Sentences with phrase «many abused women»

As powerful men across an array of industries have been accused of harassing and abusing women, both parties have had to deal with misconduct allegations in their ranks.
Stories like Dar's are newly resonant as a wide swath of industries are confronting the powerful men who harass and abuse women at work.
In a panel discussion following a Saturday screening of the film in New York, Sarkeesian — a San Francisco entrepreneur who with her team of four creates the video series Feminist Frequency — addressed possible responses to the online abuse women face from gamers, ex-boyfriends and other venomous sources.
Stories have poured forth of powerful men using their influence to coerce, exploit and abuse the women around them.
Many recent mass shooters, including Orlando shooter Omar Mateen, Texas shooter Devin Patrick Kelley, 2014 Santa Barbara shooter Elliot Rodger, and others had histories of abusing women or feeling spurned by women in their love lives.
I agree entirely with Mike Preston («NFL misses its chance to send a message, July 25) that «Men shouldn't be allowed to physically abuse women and...
This thinking only exacerbates what is becoming more and more a cultural epidemic of men objectifying and abusing women as sexual playthings.
When do Christians abuse women, have honor killings and stoning?
But a much - abused woman like Mrs. Giscard d'Estaing could at least take refuge in her spousal rights, both legal and social, while the liberated Ms. Trierweiler was a concubine, easily discarded.
She can make clear that the situation has not always been one of good, abused women versus bad, dominant men.
c. Under her so - called Charity for Single Mothers (run like a military camp), she would verbally abuse and occasionally physically abuse these women who were destitute.
In the U.S., the number of abused women falls to one in four, but domestic violence is still the leading cause of injury for women between the ages 15 and 44 — more than car accidents, muggings, and rape combined.
As more and more abused women tell their stories, we must respond with the gospel mandate to care for the suffering and to proclaim a resurrection image, a new household of freedom and justice.
The church is a safe place for those who abuse women, children, and clergy is one of the top 4 professions for domestic abuse.
It seems disingenuous to equate his teaching with «those who abuse women, children...» don't ya think?
I am sorry to vent and in no way taking away from what abused women go through, but looking back, in the name of keeping peace and wanting to do a good job as an educator, I realize now, I have been bullied, mistreated and yes, even abused by the higher ups, while the level of educational quality and my joy of teaching have been robbed by all the PC guidelines that now rule education.
What other sort of counsel has he given over the last 18 years to other abused women?
There is no question that a man who would abuse a woman is socially and psychologically twisted, but we should not allow this to in any way ameliorate the moral and public evil involved in these cases.
A goddess whose tender, outraged presence heals and strengthens abused women is entirely different from the God in whose name troubled fathers and priests sometimes rape girls and boys.
I met the woman who ran a local shelter for abused women and children, most of them from poor homes.
The third approach retells «biblical stories of terror in memoriam, offering sympathetic readings of abused women.
As long as most women believed that tradition, they never complained about their beatings, nor dared talk about them openly with other similarly abused women.
Whatever it is the Christian men are doing to abuse their women and families and make the women attack each other is very rotten, too.
His followers behave just like him, murdering, abusing women, and silencing anyone who disagrees with them.
This authority structure is typically described as a series of «coverings» or «protections» but unfortunately, the effect is often the opposite, as abused women and children find they have no recourse or power, as every decision in their lives must be made by a series of men, many of whom are more invested in protecting the reputation of the ministry than the people in it.
Bancroft states that he has «almost never worked with an abused woman who overlooked her abuser's humanity.
T - party, yeah right; men were born to abuse women and parents were born to abuse children.
do they help abused women?
Problem definition is so overwhelming, that it may be what drove Rachel Held Evans away from the wounded and abused women of the church.
Despite its limitations and the significant abuse women suffered as a result of it, Williams argued that the mammy role was «the most powerful and authoritative one slave women could fill.»
It is pornographic in the sense that so much of pornography is less about sex and relationships and more about domination and abuse and so very often it is men dominating and abusing women.
And if you know the God of the Bible, the universe, the abused women, the slave, and of all creatures, you will have no need to question him.
Women in Islam are happy because they are committed to their families and their husband the same... THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS... JUST LIKE THERE IS SNOOP DOG WHO TALK CRAP ABOUT WOMEN THERE ARE EXTREMISTS WHO HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM WHO ABUSE WOMEN... but just check out your local newspaper and count how many rapes happen in your town you will get an idea... or go to BET or MTV and was for yourself how women are treated....
Abused women often feel more confused and weak than they can admit.
Abused women tend to be passive, putting up with their husbands» violent behavior in order to «keep» them, often thinking they deserve the abuse, and justifying their passivity and acceptance as their self - sacrificial duty and lot in life.
Guess that what you get you when grow up in trailers and live off the North American diet a bunch of bald fuking Morons that can't beat men in fights so they abuse the women they with.
Why do think that the abused women in the Cosby matter chose to not go public earlier?
We may think this is extreme, but the fact is: It's not uncommon for abused women to be in grave danger in their relationships.
All 50 - 50 does is make sure that abused women (and men) can't get out.
It could lead them to potentially abuse women, thinking it was okay because that is what a relationship is about, so denying that there is not any abuse in these books could be quite harmful on our society.
Our full list of ministry partners along with their missions is here: but a majority of them provide counseling and support for recovering addicts or a safe haven and support for at - risk or previously abused women, children, and families.
They choose to use violence to control and abuse women.
The men who rape, beat and abuse women are not sick.
Each one of those famous men have allegedly abused women.
Federal prosecutors said NXIVM founder Keith Raniere's «decades» long history of abusing women and girls» is among the reasons he should remain in custody without bond while his criminal case is pending.
«VAWA provides shelter and justice to abused women and protects families.
But Schneiderman's reputation and career have collapsed after The New Yorker revealed that he, too, allegedly abused women.
... I have spent three years protecting the men on my client list... [but] I will no longer protect those that abuse women
Dr. Chartock also discusses the ongoing probe into former New York state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who is accused of abusing women.
«It is different, however, than what Vito Lopez did, which is actually be the person who was abusing women.
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