Sentences with phrase «many able people»

It's only recently that people and businesses are more welcoming to differently abled people working in the fashion industry.
«If you put a lot of smart and able people in the same space, give them what they need and remove barriers, magic happens,» says Daniel Weinand, Shopify co-founder, and chief design and culture officer.
The militia is the people — every able person, according to the people who created the amendment.
Working on theoretical extra dimensions can leave even the most able person lost.
However, Conservative party chairman Francis Maude yesterday insisted that the priority list of candidates «contains exceptionally able people capable of winning seats across Britain and then being outstanding MPs».
But what comes through the pages of Hearts and Minds is Oliver's ability to carry out substantial research to get at the truth of how to implement or change policy, and impartiality to motivate able people — politicians, civil servants and business types to enthusiastically help him.
Winner take all economies divert effort of highly able people from producing economic value that increases the size of the pie for everyone, to «rent seeking» which decides who gets the existing bounty without contributing to the total amount of wealth in the economy.
Actually, and in spite of what folk etymology might suggest, the word meritocracy is usually used to describe a system in which the «best» get promoted to positions of powers, not a system where a selected number of able people vote as a political body.
The most important thing during these challenging times for the nation is that David Cameron appoints the most able people to the top jobs in his team.
Getting most able persons off state benefits will then ensure taxpayers can provide generously for the genuinely needy amongst the old, sick and disabled.
Very many able people never get chosen at all, or are chosen in bad years for the Conservatives, and so fail to make it into Parliament.
it's a vicious circle, as the more labour looks unlikely to win, the less able people want to play the parliamentary game.
Research by Harvard University economist George Borjas shows that, in fact, you can: If your goal is to incentivize talented people to do important research and innovation, overcrowding their fields stalls productivity and forces many able people out.
Following Cappelli's logic, companies could solve that problem by hiring deeply educated, very able people and then providing on - the - job opportunities — as part of a probationary period, perhaps — to pick up the nonscientific knowledge they lack.
The 90 degree heat isn't a bother, though; energized teams of makers are inside, hard at work on prototypes for inventions for differently abled people — everything from a voice - activated elevator to an augmented reality program that visualizes sounds.
I meet so many good, decent, capable and able people who consistently sabotage their romantic lives, and WHY?
Dating experts and even yourself, get so hung - up on finding that great, date - able person, that they completely neglect the oh - so subtle, male to female relationship dynamics that are needed for taking things to the next level.
The fate of that establishment, and the very nice and able people who run it, provide the documentary with its narrative spine — or carriage, if you will.
Disabled actors are constantly passed over, disabled characters instead being presented as «challenging» roles for abled people to play.
A first challenge is to raise the status of teaching as a career choice, to attract more able people into teaching and to develop teaching as a knowledge - based profession.
One of the biggest challenges we face in school education is to raise the status of teaching as a career choice, to attract more able people into teaching and to develop teaching as a knowledge - based profession, writes Professor Geoff Masters AO.
It's impossible to picture how the United States will radically upgrade the quality of its three - million - member K - 12 teacher cadre, attract more able people to enter and stick with this field, ensure needy kids» access to the best instructors, or span the curriculum with people who really know their subjects as long as this archaic, civil - service pay system persists.
Q: What needs to be done to attract more academically able people into the teaching profession and keep them there?
This has provided employment opportunities to differently - abled people too.
A second and more important step is to identify policies capable of raising the status of the teaching profession and encouraging more able people to choose teaching as a career.
These observations should be of concern because the evidence is clear that the world's highest - performing nations in international achievement studies consistently attract more able people into teaching, resulting in better student outcomes.
In my recent Teacher article «Big five» challenges in school education I argue that one of the biggest challenges we face in school education is to raise the status of teaching as a career choice, to attract more able people into teaching and to develop teaching as a knowledge - based profession.
Such new investments, in turn, could lead to even greater gains, such as abler people entering and staying in the teaching field; better preschooling; better technology and textbooks; and better performance in the classroom.
The hard truth is that attracting abler people to... [teaching] will bring little improvement by itself.
Both of the authors told the audience member to write a book herself — because it doesn't matter what they, as abled people wrote about disabled people.
However, the transport allowance at enhanced rate (i.e., Rs 3,200 pm) shall continue to be available to differently - abled persons.
Assistance dogs are those animals who give differently - abled people the chance to be more independent in daily living.
Many times, differently - abled people are overlooked; talked about instead of included in conversations.

Not exact matches

«Beyond giving us so much data to explore,» said Perlis, «being able to show that depression is a brain disease, that there is biology associated with it, I think that's really critical for people to understand.»
Oftentimes the people that stay are then able to shine even more.
By consciously being aware of the fact that most negative actions from others stem from their own inner insecurities, and not from a desire to harm the receiver, we are able to respond to people in a more positive and meaningful way.
A universal basic income system would be unconditional, which he says would encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, since people who otherwise wouldn't be able to take financial risks would have the freedom to do so.
You'll be able to capture information that could be relevant to your conversation, as well as potentially locate a connection you might have in common with a person you're contacting.
It's no surprise that a former university dean would be keen for young people to be able to finish assignments on time.
Back in our caveman days, we would have been wise to select tall, strapping people to lead the tribe because they'd be able to physically defend us — and that preference prevails even today.
Take for instance people with synaesthesia, who are able to experience the perception of color with letters and numbers.
«I think there's an interesting theme there, which is you want people to feel like they're living a bit of the «good life» to be able to have espresso and beer in frosted mugs.
While everyone should be able to participate, only one person should be responsible for the overall flow of the meeting.
The best IT staffers, she found, were the ones who were able to field the calls that start with «I don't know anything about technology,» offer reassurance and empathy, and then walk people through the learning process — the ones, in other words, who offer the users some empowerment.
«I think as government officials we need to have the capacity to step back and reflect the various views expressed and see how we may be able to better serve our people.
«You love your company, you think your company is great, but if you're not around, what are people going to be able to remember?
Walker: Scientists have designed experiments and they've been able to demonstrate objectively that when people say that they're doing something in that dream that they actually are.
At industry event, I can tweet with a certain hashtag as a way to meet people whom I may be able to help (and have actually gotten clients this way).
More people now expect to be able to engage with your brand online.
Later, you will want to be able to enter keywords like «sailing» or «wireless» or «French» and find all the people you know who match that keyword.
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