Sentences with phrase «many abandon the faith»

I can see all too clearly why some abandon the faith and why there would be a sense of a burden being lifted.
Every honest Jew who knows the history of his people can not but feel a deep sense of gratitude to Islam, which has protected the Jews for fifty generations, while the Christian world persecuted the Jews and tried many times «by the sword» to get them to abandon their faith.
For my part, I am a prodigal son, who abandoned the faith for many years.
Evil tempers lead to evil actions, which in turn lead some Christians to abandon the faith and put their eternal salvation at risk.
I'd abandon my faith in virtually anything if shown that my belief is held in error.
Those who find little or no value in the institution however, rather than abandon the faith and Jesus, may make the choice to choose to follow Jesus outside the institution.
The Lord will finish what he's begun, so that every true believer will not end up abandoning the faith.
So you want me to abandon my faith for your faith that rest in blind process that know no origins.
Why do you have to try and push your beliefs on everyone else by saying we should abandon any faith in God simply because YOU do not believe?
If he had gone to another college, he said he might have stayed closeted because people might suggest abandoning his faith, something he wasn't willing to relinquish.
They seem to think that people like me, who no longer make «church» attendance as part of their weekly routine, have fallen away from God, abandoned the faith, or have given up on following Jesus.
Those taken into Babylonian captivity, as well as those left behind, now had even greater temptations placed before them to abandon faith in their God, and to turn after other gods who were clearly more powerful and victorious.
You will have to do better than «why won't people accept these facts» to convince people to abandon their faith.
You have already abandoned your faith and compromised to sin except you need to justify your prejudice and bigotry towards gays.
Satan is attacking you and trying to get you to abandon your faith all together by believing something that isn't true!
Imagine, however, that the Internal Revenue Service had been after Bob Jones to abandon faith in Jesus Christ as Son of God and Savior, the bedrock on which Christianity rests.
Hey Alex, Hitler was A baptised catholic, but abandoned the faith early in life.
This means we must not despair over despairing about our sins, nor must we abandon faith and instead substitute indifference.
In 1 Timothy 4:1, Paul says «The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons».
As Bailey puts it:» [Catholic] loyalty was still very great; few Mexicans had formally abandoned their faith — but they had, like most people in other Western nations, compartmentalized their lives.
Christians will always plug their ears to the voice of reason, to do otherwise would be to abandon faith.
Why not just abandon his faith now permanently and move on to a new career.
It makes no difference if everyone in the world abandoned the faith.
I keep hearing believers complaining that the billboard in question is somehow an attempt by atheists to «force» people to abandon their faith, or that it is «pushing atheism» on society.
Often putting words and beliefs into Michael's mouth that simply aren't true, accusing him of everything from heresy to abandoning his faith to pride.
Freddie has written a post that forces me into the odd position of defending Sam Harris; the crux of which is the claim that once we accept the human mind as being a contingent accident of evolution, we necessarily must abandon any faith in the intellectual edifices constructed by such minds:
The men who deserted Ali and abandoned their faith became famous in history as unbelievers and were known as Kharijites — the people who have forsaken their faith.
Some people hear challenges to their understanding and it leads them to abandon faith completely, but there is no reason to resort to this.
Do not abandon your Faith.
1 Timothy 4 1 The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.
3:12 - 13) makes one abandon their faith without even knowing they have done that - thinking they are still saved while sinning unrepentantly — hence they are never again able to come to repentance.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation now has a support group for the many many pastors, preachers, and ministers who finally see the light and abandon their faith.
Furthermore, as a deeply committed Christian that supports LGBT equality, I'm offended at your implication that Christians must abandon the faith or become WestBoro.
At least, that is how they describe themselves, sometimes explaining why they abandoned a Faith they never really understood.
Could the financial support of atheists mean Bell feels obliged to return the favour by eventually abandoning his faith altogether?
Could it not be as easily said that certain «believers» abandon their faith when misfortune strikes and the God of their imagination has betrayed them?
Repeatedly, Alvis notes that Poland's Christian culture has remained intact while other Europeans have abandoned their faith.
Because it lacks roots either in society or the self, people have simply abandoned the faith.
Most of my atheist friends aren't «apostates» (a term I've never really liked any way), so I'm curious about the experience of abandoning faith.
its choices are: get them to buy into a new way of reading it (that jettisons the central tenets of the faith along with it) or tell them to abandon their faith.
The test has been clear: abandon faith - based leadership requirements or face the expulsion of your group from campus.
Medical missionary David Livingstone's single convert abandoned the faith to return to polygamy.
I Timothy 4: 1 The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.
More likely is that these articles are reporting similar observation on the growing tribe of those who have left the institutional church, but who have not abandoned their faith.
But for this view, this insight, this knowledge, we must abandon our faith in the pleasant poetry of Genesis.»
I've been absolutely obsessed with this Scripture's» violent portraits of God, for I believe these portraits constitute one of the biggest reasons why many abandon the faith while many others refuse to take the Bible as God's Word seriously.
This false dichotomy can wreak havoc on young Christians raised to believe they have to choose between God and evolution, and who after encountering evidence in support of the theory, abandon faith altogether.
But of course, as much as she is hoping that I will become a believer and then be content to spend every Sunday sitting in church with her, I am hoping she will abandon her faith, (as I did after 25 years) and then she will be content to spend her Sundays with me, the man who loves her, and we could actually go off and do things together... or, we could compromise and I would be content with having one Sunday a month with her.
This doesn't mean Labour should abandon its faith in the state.
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