier's book about the case, which is still in manuscript form.
Don Williams and Ralph Blair were similarly generous in sharing with me their writings, whether already published or in manuscript form.
Superior to any of his verse found in the Granth is a poem that has been preserved in manuscript form.
I'd like to pass it on to numerous brethren once it's available in manuscript form... I'd prob.
supply, including on loan by libraries, of books on all physical means of support (including brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter, children's picture, drawing or colouring books, music printed or in manuscript form, maps and hydrographic or similar charts), newspapers and periodicals, other than material wholly or predominantly devoted to advertising
(6) supply, including on loan by libraries, of books (including brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter, children's picture, drawing or colouring books, music printed or in manuscript form, maps and hydrographic or similar charts), newspapers and periodicals, other than material wholly or predominantly devoted to advertising;
Avoid double - spacing your body text, as if it were still in manuscript form, as in a Microsoft Word document.
The Book of Separation by Tova Mirvis This memoir by my friend Tova Mirvis won't be released until later this year but I had the privilege of reading it in manuscript form.
• After Tennessee writer William Gay died in 2012, a story in manuscript form was found among his papers.
This story was discovered among Gay's papers in manuscript form and is faithfully reproduced here without significant editing.
We are a distributor only and therefore are looking for books that have already been published, not for books still in the manuscript form.
He has authored the full - scale biography: Milton Resnick: Painter in the Age of Painting, which remains in manuscript form.
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