Sentences with phrase «manuscript in preparation»

Are there manuscripts in preparation that will require attention?
Using a similar approach, we have found a robust correlation (Way, B.M., Hunter, J.F., and Lieberman, M.D. manuscript in preparation; see Supplementary Material) between the A118G polymorphism and individualism — collectivism (Figure 1).
Weber, R.L., Orsborn, C., The Seeker's Guide to Aging: 25 Questions that Turn Getting Older into a Spiritual Path, (Book manuscript in preparation), 2013
«I had a manuscript in preparation and wouldn't have been able to continue with my project.
Considerations that you'll need to address include: establishing authority to purchase supplies and equipment; maintaining laboratory instruments and facilities; the status and responsibilities for proposals and manuscripts in preparation; the group meetings schedule; student progress / evaluation reports; research plans; back - up resource persons on campus; budget oversight responsibilities; and deadlines for reports, proposals, and updates.
However, more recent data from our lab suggest a role for NK cells (manuscript in preparation).
When bone marrow from these chimeric mice was transplanted into secondary recipients, mixed chimerism was > 80 % three months post-transplantation, suggesting that the HPCs had acquired self - renewal characteristics [17] and behaved similar to bone marrow cells (manuscript in preparation).
Manuscript in preparation
In the meantime, if you have any questions about initial formatting of your manuscript in preparation of the conversion process or if you have any other questions, post them and let's get the discussion started.
«Our ongoing modeling analysis (manuscript in preparation) indicates that the sum of winter rain in California will actually increase given the increasing CO2,» Wang said, «but the precipitation fluctuation will also increase — wet gets wetter and dry gets drier.»
Manuscript in preparation.
Sanchez, M. G., Plunkett, S. W., & Wyatt, V. H. (Manuscript in preparation).
With this sub-clinical population, handouts outlining behavior management strategies may effectively reduce common behavior problems and result in high parent satisfaction with this approach (Harwood, O'Brien, Carter, & Eyberg, manuscript in preparation).
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